| - Finster, voiced by Robert Axelrod, was a henchman of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, though mostly the former. He resembled an anthropomorphic white Scottish Terrier.
- The long-time partner of Mind's Eye, Finster (or Finnster, also sometimes called Fin, or "you algae-sucking bastard") is the funny man and M.E. is his comic foil. Fin likes to hype on about M.E.'s secret power, his divorce[1], and his penchant for stupid one-liners.[2] It was Finster that convinced M.E. to use his powers on the zombie.
- Portrayed by Ralph Manza [Episodes #119 & 120: "And Baby Makes Four" & "And Baby Makes Four, conclusion"].
- Finster is a surname and may refer to:
* Howard Finster, folk artist Fictional characters:
* Finster, a villain in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
* Chuckie Finster and Kimi Finster from the animated nickelodeon TV series Rugrats and All Grown Up!
* Lorraine Finster, Minnie Driver's character from the TV show Will & Grace
* Miss Muriel P. Finster, assistant principal from the animated Disney TV series Recess (TV series)
* Irwin Finster, a villain in the computer game Wasteland (computer game).
- re <default>Evil-doer</default> Finster was a scientist that worked for both Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, but mostly Rita, and one of the four tertiary antagonists of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and a minor villain from Zeo and In Space.
- Finster is as an intelligent mage. It takes him a little over an hour to finish preparations of his spells for a day. During this time he meditates, reads through spellbooks and other similar activities. He requires peace, quiet and comfort to allow for proper concentration. His surroundings need not be luxurious, but he requires they be free from overt distractions. He finds that exposure to inclement weather prevents his necessary concentration, as does any immediate injuries (although preparations go normally while he is healing from wounds from past battles). Once he was interrupted half way through his preparations and only finished half his spells.
- "Sometimes I really hate being a bad guy."Finster was Rita Repulsa's chief monster maker, responsible for creating the numerous monsters, Putty Patrollers, and weapons Rita used during her invasion of Earth. By creating a monster mold out of his space putty, he would then place it into his Monster-Matic machine, which would bring the creature to life. He was extremely loyal to Rita, despite her constant berating of him for his creations' failures. Staying mainly in his laboratory, Finster was a quiet being who would spend his time creating new monster molds. When Lord Zedd arrived and banished Rita, Finster locked himself up in his lab and rarely came out, though he did create a Sleeping Machine for Zedd. When Rita returned, Finster was delighted to see her again, and helped her regain her
- Finster verbrachte wie seine Meisterin Rita mit ihr 10.000 Jahre in der Weltraummülltonne. Er ist Ritas Monstererfinder. Durch speziellen Lehm kann Finster durch Formen jedes beliebige Monster erschaffen. Dafür hat Finster auf dem Mondpalast eine eigne Monsterwerkstatt in dem auch der Monsterofen steht. Somit kann er die Putties (Monsterpatrouille) als auch viele Monsterwünsche von Ritas Monstern erschaffen. Nachdem Lord Zedd auf den Mondpalast eintraf, gabs für Finster keine Aufgabe mehr. Lord Zedd erschuf seine Monster selbst.