Leader:Leadername deputyDeputyname medcatMedcatname warriorsWarriornames apprenticesApprenticenames queensQueennames kitsKitnames eldersEldernames *
Attributes | Values |
| - When BloodClan Took Over/Characters
| - Leader:Leadername deputyDeputyname medcatMedcatname warriorsWarriornames apprenticesApprenticenames queensQueennames kitsKitnames eldersEldernames *
| - Leopardstar-unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat
- Tigerstar-big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws, formerly of ThunderClan
- Tallstar-black-and-white tom with a very long tail
- Firestar-handsome ginger tomApprentice, Bramblepaw
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| - Cedarpaw-N/A*Rowanpaw-N/A*
- Dawnpaw-N/A*
- Gorsepaw-N/A*
- Lostface-she-cat, white with ginger splotchesThornpaw-golden brown tabby tomFernpaw-pale gray she-cat, pale green eyesAshpaw-pale gray tom, dark blue eyesBramblepaw-dark brown tabby tom, amber eyesTawnypaw-tortoiseshell she-cat, green eyes'''
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| - None
- One-eye-pale gray she-cat, the oldest she-cat in ThunderClan; virtually blind and deafSmallear-gray tom with very small ears; the oldest tom in ThunderClanDappletail-once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coatSpeckletail-pale tabby
| - Tallpoppy-long-legged light brown tabby she-cat
- Mosspelt-tortoiseshell she-cat
- Ashfoot-gray queenMorningflower-tortoiseshell queenWhitetail-small white she-cat
- Willowpelt-very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes
| - Deadfoot-black tom with a twisted paw
- Blackfoot-large white tom with huge jet-black paws, formerly a rogue cat
- Apprentice, Stormpaw
- Whitestorm-big white tom
- Stonefur-gray tom with battle-scarred ears
| - Barkface-short-tailed brown tom
- Cinderpelt-dark gray she-cat
- Mudfur-long-haired light brown tom
- Runningnose-small gray-and-white tom
| - Mudclaw-mottled dark brown tomWebfoot-dark gray tabby tomTornear-tabby tomTawnyfur-golden brown she-catOnewhisker-brown tabby tomApprentice, GorsepawRunningbrook-light gray she-cat
- Darkstripe-sleek black-and-gray tabby tomApprentice, Fernpaw'Longtail-pale tabby tom with dark black stripesMousefur-small dusky brown she-catApprentice, Thornpaw'Brackenfur-golden brown tabby tomApprentice, Tawnypaw'Dustpelt-dark brown tabby tomApprentice, Ashpaw'Sandstorm-pale ginger she-catGraystripe-long-haired gray tomFrostfur-beautiful white she-cat and blue eyesGoldenflower-pale ginger she-catCloudtail-long-haired white tom
- Blackclaw-smoky black tomHeavystep-thickset tabby tomApprentice, Dawnpaw'Mistyfoot-gray she-cat with blue eyesApprentice, Featherpaw'Loudbelly-dark brown tom
- Oakfur-small brown tomLittlecloud-very small tabby tom
Boulder-skinny gray tom, formerly a rogue catRussetfur-dark ginger she-cat, formerly a rogue catApprentice, CedarpawJaggedtooth-huge tabby tom, formerly a rogue catApprentice, Rowanpaw
| - Leader:Leadername deputyDeputyname medcatMedcatname warriorsWarriornames apprenticesApprenticenames queensQueennames kitsKitnames eldersEldernames *