| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 07:10, December 14, 2013 (UTC)
- Ubisoft published the action-RPG "The Bard's Tale" in 2005, which had been developed by Brian Fargo's company InXile. Ubisoft probably undertook distribution for InXile in Europe. Ubisoft seems to have little interest left for the game. The promotion webpage www.thebardstale.com is no longer online; it automatically links the the ubisoft homepage. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Ubisoft (ehemals Ubi Soft) ist ein Spieleentwickler und Publisher aus Frankreich. Ubisofts Zentrale liegt in Paris. Mit Niederlassungen in über 20 Ländern ist Ubisoft einer der größten Spielepublisher weltweit.
- Ubisoft Montreal, a subsidiary of Ubisoft Entertainment, is responsible for the development and publication of the Assassin's Creed series. Development of future installments in the series will be headed by Ubisoft Quebec. Ubisoft Montreal, a subsidiary of Ubisoft Entertainment, is responsible for the development and publication of the Assassin's Creed series. Development of future installments in the series will be headed by Ubisoft Quebec. Ubisoft subsidiaries include Ubiworkshop and Gameloft.
- Ubisoft Entertainment S.A. is a French video game developer and publisher, known for developing games from franchises like Far Cry and Prince of Persia. The company was founded in 1986 in France. It grew steadily, eventually purchasing companies like Red Storm Entertainment and Gamebusters. Ubisoft's currently doing financially well, still developing games. Ubisoft developed Carmageddon (PlayStation).
- Ubisoft is a French video game publisher and developer, who made Watch Dogs.
- Ubisoft Entertainment S.A. (/ˈjuːbisɒft/ yoo-bee-soft; Euronext: UBI) is a French global video game publisher and developer, with headquarters in Montreuil, France. The company originating from Carentoir (Morbihan, Brittany) has a worldwide presence with 26 studios in 19 countries and subsidiaries in 26 countries. The name "Ubi" comes from the acronym Union des Bretons Indépendants (Independent Breton Union).
- 250px|right Ubisoft Entertainment S.A. ist ein französischer Spieleentwickler und Publisher und gründete 2005 das Tochterunternehmen Owlient, das das Spiel Howrse verwaltet.
- right|200px Ubisoft Entertainment ist ein Spieleentwickler und Publisher aus Frankreich. Die Ubisoft Zentrale liegt in Rennes,Frankreich. Mit Niederlassungen in über 20 Ländern ist Ubisoft einer der größten Spielepublisher weltweit. Ubisoft Montreal ist bei der Entwicklung der Assassin's Creed -Reihe massgeblich beteiligt und ist mit 1600 Mitarbeitern eine der größten Ubisoftstudios weltweit.
- Création d’Ubisoft Entertainment S.A, société française d’édition et de distribution de logiciels ludiques et éducatifs, par les cinq frères Guillemot. Premiers succès sur PC, Amstrad™, Atari™, et Amiga™, et premiers partenariats avec les plus grandes société d’édition américaines et européennes : Elite™, Electronic Arts, Sierra, LucasArts™, Novalogic®…
- Ubisoft is a major developer and publisher. They have created plenty of top-notch games such as the Rayman and Splinter Cell series.
- Ubisoft is a video game company, perhaps best known for the Rayman video game series.
- Ubisoft Montreal, a subsidiary of Ubisoft Entertainment, was responsible for the development and publication of the Assassin's Creed series until 2014. Development is now headed by Ubisoft Quebec. Ubisoft subsidiaries include Ubiworkshop and Gameloft.
- Ubisoft is a video game developer and publisher. After Konami's long hold on the TMNT video games license, Ubisoft secured the rights. Ubisoft's license either expired or was terminated when Viacom purchased the rights to the franchise.
- thumb|250px|Logo UbisoftUbisoft Entertainment (dawniej Ubi Soft) – przedsiębiorstwo produkujące oraz wydające gry komputerowe i konsolowe. Jego główna siedziba znajduje się w Montreuil-sous-Bois, we Francji. Ma siedziby w ponad 20 krajach, łącznie z rozwijającymi się studiami, m.in. w Montrealu, Toronto, Barcelonie, Północnej Karolinie (USA), Dusserdolfie, Mediolanie. Od roku 2008 jest trzecim co do wielkości niezależnym wydawcą gier wideo w Europie i czwartym co do wielkości w USA.
- Ubisoft is an adorable little company that thinks it can make video shames. It is also one of the most successful shame production companies in the entire UnWorld. Ubisoft's success is often cited to be a strange combination of excellent video shame creation and a a loyal fanbase that put up with all of Ubisoft's crap. The company ranks second in the "Shaming Company Most Likely to be Run by Morons", right after EA.
- In 1995, Ubisoft produced Rayman, a two-dimensional platformer that revolved around a unique character named Rayman. It had very advanced graphics and animation for its time and led to many sequels.
- Ubisoft is a game development company based in France that published Myst III: Exile and Myst V: End of Ages and developed Myst IV: Revelation after acquiring the publishing rights to the series from Broderbund. This article is a Stub. You can help D'ni by expanding it.
- Ubisoft ist ein Spieleentwickler und Publisher aus Frankreich. Die Firma wurde 1986 von den fünf Guillemot-Brüdern gegründet. In Europa werden die Spiele von Bethesda durch Ubisoft vertrieben. Dazu zählt die komplette "The Elder Scrolls"-Reihe, bis auf The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion für den PC und die Xbox.
- "When my brothers and I created Ubisoft back in 1986, we started out with a simple motivation: work with passionate people and make fun games. Today, to continue surprising our millions of fans all over the world, we're always on the lookout for new ways to push back the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Beyond simple games, we strive to create immersive and engaging creative worlds that not only offer moments of pure fun, escapism and adventure, but also opportunities for learning and self-discovery. The video game industry is constantly evolving, and Ubisoft teams and I are eager to take up the next challenges in store so that you can have even more gaming pleasure." —Yves Guillemont, co-founder and CEO of Ubisoft
- Ubisoft is the fourth-largest independent game publisher in the world, trailing Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts (EA). Ubisoft Entertainment S.A’s worldwide presence includes 29 studios in 19 countries. The company has subsidiaries in 26 countries. Ubisoft's largest development studio is Ubisoft Montreal in Canada, which employs about 2,100 people.
- Ubisoft was and is a French video game company founded in 1986 by five brothers all of who have the sir-name Guillemot, it's headquaters in Montreuil-sous-Bois, Paris in France. It was publisher of 2001 game for the ps2 video game console and 2003 game Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for Xbox, ps2 and GBA video game consoles. It also published the following games... 10 Great Games (1991) – Ami, DOS 10 Megahits Vol. 2 (1990) – Ami, DOS 10 Megahits Vol. 3 (1991) – Ami, DOS 187: Ride or Die (2005) – PS2, Xbox 100 All-Time Favorites (2009) – NDS Academy of Champions (2009) – Wii Animaniacs (2011) – Wii Action Soccer (1995) – DOS The Adventures of Valdo & Marie (1997) – Win Air Combat Aces (1991) – Ami Alexander (2004) – Win Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001 (2001) – PS1 Alfred Hitchcock Prese
- thumb|200px|Logo de UbisoftUbisoft Entertainment es un compañía francesa desarrolladora y distribuidora de videojuegos, fundada en 1986. Yves Guillemot, uno de los fundadores, es el actual CEO y Presidente de la compañía.2 Las oficinas centrales se ubican en Montreuil-Sous-Bois, Francia.
- Ubisoft Entertainment S.A (/ˈjuːbiːsɒft/ pronunciado como iu-bi-soft) es una empresa multinacional francesa desarrolladora y publicadora de videojuegos, con sede en Montreuil, Francia. Ubisoft ha estado ligada a Nintendo desde hace mucho tiempo atrás, aunque en la mayoría de casos, "porteando" juegos de otras consolas. Ubisoft es la tercera compañía de videojuegos third-party más grande del mundo. Ubisoft incluye 29 estudios en 19 países. La compañía tiene subsidiarias en 26 países. El estudio más grande de Ubisoft es Ubisoft Montreal en Canadá, quien tiene 2.100 trabajadores.
- Ubisoft is a major developer and publisher.. They have created plenty of top-notch games such as the Rayman and Splinter Cell series. The company has facilities in over 20 countries, with studios in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City, Canada; Bucharest, Romania; Barcelona, Spain; Shanghai, Chengdu, China; Singapore; Cary, North Carolina, USA; Düsseldorf, Germany; Sofia, Bulgaria; Casablanca, Morocco; Sydney, Australia; Milan, Italy; Pune, India; São Paulo, Brazil; and Libya amongst other locations. This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
- Ubisoft Entertainment S.A. is a major French video game publisher and developer, with headquarters in Montreuil, France. The company has a worldwide presence with 25 studios in 17 countries and subsidiaries in 26 countries.