| - Mario Paint ist aus heutiger Sicht nichts Besonderes, man wundert sich sogar drüber: Wie der Name schon verrät, enthält das Spiel ein Malprogramm. Außerdem kann man ein Musikprogramm und ein Animationsprogramm verwenden. Das Spiel hatte seinerzeit etwas revolutionäres: Man benötigte keinen Controller, sonder vielmehr eine Maus, wie man sie vom Computer aus kennt. Für den Nintendo 64 erschien der Nachfolger Mario Artists. Mario Artists konnte auch 3D-Modelle erstellen.
- p Informations Développeur(s) Éditeur(s) Plateforme(s) Genre Moniteur Commandes Série Mode Date(s) de sortie Évaluations Langue(s) disponible(s) Mario Paint (Japonais : マリオペイント) est un jeu de dessin et de composition de musique sorti sur Super Nintendo en 1992 vendu avec une souris comme dans le jeu Mario & Wario sur Super Famicom au Japon et une tablette pour diriger la souris. Ce jeu a reçu des critiques plutôt positives, mais a eu de lourdes reproches sur la maniabilité de la souris, surtout quand il faut faire des détails précis.
- rightMario Paint es un título singular de Super Nintendo, ya que daba apoyo al poco conocido periférico SNES Mouse para la creación de arte en la máquina 16 bits. El juego recibió una edición Player's Choice.
- Mario Paint is a video game that was released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in mid-1992. The game came packaged with the little known SNES Mouse, which was used as the main method of input. Because of this, the game's packaging was larger than normal. Today, the most popular game included within the game is the Mario Paint Composer, which allows players to compose their own works of music using a wide range of different notes in the style of Mario characters, items, and objects—ironic since the primary part of the game is the paint program which is in a similar style to MS Paint. This game also recieved a Player's Choice award.
- Mario Paint es un videojuego que fue lanzado para el Super Nintendo Entertainment System, a mediados de 1992. El juego era uno de los que utilizaba el poco conocida SNES Mouse, que fue utilizado como el mando principal. Debido a esto, el embalaje del juego era más grande de lo normal. Hoy en día, el juego más popular incluido dentro del juego es el Mario Paint Composer, que permite a los jugadores componer sus propias obras musicales utilizando una amplia gama de diferentes notas en el estilo de personajes de Mario, elementos y objetos, pero la parte primaria del juego es el programa de pintura que es de en un estilo similar a MS Paint.
- Mario Paint is a video game that was released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in mid-1992. The game came packaged with the SNES Mouse, which was used as the main method of input. Because of this, the game's packaging was larger than normal. Today, the most popular game included within the game is the Mario Paint Composer, which allows players to compose their own works of music using a wide range of different notes in the style of Mario characters, items, and objects—ironic since the primary part of the game is the paint program which is in a similar style to MS Paint.
- Mario Paint (1992) was a painting game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, featuring Mario. It was the first game to use the SNES Mouse peripheral, and came bundled with it. The game had various activities: making images using brushes, stamps, and patterns; creating animations; creating music (which could be used in the animations); loading pre-defined images to color or edit in any other manner; and creating custom stamps. Mario Paint also had a well-known minigame called "Coffee Break" (also referred to as "Gnat Attack" in the manual), in which you had to swat flies to progress through the level, going on forever until you lost all of your lives from getting hit by the flies. This minigame would later be featured in Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Microgame$.