Squad Æ is an American animated science-fiction, comedy series created by Son of Hat and IAmBagel, for Cartoon Network. The series sets place in Elysium, which houses many characters from the Fanonverse. The show follows the action packed adventures of Æ, and his friends, who protect the city, and the entire world from the evil which threatens it. In other episodes however, the characters are known to go through average everyday problems. The series first premiered on Cartoon Network on July 8, 2011, and had it's series finale on April 3, 2016. Overall, 152 episodes, 5 seasons, one theatrical film, and much commercialism, has entered the franchise. Squad Æ is often rated TV-Y7-FV, while some episodes (especially the final season) has been given the TV-PG/V rating.
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| - Squad Æ is an American animated science-fiction, comedy series created by Son of Hat and IAmBagel, for Cartoon Network. The series sets place in Elysium, which houses many characters from the Fanonverse. The show follows the action packed adventures of Æ, and his friends, who protect the city, and the entire world from the evil which threatens it. In other episodes however, the characters are known to go through average everyday problems. The series first premiered on Cartoon Network on July 8, 2011, and had it's series finale on April 3, 2016. Overall, 152 episodes, 5 seasons, one theatrical film, and much commercialism, has entered the franchise. Squad Æ is often rated TV-Y7-FV, while some episodes (especially the final season) has been given the TV-PG/V rating.
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| - Comedy
- Action/Adventure
- Science-Fiction
| - The logo for the franchise
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| - Squad Æ is an American animated science-fiction, comedy series created by Son of Hat and IAmBagel, for Cartoon Network. The series sets place in Elysium, which houses many characters from the Fanonverse. The show follows the action packed adventures of Æ, and his friends, who protect the city, and the entire world from the evil which threatens it. In other episodes however, the characters are known to go through average everyday problems. The series first premiered on Cartoon Network on July 8, 2011, and had it's series finale on April 3, 2016. Overall, 152 episodes, 5 seasons, one theatrical film, and much commercialism, has entered the franchise. Squad Æ is often rated TV-Y7-FV, while some episodes (especially the final season) has been given the TV-PG/V rating.
is signature appearance
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