| - Elisabeth Sladen (née le 1er février 1946 - décédée le 19 avril 2011) a joué Sarah Jane Smith. Elle apparait régulièrement dans Doctor Who avec Jon Pertwee et Tom Baker. Elle est aussi apparue dans le spin-off K9 and Company. Plus récemment, elle a repris son rôle de Sarah Jane, non seulement dans Doctor Who, mais également dans un spin-off nommé The Sarah Jane Adventures.
- She enjoyed a brief career as the best companion, then an extensive stay in the unemployment line, where Russell T. Davies discovered her while scouting for homeless people to hunt and kill in his Cardiff pleasure palace. After keeping her in his pit for a few weeks "to tenderize her, get her back in 'kill a fellow hobo' shape", Rusty cast her as a returning companion in School Reunion. Luckily, David Tennant noticed that she had already played a companion in the past, and they were able to fix the script at the last minute.
- Anita Reynolds was an early role for the Liverpool born actress Elisabeth Sladen. Born 1st February 1946 she gained national fame in 1973 when she was cast as Sarah Jane Smith in Doctor Who. Elisabeth reprised the role of Sarah Jane in 2006 and has took the character into her own programme The Sarah Jane Adventures. She died of cancer on 19th April 2011.
- thumb|200px Elisabeth Claira Heath Sladen (*1. Februar 1946 in Liverpool; † 19 April 2011 in London) war eine britische Schauspielerin. In der Serie Doctor Who spielte sie Sarah Jane Smith. Diese Rolle übernahm sie als Hauptfigur erneut in der Spin Off-Serie The Sarah Jane Adventures.
- An only child, Sladen developed an interest in performing at an early age, beginning dance lessons when she was five and dancing in one production with the Royal Ballet. She turned to acting and after finishing grammar school, attended drama school for two years. In 1972, Miller was appearing in a play that moved down to London and they moved along with it. Sladen found city life a change, but adapted. Her first television role in London was as a female terrorist in an episode of Doomwatch. This was followed by guest roles in Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em and Z-Cars.
- Elisabeth Sladen was born on February 1, 1948, in the city of Liverpool, she is most famous for Sarah Jane Smith in Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures. The only child of a family devoid of show-business connections. Despite this, she developed an interest in performing early on and began taking dance lessons at the age of five. This career path reached its zenith when she danced in one production with the Royal Ballet. However, rather than being a prima ballerina, she generally found herself done up in a mouse costume or suchlike. She turned to acting instead.
- Elisabeth Claira Heath Sladen ( Liverpool , February 1 1946 - Southall , April 19 2011 ) was a British actress. She played the role of Sarah Jane Smith in the British science fiction series Doctor Who , then in the spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures . On the set of Doctor Who Sladen met her future husband Brian Miller. Sladen died at age 65 due to cancer .
| - Elisabeth Sladen (née le 1er février 1946 - décédée le 19 avril 2011) a joué Sarah Jane Smith. Elle apparait régulièrement dans Doctor Who avec Jon Pertwee et Tom Baker. Elle est aussi apparue dans le spin-off K9 and Company. Plus récemment, elle a repris son rôle de Sarah Jane, non seulement dans Doctor Who, mais également dans un spin-off nommé The Sarah Jane Adventures.
- Elisabeth Claira Heath Sladen ( Liverpool , February 1 1946 - Southall , April 19 2011 ) was a British actress. She played the role of Sarah Jane Smith in the British science fiction series Doctor Who , then in the spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures . On the set of Doctor Who Sladen met her future husband Brian Miller. Sladen developed at an early age an interest in the stage a performance with the Royal Ballet . Due to her abilities as an assistant director she was rarely an acting role. In order to get as many roles she made deliberate mistakes as his assistant. Eventually she made in 1964 her film debut in the musical film Ferry Cross the Mersey . Sladen died at age 65 due to cancer .
- An only child, Sladen developed an interest in performing at an early age, beginning dance lessons when she was five and dancing in one production with the Royal Ballet. She turned to acting and after finishing grammar school, attended drama school for two years. She began work at the Liverpool Playhouse repertory company as an assistant stage manager. Her first stage appearance was as a corpse. She was scolded for giggling on stage, thanks to a young actor, Brian Miller, whispering the words, "Respiration nil, Aston Villa two" in her ear while he was playing a doctor. Sladen was so good as an ASM that she did not get many acting roles, a problem she solved by deliberately making mistakes. This got her told off again, but she started to get more on-stage roles. Sladen moved into weekly repertory work, travelling around England. Sladen and Miller married on 8th June 1968, after moving to Manchester, spending three years there. Her most notable role in this time was Desdemona in Othello, her first appearance as a leading lady. She also got the odd part on Leeds Radio and Granada Television, appearing in 1970 as Anita Reynolds, barmaid of The Flying Horse, in six episodes of Coronation Street. In 1972, Miller was appearing in a play that moved down to London and they moved along with it. Sladen found city life a change, but adapted. Her first television role in London was as a female terrorist in an episode of Doomwatch. This was followed by guest roles in Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em and Z-Cars.
- She enjoyed a brief career as the best companion, then an extensive stay in the unemployment line, where Russell T. Davies discovered her while scouting for homeless people to hunt and kill in his Cardiff pleasure palace. After keeping her in his pit for a few weeks "to tenderize her, get her back in 'kill a fellow hobo' shape", Rusty cast her as a returning companion in School Reunion. Luckily, David Tennant noticed that she had already played a companion in the past, and they were able to fix the script at the last minute.
- Anita Reynolds was an early role for the Liverpool born actress Elisabeth Sladen. Born 1st February 1946 she gained national fame in 1973 when she was cast as Sarah Jane Smith in Doctor Who. Elisabeth reprised the role of Sarah Jane in 2006 and has took the character into her own programme The Sarah Jane Adventures. She died of cancer on 19th April 2011.
- Elisabeth Sladen was born on February 1, 1948, in the city of Liverpool, she is most famous for Sarah Jane Smith in Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures. The only child of a family devoid of show-business connections. Despite this, she developed an interest in performing early on and began taking dance lessons at the age of five. This career path reached its zenith when she danced in one production with the Royal Ballet. However, rather than being a prima ballerina, she generally found herself done up in a mouse costume or suchlike. She turned to acting instead. She finished grammar school, went to drama school for two years, then started work at the Liverpool Playhouse, the oldest repertory company in Britain, as an assistant stage manager. An ASM is the general dogsbody and gofer of the theatrical world with little in the way of performing. Liss first stage appearance was as a dead body, though she ended up being told off for getting the giggles. (A young actor named Brian Miller was playing the doctor and on one occasion whispered "Respiration nil, Aston Villa two" in her ear. She must have forgiven him, because they got married two years later.) Unfortunately for Lis, she was so good as an ASM that she didn't get much in the way of acting roles. She solved this dilemma by the simple expedient of deliberately screwing up on several occasions. This got her told off (again), but at least she started getting more on-stage roles. She moved into weekly rep after this, traveling around to various locations in England. Eventually, though, she and Brian, now married, moved to Manchester along with the former assistant director from Liverpool. They spent three years there, and she appeared in numerous roles, most notably as Desdemona in her first appearance as a leading lady. She also got the odd part on Leeds radio and Granada television, eventually appearing as a barmaid in six episodes of the long-running soap opera Coronation Street In 1972, her husband was appearing a play that moved down to London, and they had to move along with it. Arriving in the big city was a bit of a shock, but Lis eventually adapted. Her first television role there was as a girl terrorist in She also appeared in an episode of Michael Crawfords series and made two appearances in the police series The latter led to her being cast in . Producer Barry Letts was growing increasingly desperate in his search for a replacement for Katy Manning when producer Ron Craddock gave Lis an enthusiastic recommendation. Lis came in for the usual audition, not suspecting that it was for a new companion and amazed at Letts thoroughness. She was introduced to Jon Pertwee, who completely intimidated her at the time. Barry and Jon chatted with her for a while, and each time she turned to look at one of them, the other one would signal a thumbs-up. She was, of course, offered the role of independent journalist Sarah Jane Smith and accepted it enthusiastically. The rest, as they say, is history. She stayed for 3-1/3 seasons, weathering the transition from Jon Pertwee to Tom Baker, and received both popular and critical acclaim throughout her tenure. When she stepped down in 1976, it made front-page news, where previously only the regeneration of the Doctors had received such attention. Far from retiring, immediately thereafter Lis returned to her old stomping grounds in Liverpool along with her husband to do a series of plays. Notable appearances following that include a two-year stint as a presenter for a children's program called (while wearing a jumper bearing a suspicious resemblance to the notorious Andy Pandy outfit), a role as a stand-up comics spouse in the six-part, and, in 1980, her sole motion picture appearance to date, a small part in as a bank secretary. The beginning of the new decade also marked another notable occasion, that of her first appearance at a convention, specifically Who 1 in March, along with Ian Marter. The following year brought two connections. First, Barry Letts cast her as the female lead in a production of . Second, John Nathan-Turner, now the producer of, asked her to return to the program to ease the transition from Tom Baker to Peter Davison. She declined, but he came back with the counter-offer we now know as, and she accepted, appearing as the star in the only spinoff ever produced. Two years later, she would return again in "The Five Doctors," as a sort of command performance. She was actively attending conventions in the early 80s, as well as doing ads and appearing (along with her husband, once again) in another Letts production, this one in which she played the Dormouse. Throughout this period she showed up regularly at American conventions, including the big Chicago monstercons and, in 1983, six weeks going from city to city by bus along with Jon Pertwee. In February 1985, though, Lis gave birth to a daughter, Sadie, and since then she has basically been in semi-retirement, putting her family first and her profession a distant second. She does occasional adverts and television appearances, leaving husband Brian to keep the family hand in, as his cries of EXTERMINATE! echo on the program whenever he is recruited to provide voices for the deadly Daleks. Sadie has shown signs of following in the family footsteps, appearing at the tender age of eight in a TV-movie about the wedding of Charles and Diana. More recently, however, she has become more active. Most notably for fans, she reprised the role of Sarah Jane twice in 1993, first in the radio production "The Paradise of Death and then in the crossover television with EastEnders production for charity, "Dimensions in Time." In addition, the sequel to "Paradise of Death," "The Ghosts of N-Space," is set to air this coming spring. At Visions '93 (her first US convention since 1985), she expressed an interest in returning to work and since then has recorded guest appearances in and We can all hope that this is the beginning of much more. In the 2000s she appeared in a few doctor who episodes and then having her own spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures
- thumb|200px Elisabeth Claira Heath Sladen (*1. Februar 1946 in Liverpool; † 19 April 2011 in London) war eine britische Schauspielerin. In der Serie Doctor Who spielte sie Sarah Jane Smith. Diese Rolle übernahm sie als Hauptfigur erneut in der Spin Off-Serie The Sarah Jane Adventures.