| - thumb Lia ist eine potenzielle Ehefrau in Harvest Moon: Twin Villages.
- Lia var en Asuraner på Elizabeth Weirs Aurora-klass slagskepp. Hon var dock skeptisk till Koracens teori om "digital upphöjelse". Hon var, tillsammans med de andra kvarvarande Asuranerna, blev frysta och neutraliserad i rymden.(ATL: "Ghost in the Machine")
- A female dragon beastman who appears to look young, but has actually lived for over 300 years. She wields a pair of handguns as her weapon of choice and is able to grow wings, tail, and horns when she is enraged. She is a member of the World Salvation Committee.She likes Kyrie.Voiced by: Yui Ichikawa (game), Yū Kobayashi (anime)
- Lia (Engels: Leanne) is een heks die vanaf 1991 op Zweinsteins Hogeschool voor Hekserij en Hocus-Pocus studeerde. Ze zat in hetzelfde jaar als Harry en was gesorteerd in Huffelpuf, met als Afdelingshoofd Pomona Stronk . Ze was een goede vriendin van Katja Bell in haar zesde jaar.
- Her appearance is that of a diminutively sized Bin Weevil, and she wears a purple top with a red dress. She has noticeably protuberant eyebrows and nose, which may be a sign that the disguise is rather poor. On the Bin Weevils cards, she is shown to have Octeelia's shadow. This is probably a non-canon reference to the fact that she is in fact Octeelia in disguise, although this not made clear officially.
- Lia is a city elf and the daughter of Elren.
- Lia is a Female Mii and the granddaughter of Sarah Jones. She has medium skin, brown eyes, and long wavy (sometimes curly) black hair. She is best friends with Kaya, Alexandra, Natalia, Gia, and Rose, and good friends to Emily, Fumiko, Kelsey, Anna, Dusty, and Cadence. She is enemies with Elisa, Lucia, and Akira. She is very friendly because she speaks to everyone, shy, and humble because she is sometimes talk to other people (especially to boys), brave, loyal, willful, tomboyish, and very beautiful. She is the captain of her gymnastics, archery, and swordplay team. She appears to have a crush on a Asian Male Mii name Leo and Leo has feelings for her. She is similar to Haruka, and Nightingale
- Lia begon haar onderwijs op Zweinstein in 1991 en werd gesorteerd in Huffelpuf. Het hoofd van Huffelpuf was de Kruidekunde lerares Pomona Stronk. Ze deelde een slaapzaal samen met Hannah Albedil en Suzanne Bonkel. Ondanks het feit dat ze in verschillende afdelingen zaten, was Lia altijd goed bevriend met Katja Bell. Katja zat in Griffoendor en liep vaak met haar samen. Het is onbekend of Lia ook in 1995 bij de Strijders van Perkamentus ging toen Katja er ook bij zat, maar Lia ging er wel bij in 1997, toen Marcel Lubbermans de leider was.
- In 2008, she was, along with the other remaining Replicators, frozen and neutralized in space. (SGA: "Ghost in the Machine")
- Lia was a witch whose youth depended upon the powers and poker skills of her companion Patrick, and his ability to persuade people to gamble with their lives.
- -Lia encouraging her brothers. Lia is the sister of Brandon & Nolan, daughter of Queen Avelina, lead singer of the Ava Rebel, and the Yellow Ranger of Power Rangers Rhythm Masters.
- Lia ist die Tochter von Elren. Sie ist eine Stadtelfe und tritt während der Quest Auf Befehl des Magistrats in Akt I auf.
- Lia (リア Ria) was the younger sister of Luka Millfy, who looked after her and the other orphans with Cain on a planet which was attacked by Zangyack. Luka made a promise to herself that she would create a place where these orphans and many others could live in peace, even if it means buying an entire planet to do so. Ultimately, however, Lia died due to an illness, and so Luka left the planet to obtain funds by stealing Zagins and energy crystals from Zangyack warehouses before joining the Gokaigers. Ep. 34: Dream Comes True Ep. 23: People's Lives are the Future of the Earth
- Arabella "Lia" Ardelia is the main female protagonist of The Invisible Ring. Alongside Jared she leads a group of slaves out of imprisonment in the slave markets in Raej. She wears Birthright Green, and eventually descends to Gray. She is a Queen and it is insinuated that she will rule Dena Nehele after her grandmother Grizelle steps down. Her mother is a fully trained Black Widow and her father serves in her grandmother's Court.
- Lia was a female deity in Vulcan mythology who was noted for being the red goddess of fertility. In September of 2287 on Stardate 8464.1, after journeying through the galactic barrier to the mythical land of Sha Ka Ree, Sybok saw The One who took on the appearance of Khosarr before adopting the shape of the deities consort Akraana whereupon it took on the form of Lia. (TOS novelization: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
- Lia real name (Lia Cecilia), is a young celebrity known for creating the music group Princess Gang in 2014 together with Baby Belle and Giselle Young.
- She is 11 years old . Her twin sister is Penelope She owns a fire breathing leoploridon
- Few years later, she discovered an amulet in the wood which helped her evolve magic powers. But her stepparents were afraid of her and thought giving her to the Green Magicians. Then Lia was disguised as a boy called "Lim" for the larger towns in the Southlands.