| - Hematite is an iron oxide mineral that is almost always found a dark silvery color, and is usually found in places that have hot springs. It forms in balls that clump together.
- Hematite was an iron ore mineral.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Hematite</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID XX40FE6B(XX must be replaced with the number LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN has in your load order)
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 6D2114
- Hematite was an ornamental stone that was favored by fighters.
- Hematite was the mineral form of iron oxide (Fe2O3). In 2370, Miles O'Brien asked Joseph to have a look at a hematite deposit on a planet in the Orellius system, although O'Brien used the opportunity to incapacitate him. (DS9: "Paradise")
- Hematite (jap. ヘマタイト Hematito) – postać pojawiająca się jedynie w musicalu Kakyuu-Ouhi Kourin - The Second Stage Final. W jego rolę w musicalu wcielił się Yoshiya Yukimura. Hematite był jednym z Neo Shitennō i wydawał się być odpowiednikiem Zoisite'a w tej grupie. Aby zrealizować cel – odbudowę Królestwa Ciemności, na Ziemi ukrywał się pod postacią człowieka Hemahachirō Taitō (jap. 台東屁真八郎 Taitō Hemahachirō), jednego z „Jewel Managers”. Pełnił funkcję menedżera Three Lights.
- Hematite is a mineral iron oxide. The carapace of the Unclean species was part hematite. (DS9 - Invasion! novel: Time's Enemy) In 2370, Miles O'Brien knocked out Joseph by pretending to have found a deposit of hematite. (DS9 episode: "Paradise")
- Hematite is named after a variety of iron oxide of the same name.
- Hematite is a mineral, colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. It is mined as the main ore of iron. While the forms of hematite vary, they all have a rust-red streak. Hematite is harder than pure iron, but much more brittle. The spectral signature of hematite was seen on the planet Mars by the infrared spectrometer on the NASA Mars Global Surveyor ("MGS") and 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft in orbit around Mars. The mineral was seen in abundance at two sites on the planet, the Terra Meridiani site, near the Martian equator at 0° longitude, and the second site Aram Chaos near the Valles Marineris. Several other sites also showed hematite, e.g., Aureum Chaos. Because terrestrial hematite is typically a mineral formed in aqueous environments, or by aqueous alterati
- Hematite, also spelled hæmatite, is the mineral form of Iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3), one of several iron oxides. Hematite crystallizes in the rhombohedral system, and it has the same crystal structure as ilmenite and as corundum. Hematite and ilmenite form a complete solid solution at temperatures above 950°C. Clay-sized hematite crystals can also occur as a secondary mineral formed by weathering processes in soil, and along with other iron oxides or oxyhydroxides such as goethite, is responsible for the red color of many tropical, ancient, or otherwise highly weathered soils.