Swift Flight Form is a druid shapeshifting ability learned at level 70 from a flight trainer; it increases flight speed by 280%. Players must have purchased artisan riding.
Szybka Forma Latająca to umiejętność druida pozwalająca przybrać formę ptaka. W tej postaci druid może latać, a jego prędkość zwiększona jest o 280% (w pewnych wypadkach o 310%).
Swift Flight Form is a druid shapeshifting ability learned at level 70 from a flight trainer; it increases flight speed by 280%. Players must have purchased artisan riding.
The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.
Transforms the Druid into a flight form, increasing movement speed by 280% and allowing you to fly. Cannot use in combat. Can only use this form in Outland.
Szybka Forma Latająca to umiejętność druida pozwalająca przybrać formę ptaka. W tej postaci druid może latać, a jego prędkość zwiększona jest o 280% (w pewnych wypadkach o 310%).
Swift Flight Form is a druid shapeshifting ability learned at level 70 from a flight trainer; it increases flight speed by 280%. Players must have purchased artisan riding.