| - TBA
- Hygroscopic cotton that is soft to the touch. It is used in everyday clothing.
- |width="50%" valign="top" align="left"|
- Available at level 1. This is a crop harvested from fields.
- He is encountered in the Bio Research Lab in Shrike. He had been captured during a mission to track down interregional bandits. The party rescues him from some scientists. His starting form is a Tidi, a furry little monster with a long tail.
- Cotton is a soft, staple fiber that grows in a form known as a boll around the seeds of the cotton plant, a shrub native to tropical and subtropical regions. It is used for many tailoring products. Handful of cotton weights around 0.3 lbs
- Cotton, es pirata mudo perdiendo su lengua antes de que la serie de la película comenzara. Incapaz de hablar, él entrena a su Macaw Azul-y-amarillo, para utilizar una gran cantidad de frases esencialmente para hablar para él. Joshamee Gibbs lo contrata Jack Sparrow y en la maldición de la perla negra para recuperar la perla negra de Barbossa. Él vuelve en las dos secuelas de la pelicula, sirviendo leal a jack hasta ensamblar con Barbossa en el fin del mundo. El loro, junto con jack el mono, a menudo habeces hacen actos comicos durante la pelicula.
- Cotton was a soft fiber that grew around the seeds of the cotton plant, a shrub native to both the tropical and subtropical regions of some . The fiber was most often spun into thread and used to make a soft, breathable textile, which was a popular natural-fiber cloth in clothing in the days of the Imperium. It was one of the shrubs cultivated in the ecological transformation of the planet Arrakis under Planetologist Pardot Kynes.
- Description This staple fiber is native to tropical and subtropical regions. The fiber is spun into yarn and used to make a soft, breathable textile that is the most widely used natural-fiber cloth today.
* Tower I
* Tower IV
* Cotton Fabric
- The tile is improved with a plantation and adds 1 File:Happy.gif to connected cities. Tiles with the Cotton resource have additional File:Commerce.gif production.
- Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, or protective capsule, around the seeds of cotton plants. The fiber is most often spun into yarn or thread and used to make a soft, breathable textile. Captain Kyle Rogers and SG-X were taught that corn and cotton were indigenous to North America in order to infiltrate Stargate Command. (SG1: "Rules of Engagement") Dr. Richard Flemming developed hybrid strains of disease resistant corn and cotton. (SG1: "Nightwalkers")
- Cotton is a crafting component that is needed to craft thread. As such, thread can also be dismantled to get cotton.
- Cotton can be found or planted in:
- Cotton ist Steuermann der Black Pearl. Er hat keine Zunge mehr und hat daher einen Papagei, der für ihn sprechen soll.
- Level: 4 Selling Price: $5
- RWAL SEED CORPORATION & COTTON GINNER Write the second section of your page here.
- "Cotton" is a Moon Man song from The Man on the Moon Productions EP. Its lyrics are a parody of "Hive" by Earl Sweatshirt.
- Cotton may refer to:
* a Hobbit family-clan of the Shire, the Cottonses
* Cotton or cottage-town, a Hobbit-Settlement
- Cotton ist ein Mensch des 30. Jahrhunderts. Er gehört zur Garde des Marshals von Solos und ist auf der Raumstation Skybase One stationiert, die sich im Orbit des Planeten Solos befindet. Gemeinsam mit seinem Kollegen Stubbs stellt er sich gegen seinen Vorgesetzten und verbündet sich mit dem Dritten Doctor. Sie unterstützen diesen, die Unterdrückunge der Solonianer durch den Marshal zu beenden.
- Cotton (コットン, Kotton) est une naine du Royaume de Tontatta qui est apparue sur Green Bit.
- Apareció por primera vez cuando Zoro y Franky estaban en la guarida del Ejército de Riku junto con Baxcon e Inhel.
- Cotton was a pirate who operated in the Caribbean during the Age of Piracy, most notably during the mid-18th century. Prior to joining the crew of the Black Pearl, Cotton had his tongue cut out, due to an encounter with Mungard. He subsequently trained his loyal parrot to speak for him—though how he, as a mute, achieved such a feat remains unknown.
- Cotton is a FarmVille seed/crop. Farmers of at least level 9 may grow cotton and will gain File:XP-icon.png experience points per seed by the planting process. Purchasing seeds costs for each plot planted. Harvesting this crop, the farmer will receive 207 coins. Cotton takes 12 hours to grow to maturity. Withering starts on this crop 24 hours after planting.
- Cotton is one of the holiday pets. Cotton is a white bunny with a blue bow tie, a pink, furry oval on his belly, and an egg carrier with an egg, which he bring everywhere he goes (even if he's playing a pet game). You can only get him for a limited amount of time (because Cotton is a limited pet).
- Cotton is a pirate on the Cerulean Ocean. He originally landed on Winter Solstice in December of 2003 and is currently captain of the crew The Spittin' Kittens and king of the flag Nine Lives on the Cerulean Ocean.
* Former senior officer of the crew Legally Drunk.
- Cotton was a Rokugani plant whose fiber crop was used for fabrics.
- Cotton è una nana appartenente al regno di Tontatta facente parte della squadra dei ricognitori.
- Existen dos personas vinculadas a la apicultura con el apellido Cotton, ellas son: 1.
* William Charles Cotton 2.
* Lizzie E. Cotton, L. E. Cotton
- Cotton seperti kurcaci lainnya bertubuh kecil, hidung lancip dan memiliki ekor. Dia memakai topi putih bulat dengan rambut pirang lurus yang ditata menutupi salah satu mata seperti tampilan Sanji. Dia memakai pakaian gelap dengan empat bulatan putih, sarung tangan putih panjang serta ekornya ditutupi seperti rok warna gelap dengan bulatan-bulatan serupa. Dia juga terlihat membawa sebuah tombak.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, or protective capsule, around the seeds of cotton plants of the genus Gossypium in the family of Malvaceae. The fiber is almost pure cellulose. Under natural conditions, the cotton bolls will tend to increase the dispersion of the seeds.
- Eating/Drinking habits- As stated before, cotton has an insatiable thirst for water; but for cotton, water alone is not enough. Take the accounts of these everyday people who have seen first hand the greedy tendencies of cotton. Fluffy Facade- Cotton on the outside appears to be white and fluffy. On the inside, however, its heart is black and hard as stone. THE WAR ON COTTON
- Cotton is one of 31 Rare Resources in the game and available from the beginning. It appears as a brown-white field representing a cotton plantation. Like all rare resources on land, cotton can be obtained by sending a Merchant from the Market to the resource location. Cotton provides the following benefits:
* File:Timber.jpg Timber gather rate +20
* Barracks, Stable and Dock units production times reduced by 25%. Note: Despite the description, Cotton actually increases the current production progress by 25%. This is equivalent to a production time reduction of 20%, not 25%.
- One bale of cotton can make 1,217 men's T-shirts or 313,600 $100 bills.[1] Cotton fabric is used to make lightweight summer clothing. It tends to "breath", allowing more air circulation than many other fabrics and wicking away perspiration. The fabric is generally smooth and soft as well as absorbent, so it is popular for towels, sheets, and clothing worn next to the skin, such as underwear.