Luitenant Corell was een Starfleet officier die in 2370 gestationeerd was op de Enterprise-D. Dat jaar had ze een afspraakje met commandant Riker in Ten Forward waar ze beide genoten van een Til'amin schuimdrankje. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder")
Corell era un stella gialla, nonché la principale del Sistema Corelliano. Attorno ad essa orbitavano sette mondi, di cui cinque erano in grado di ospitare la vita. Categoria:Stelle
Corell was a yellow star and the primary of the Corellian system. It was orbited by seven worlds, five of which could sustain life.
Lieutenant Corell was a Starfleet officer stationed on the USS Enterprise-D in 2370. This year, she had a date with Commander William T. Riker in Ten Forward, where both enjoyed a Til'amin froth. Worf asked Riker if it was serious as a preamble towards asking for permission to date Deanna Troi, but Riker initially thought Worf was interested in Corell. Before Worf could make his true interest plain, he dropped the subject. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder" ) Lieutenant Corell was played by an unknown actress.
[Source] Corell était une des étoiles les plus chaude de la galaxie, elle se situait dans le système Corellien.
* Catégorie:Étoiles
Corell was a main sequence star and the lone star of the Corellian system.
Corell era una estrella amarilla y originaria del sistema Coreliano. Estaba orbitada por siete planetas, cinco de los cuales estaban habitados.