| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 03:42, December 2, 2013 (UTC)
- Первая версия была выпущена 24 декабря 2004 г. не более чем экспериментом в Source SDK. Игра ничем не отличалась от Half-Life 2, в ней было только несколько отличающихся кнопок: создающая манхэков, добавляющая все оружие и отключающая искусственный интеллект внутриигровых персонажей. bind "m" "npc_create npc_manhack" bind "z" "impulse 101" bind "x" "ai_disable"
- Garry's Mod, often abbreviated as GMOD, is a sandbox physics game using a modified Source engine, created by Garry Newman and his games studio, Facepunch Studios. It was originally a modification for Valve's Half-Life 2 on December 24, 2004, but was later made into a standalone game on Steam on November 26, 2009.
- Garry's Mod.
- Garry's Mod (рус. Мод Гарри) — модификация Half-Life 2. Является физической "песочницей", дающей игроку возможность манипулировать объектами в пространстве, а также экспериментировать с физикой на движке Source.
- Garry's Mod (unofficially abbreiviated as Gmod), was first released in November 26, 2006, and is a non-linear physics game, or as some would call it, a physics sandbox. There are no preset objectives for the game; it is only limited by the user's creative ability. Although Garry's Mod is a standalone game today, it requires the use of at least one game using Source's physics engine, ex. Left 4 Dead, Half-Life 2, or Team Fortress 2 (see: List of games supported by Garry's Mod).
- Garry's Mod is a sandbox game with nine thousand addons. Think of Half Life, Hence spawning, a druggy named G-man a sandbox game with physic like graphics.You also get to have sex with dupes if you can.
- La versión actual de Garry's Mod es la versión 13, que todavía recibe actualizaciones regulares a través de Steam. Una versión sin soporte mayor, 9.0.4, está disponible como descarga gratuita en Download.com. Versión 10, ahora conocido simplemente como la MOD de Garry, ha estado disponible para su compra a través de Steam desde el 29 de noviembre de 2006. El juego utiliza para requerir al menos un partido motor Source, pero ya que "de Garry mod 13" ya no necesita uno aunque todavía es posible "montar" un juego para conseguir su contenido. Válvula también ya no clasifica MOD de Garry una modificación, sino más bien como un juego completo, debido a su ubicuidad y popularidad. La versión gratuita, la versión 9.0.4 requiere que Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch y Counter-Strike: Source todo
- Garry's Mod, or GMod for short, was a sandbox modification for Half-Life 2 but it is now a stand alone game. It allows the player to manipulate objects and experiment with the physics of the Source engine, often with interesting results due to the power of the engine. Being a sandbox type game there is no goal as such or a way to win, rather users are able to modify the game and play the mod however they wish. Many different gamemodes have emerged with many different objectives and styles. Some even choose to remain in the sandbox mode to construct contraptions or scenery with the props and maps from most of Valve's games.
- Garry's Mod started out as a source mod for Half-Life 2. It allowed the player to use any of the characters in game and in the workshop. As time went on, GMod became its own individual game, and would later be sold on Steam for $9.99 . Thus, the Workshop was born. A replacement for the Toolbox, the Workshop allows people to submit models, props, maps and more and have others "subscribe" to them, which is an alternate saying to "downloading" them. So far, there are thousands of Ragdolls, NPCs, Player models, Dupes, Maps, Saves, and yes, videos, on the workshop. Many of these include models from popular series', such as Super Mario, Halo, The Walking Dead, Cry of Fear, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (which has become unbelievably popular in such a small amount of time), even hexed models
- Garry's Mod (Kürzel: GMod) ist eine Modifikation von Half-Life 2, die ursprünglich am 24. Dezember 2004 veröffentlicht und nach ihrem Schöpfer Garry Newman benannt wurde. Seit dem 29. November 2006 wird Garry's Mod als kostenpflichtiges Stand-Alone-Spiel auf der Vertriebsplattform Steam angeboten. Während des Steam Winter Sales von 2015 verkaufte die Modifikation die zehnmillionste Kopie und konnte damit beinahe das Verkaufsergebnis von 2014 verdoppeln.
- Garry's Mod (often abbreviated as GMod) is a sandbox physics game using a modified Source engine, created by Garry Newman. The game is commonly used for the creation and publishing of machinima videos and images, as well as alternate game modes such as role-playing and creation of contraptions that make use of the physics engine.