| - The Albatross is based on the Mercedes Benz 300 SL. It's design is closely influenced by it, right down to the gullwing-doors. The Albatross itself appears to be moderate in performance, as it is outclassed by several other vehicles in the game.
- The albatrosses are unique amongst the animal kingdom in that they are not thought to have any value as an aphrodisiac. Scientists have now discovered the real name of the albatross, as told by the professors in Japan. The real name is an "Albodanbotross" as known by 2 school children in Australia.
- The Albatross is a classic sports coupe and an Exotic vehicle in Scarface - The World is Yours.
- 2251; antilichaam; auroral plaag; Dramia; Dramia II; Dramian; Dramian Paleis van Justitie; Dramian patrouille schip; Dramian systeem; Hippokrates van Kos; huid; Saurian virus; Starfleet; steenkool; vitamine.
- The Albatross was a Santa Cruz nightclub and venue (2380 Portola) that featured mostly blues and jazz groups. However, they did put on a few new wave events.
- Albatross is a song by Corrosion of Conformity.
- Albatross were large sea birds.
- Albatrosses were critters from Warcraft III.
- The albatrosses are a group of large to very large birds. Their bill is large, strong and sharp-edged, and their upper mandible terminating in a large hook. In the Ancient Ones language the albatross is the animal that represents the letter B.
- The Albatross was a large-passenger ship. Roger was a chef on board.
- Its in-game description reads "Spheda club. Good for long and curved shots." This Spheda club is the last weapon that can be built up in the "Spheda club path" : it'll have some high stats so it can defeat enemies, with the wrenches' standard 5-hit combo. But the Albatross, like all others Spheda clubs aren't really suited for fighting in dungeons'. You can find the Albatross in dungeons' chests, it cannot be bought in weapon shops, but it can be invented, like all others Spheda clubs. The Albatross is a medium-tier weapon (Tier 6) : it'll gain 4 Synthesis Points (SP) per level-up.
- The Albatross is a level 1 torpedo seaplane that drops torpedoes in the same manner as the Lancet; it is also equipped with air-to-air missiles, making it the only "bomber" that can attack other flying aircraft. It can also use the missiles to deal minor damage to land units, though its weak armor and long build time makes it impractical to be used for any purpose other than torpedo bombing. Its CORE counterpart is the Typhoon.
- The Albatross has been designed by Xavier Xenthos.
- When a Judge participating in a reenactment of the Burr-Hamilton duel is killed for real, it is apparent that the shooter is extremely skilled, having fired his rifle from over a mile away. When Goren and Eames discover that the participants had switched roles without telling anyone beforehand, they begin to investigate the wife of the surviving participant, who is a well-known female politician. Eames, having admired her trailblazing role, questions the course of the investigation.
- Albatrosses are among the largest of flying birds, and the great albatrosses (genus Diomedea) have the largest wingspans of any extant birds, reaching up to 12 feet. The albatrosses are usually regarded as falling into four genera, but there is disagreement over the number of species. Sailors have long propagated a superstitious mythos surrounding this kind of bird.
- Albatross was the name of a computer file that Division had prepared for CTU Los Angeles in 1997, regarding IRA member Moira O'Neal. The file detailed her recent defection and the plans to transfer her to a safe house in Arizona during the One Shot mission.
- アルバトロスは国連宇宙司令部が運用する重降下艇だ。
- Doctor Pelagian had two albatrosses he kept as pets. He named them after the mythological characters Helen of Troy and Hector of Troy. Their names were Helen and Hector respectively.
- The Albatross is a aircraft carrier of the Osean Maritime Defense Force.
- |-|KMS 1.2.256= File:Skill Albatross.png 알바트로스
* Class: Wind Archer
* Type: Active
* Maximum Level: 20
- The Albatross sketch is a Monty Python routine that was usually performed during their live shows. It first appeared in Monty Python's Flying Circus in episode 13, 'It's the Arts (or Intermission)'. The original sketch in Flying Circus featured John Cleese in drag selling an albatross as if it were ice cream (tray and all) at a cinema. Terry Jones tries to order choc ices but Cleese has only the albatross, and so on. Jones's character is later seen sitting in his seat with the bird providing the link between two sketches, at the end of which he becomes the first of a number of characters in the rest of the episode to shout, "Albatross!" for no very good reason.
- An albatross is a bird that flies near oceans and live in nests near the ocean, but on land in the rocks or in trees or bushes. The females lay eggs but are not as big as the males, who are huge. Gentle creatures, albatrossi help sailors by doing laundry and other wifely duties while they are at sea. If a sailor gets drunk and shoots one in the face, he is forced to wear the rotting carcass around his neck until someone shoots him in the face and throws him over board. The phrase "albatross around one's neck" is meant to describe the oppressive burden a person must carry.
- The Albatross is Captain Dyne's ship, it is armed with a total of ten cannons, five on each of its port and starboard sides. It has a sail design reminiscent to that of a 17th century European galleon and the Dyne family crest is displayed on most of them. The Albatross is destroyed at the beginning of the game when Dyne and his crew, along with Fina, are captured by the Valuan Armada. It is later replaced by the Albatross II, a ship which according to Briggs the Vice captain, was based on the blueprints of the original Albatross, but according to Luke the raider, has much more powerful engines and armor than the original. The Albatross II was one of many ships that engaged the Valuan Armada during the Battle of Soltis. Vyse is seen in command of a ship of the exact same build at the end o
- Albatrosses, of the biological family Diomedeidae, are large seabirds allied to the procellariids, storm petrels and diving petrels in the order Procellariiformes (the tubenoses). They range widely in the Southern Oceanand the North Pacific. They are absent from the North Atlantic, although fossil remains show they once occurred there and occasional vagrants are found. Albatrosses are among the largest of flying birds, and the great albatrosses (genus Diomedea) have the largest wingspans of any extantbirds, reaching up to 3.7 metres (12 feet). The albatrosses are usually regarded as falling into four genera, but there is disagreement over the number of species.