| - right Archie Comics ist ein amerikanischer Comicverlag. Bekanntheit erlangte er durch seine wohl bekannteste Serie, das dem Verlag namensgebende Archie-Comic, sowie die in Deutschland wohl bekannteste Figur Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Der Verlag hatte die Sonic the Hedgehog Comics, und alle Comic-Serien die zu einer gleichen Zeit spielen, produziert sowie auch Sonic & Mega Man: When Worlds Collide.
- Archie Comics es una editorial americana publicadora de historietas cómicas con sede en Nueva York.
- Archie Comics is a comic book series.
- thumb|222px|Archie #330 (mit 'Gaststar' Glenn Scarpelli). Von links nach rechts: Reggie, Jughead, Archie, Veronica und Betty.Archie Comics (oder einfach nur Archie) ist der Name sowohl eines US-amerikanischen Comicverlags als auch einer seiner erfolgreichsten Comicserien.
- Archie Comics – amerykańskie wydawnictwo komiksowe, szerzej znane z wielu serii komiksów, których bohaterami są Archie Andrews i jego przyjaciele. Wydawnictwo to zostało założone w 1939 roku jako MLJ Comics, od inicjałów jego trzech założycieli: Morrisa Coyne'a, Louisa Silberkleita i Johna L. Goldwatera. Wydawnictwo Archie Comics aktualnie publikuje i robi komiksy o przygodach Jeża Sonica i jego przyjaciół.
- In 1995, Archie acquired the rights to publish Scooby-Doo comics (as well as other properties from Hanna-Barbera). This lasted until DC Comics took over in Fall 1997.
- Archie Comics carried the Comics Code Authority (CCA) seal; however, it was removed in February 2011 in favor of self-regulation of content. In May 2011, Archie released the first issue of Mega Man, based on the Capcom games and featuring the character of the same name. From April to August 2013, Mega Man #24-27 crossed over with both Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe in a twelve issue storyline Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Collide.
- Archie's first appearance in Pep Comics #22 on December 22, 1941, was drawn by Montana and written by Vic Bloom. With the creation of Archie, publisher Goldwater hoped to appeal to fans of the Andy Hardy movies starring Mickey Rooney. Archie Comics is also the title of the company's longest-running publication, the first issue appearing with a cover date of Winter 1942. Starting with issue #114, the title was shortened to simply Archie. Whenever either the narration or one of the characters alluded to an earlier event in the comic, the phrases are marked with an asterisk (or more, if there's more than one reference point) and an additional bubble gives the citation in the asterisk.
- Archie Comics is the comic book publisher and brand named for its best known character, Archie Andrews (created in 1941, for what was then MLJ Publications). Countless comic book titles, past and present, feature the Archie characters, who include girlfriends Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, rival Reggie Mantle, and gluttonous best friend Jughead Jones. Other notable titles from the company have starred Josie and the Pussycats and Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and since 1992, the company has been the exclusive US publisher of Sonic the Hedgehog comics.
- Archie Comics is known for its many series featuring the fictional teenagers Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Reggie Mantle and Jughead Jones. The characters were created by publisher/editor John L. Goldwater, written by Vic Bloom and drawn by Bob Montana. They were based in part on people met by Goldwater "in the Midwest" during his travels throughout the United States while looking for jobs and places to stay. Archie's first appearance in Pep Comics #22 on December 22, 1941, was drawn by Montana and written by Vic Bloom. With the creation of Archie, publisher Goldwater hoped to appeal to fans of the Andy Hardy movies starring Mickey Rooney. Archie Comics is also the title of the company's longest-running publication, the first issue appearing with a cover date of Winter 1942
- Archie Comic Publications, Inc. is an American comic book publisher headquartered in the village of Mamaroneck, New York, The comic is known for its many series featuring the fictional teenagers Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Reggie Mantle, and Jughead Jones. The characters were created by publisher/editor John L. Goldwater, written by Vic Bloom, and drawn by Bob Montana. They were based in part on people met by Goldwater "in the Midwest" during his travels throughout the United States while looking for jobs and places to stay.
- Archie Comics is an American comic book publisher. One such publication is the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series, which is the longest-running comic book based on a video game and has released more issues than UK-based Sonic the Comic. Sonic the Hedgehog has little to do with Sonic the Comic, other than both taking aspects from the video games. Although "Archie" has been derided in the past for its love triangles and multitude of characters, it continues to be read by many STC fans and discussion occasionally comes up in the Message Zone.
- rightArchie Comics ha publicado adaptaciones de historietas originales de Sonic the Hedgehog, sus series de televisión, Knuckles the Echidna, Sonic X y un título original llamado Sonic Universe. Todos los cómics están patrocinados oficialmente por Sega y están en curso. Sonic the Hedgehog y Sonic Universe están aún en marcha, pero Knuckles the Echidna y Sonic X han terminado. Archie Comics lleva el sello Comics Code Authority (CCA), sin embargo, se retiró en febrero de 2011 en favor de la auto-regulación de los contenidos.