| - Chelostomoides Robertson 1901: 231. Type species: Megachile rugifrons Smith 1854: 220 [= Megachile rufimanus Robertson 1891]. Subsequent designation (Mitchell 1938: 412). Oligotropus Robertson 1903: 168. Type species: Megachile campanulae Robertson 1903. Synonymy of Mitchell 1937a: 381. Gnathodon Robertson 1903: 168. Type species: Megachile georgicus Cresson 1878. Pre-occupied. Sarogaster Robertson 1918: 92. Proposed to replace Gnathodon Robertson. Synonymy of Mitchell 1937a: 381. Megachile (Chelostomoides) Mitchell 1934: 298, 306, 937d: 382-383 [redescriptions of female and male], 1943b: 664, 1956: 129-131, 1973: 6. Michener 1953: 1059, 2000: 553. Michener et al 1994: 149. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) Michener 1962: 20. Mitchell 1980: 35-39 [redescriptions of female and male]. Chelostomoidella Snelling 1990: 36-37. Type species: Megachile (Chelostomoides) spinotulata Mitchell 1934. Original designation. Synonymy of Michener The subgenus is most abundant in southwestern U.S.A., through Mexico and Central America. Seventeen species are neotropical, one of which also occurs in U.S.A. Three are West Indian, three have been collected in Colombia and one in Peru. R. R. Snelling (1990) redescribed the subgenus and twenty species and also described five new species. Both he (1990: 5-8) and Mitchell (1956: 134-138) provided keys to the identification of members of the subgenus.
* 1. Megachile (Chelostomoides) abacula Cresson Megachile abacula Cresson 1878: 130-131. Female. Type locality: Mexico (Sumichrast). Type repository: ANSP 2437. Examined. Megachile (Oligotropus) gualanensis Cockerell 1912b: 27-28. Female. Type locality: Gualan, Guatemala (W.P. Cockerell). Type repository: USNM 54861. Examined. Synonymy of Snelling 1990: 25-26. Megachile (Chelostomoides) gualanensis : Mitchell 1934: 301. Megachile (Chelostomoides) abacula : Mitchell 1943b: 664. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) abacula : Snelling 1990: 25-26 (D, F, L, R-FM). ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. W. P. Cockerell 1912: 279 (D, N, P); Cresson 1916: 110 (T as M. gualanensis); Mitchell 1930: 177 (D); 1956: 135-136 (K); Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). DISTRIBUTION. COSTA RICA: Guanacaste. HONDURAS. MEXICO: CP; AO; YU. GUATEMALA. NICARAGUA. FLOWERS. Andira inermis, Cordia collococca, Lonchocarpus costaricensis, Melanthera nivea, Phyllocarpus, Salvia. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly from September to April. NESTING. In mud walls. PREDATOR. Coelioxys sanguinosus.
* 2. Megachile (Chelostomoides) alucaba Snelling Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) alucaba Snelling 1990: 26-27. Female. Type locality: 9.2 km W Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Type repository: LACM. Megachile (Chelostomoides) alucaba : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: JA; MO; PU; SI; ZA. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly in September and October.
* 3. Megachile (Chelostomoides) armaticeps Cresson Megachile armaticeps Cresson 1869: 296-297. Female. Type locality: Cuba. Type repository: GCH (no.527). Megachile (Sayapis) armaticeps : Krombein 1953b: 22, : Raw 2002 # 7: 7. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) armaticeps : Snelling 1990: 28. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Gundlach 1886: 164-165 (D, R-F); Cresson 1916: 12 (T); Alayo 1976: 23 (D). DISTRIBUTION. CUBA: Matanza, Oriente (a rare coastal species).
* 4. Megachile (Chelostomoides) asymmetrica (Snelling) Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) asymmetrica Snelling 1990: 9-13. Male. Type locality: Oaxaca, Mexico, 8 Sept 1965 on Caesalpinia sclerocarpa (D. H. Janzen). Type repository: KANS. Megachile (Chelostomoides) asymmetrica : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: JA, OA, QR; SL; YU. LIFE HISTORY. Adults collected in February, April and September.
* 5. Megachile (Chelostomoides) axyx (Snelling) Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) axyx Snelling 1990: 32-33. Female. Type locality: Hacienda Comelco, 24 km NW Cañas, Costa Rica, 16 Feb 1972 on Andira inermis (E. R. Heithaus). Type repository: LACM. Megachile (Chelostomoides) axyx : Raw 2002 # 7: 7. DISTRIBUTION. COSTA RICA: Guanacaste. FLOWERS. Andira inermis, Byrsonima, Caesalpinia eriostachys, Dalbergia retusa, Gliricidia sepium, Lonchocarpus costaricensis, Myrospermum frutescens, Pterocarpus rohrii, Securidaca sylvestris, Simaruba glauca, Tabebuia rosea. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly from November to April.
* 6. Megachile (Chelostomoides) bipartita Smith Megachile bipartita Smith 1879: 83. Female. Type locality: Oaxaca, Mexico. Type repository: NHML 17a2471. Examined. Megachile (Chelostomoides) bipartita : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1905: 340 (K). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: OA.
* 7. Megachile (Chelostomoides) cartagenensis Mitchell Megachile cartagenensis Mitchell 1930: 176-177. Male. Type locality: Cartagena, Colombia, 30 October 1926 (George Salt). Type repository: NHML 17a2408. Examined. Megachile (Chelostomoides) cartagenensis : Mitchell 1934: 301. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Mitchell 1956: 137 (K). DISTRIBUTION. COLOMBIA.
* 8. Megachile (Chelostomoides) ecplectica (Snelling) Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) ecplectica Snelling 1990: 35-36. Female. Type locality: 11.4 mi W Chilpancingo, 7700 ft elev., Guerrero, Mexico, 31 July 1969 (University of Kansas Mexican Expedition). Type repository: KANS. Megachile (Chelostomoides) ecplectica : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: GU.
* 9. Megachile (Chelostomoides) haemotoxylonae Mitchell Megachile haemotoxylonae Mitchell 1930: 178-179. Female. Type locality: Mamatoco, Santa Marta, Colombia, 18 February 1927 (M. A. Carriker). Type repository: NHML 17a2403. Examined. Megachile (Chelostomoides) haemotoxylonae : Mitchell 1934: 301. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Mitchell 1956: 135 (K). DISTRIBUTION. COLOMBIA: Santa Marta. FLOWERS. Haematoxylon.
* 10. Megachile (Chelostomoides) izucara Cresson Megachile izucara Cresson 1878: 131. Male. Type locality: Mexico (Sumichrast). Type repository: ANSP 2438. Megachile (Chelostomoides) izucara : Mitchell 1934: 301. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cresson 1916: 121 (T); Ayala et al 1997: 455. DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO.
* 11. Megachile (Chelostomoides) jamaicae (Raw) Chelostomoides jamaicae Raw 1984a: 495. Female. Type locality: Port Royal Cemetery, Jamaica, 11 April 1974 (A. Raw). Type repository: OUM. Examined. Megachile (Chelostomoides) jamaicae : Raw 2002 # 7: 8. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Raw 1985: 2-13 (D, F, M). This rare species is similar to Megachile (Chelostomoides) abacula in general form and colour and in the shape of the clypeus. DISTRIBUTION. JAMAICA: AW. FLOWERS. Capparis ferruginea L.
* 12. Megachile (Chelostomoides) otomita Cresson Megachile otomita Cresson 1878: 123. Male. Type locality: Mexico (Sumichrast). Type repository: ANSP 2417. Examined. Megachile squamosa Friese 1916: 340. Male & Female. Type locality: San José, Costa Rica [females]/ Popayan, Colombia [male]. Type repository: Unknown. Synonymy of Mitchell 1930: 176 (D). Megachile knabi Cockerell 1919a: 215-216. Male. Type locality: Cordoba, Mexico, 20 Dec 1907 (F. Knab). Type repository: USNM 21685. Examined. Synonymy of Mitchell 1930: 176. Megachile (Chelostomoides) otomita : Mitchell 1934: 301. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) otomita : Snelling 1990: 19-20 (D, F, L). ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cresson 1916: 126 (T); Friese 1921: 80 (N, L, P as M. squamosa); Cockerell 1932: 13 (D, K); 1949: 450 (D, L); Mitchell 1956: 135 (K), 138 (K); Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BELIZE: Corozal. COLOMBIA: Antioquia, Valle; Popayan. COSTA RICA: Cartago, Guanacaste, San José; Mount Redonda. GUATEMALA. HONDURAS: Zamorano. MEXICO: CP; JA; MO, AO; QR; SL; TA; VC; YU- Chichenitza. FLOWERS. Acacia tenuiflora, Andira inermis, Aster, Leonurus, Lotus, Salvia, Triplaris americana. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly throughout the year. NESTING. In bamboo stems. PREDATORS. Possibly Stelis costaricensis.
* 13. Megachile (Chelostomoides) peruviana Smith Megachile peruviana Smith 1879: 79. Female. Type locality: Peru. Type repository: NHML 17a2500. Examined. Megachile (Chelostomoides) peruviana : Mitchell 1943b: 664. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1949: 450 (D); Mitchell 1956: 135, 136 (K). DISTRIBUTION. PERU. HONDURAS: Zamorano.
* 14. Megachile (Chelostomoides) quadridentata Mitchell Megachile quadridentata Mitchell 1930: 177-178. Female. Type locality: Guadalajara, Mexico. Type repository: USNM. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) quadridentata : Snelling 1990: 20-21. Megachile (Chelostomoides) quadridentata : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: GE, GU, JA, MO, OA, PU, SI, SL, VC, ZA. FLOWER. Caesalpinia sclerocarpa. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly throughout the year.
* 15. Megachile (Chelostomoides) rawi Engel Chelostomoides pedalis Raw 1984a: 494-495. Female. Type locality: Maryland, St. Andrew, Jamaica, 30 June 1972 (A. Raw). Type repository: OUM. Examined. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Raw 1985: 2-13 (D, F, M). Megachile (Chelostomoides) rawi : Engel 1999: 2. New name for Chelostomoides pedalis Raw. This rare species is the size, colour and approximate shape of M. (Neomegachile) pedalis Fox. DISTRIBUTION. JAMAICA: AW. FLOWER. Piscidia piscipula.
* 16. Megachile (Chelostomoides) reflexa (Snelling) Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) reflexa Snelling 1990: 21-22. Male. Type locality: Estacion Biologia de Chamela, near San Patricio, Jalisco, Mexico, 12 May 1980 (S. H. Bullock). Type repository: LACM. Megachile (Chelostomoides) reflexa : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: GE, JA, MO, NA, OA, PU, SI, SO. FLOWERS. Antigonum leptopus, Caesalpinia sclerosa, Cercidium, Lonchocarpus, Prosopis. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly throughout the year.
* 17. Megachile (Chelostomoides) texensis Mitchell Megachile (Chelostomoides) texensis Mitchell 1956: 132-133. Female. Type locality: Southmost, Cameron County, Texas, 13 April 1950 on Parkinsonia (Beamer, Stephen, Michener & Rozens). Type repository: USNM. Examined. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) texensis : Hurd 1979: 2076 (N, F, P). Megachile (Chelostomoides) texensis : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Snelling 1990: 33-35 (D, F, R-FM). DISTRIBUTION. COSTA RICA: Guanacaste. MEXICO: CH; JÁ; PU; SO; VC; YU. U.S.A.: TX. FLOWERS. Agastache breviflora, Andira inermis, Caesalpinia eriostachys, Dalbergia retusa, Gliricidia sepium, Lonchocarpus costaricensis, Parkinsonia. All are Leguminosae. NESTING. Nest site: old beetle burrows of ramada. LIFE HISTORY. Flight records are from December to August.