| - Known family members: Orlia Shimmersong (sister), Septina Shimmersong (mother), Clayre Winder (father, presumed deceased), Jessalyn Shimmersong (adopted sister, deceased) Personality: Marissa is a kaleidoscope of different colors and wears many different hats. Not much about her remains the same for too long other than her fierce loyalty towards those of her own kind, her homeland, guild mates and friends. She can be brash and does not always think things through before acting upon them. She is always under the impression that "as long as I don't die, things will be all right," making her sometimes reckless and overly bold.
| - Known family members: Orlia Shimmersong (sister), Septina Shimmersong (mother), Clayre Winder (father, presumed deceased), Jessalyn Shimmersong (adopted sister, deceased) Personality: Marissa is a kaleidoscope of different colors and wears many different hats. Not much about her remains the same for too long other than her fierce loyalty towards those of her own kind, her homeland, guild mates and friends. She can be brash and does not always think things through before acting upon them. She is always under the impression that "as long as I don't die, things will be all right," making her sometimes reckless and overly bold. "I am quite...the brave...knave. See? I told you I sucked at rhyming!" --To Dissonanse and Peredhel, after being mortally stabbed by a gnome during a raid against Silvermoon City While she can be reckless and sometimes labeled as a "pest" by her enemies, Marissa is strong willed and has a jovial sense of humor. She literally will laugh in the face of danger, and will never think twice about putting herself out on the front lines for her friends and her people. A large pet peeve of hers that goes beyond simple irritation is when other sin'dorei refuse to take arms against the alliance when they infiltrate the city. "The alliance betrayed us! I am hated by the alliance, just for the fact that I was born a Sin'dorei. Do they think that we would be treated with respect if we were to walk into Stormwind City!?" --Marissa to Peredhel Being only fifty-seven years old, Marissa is still considered young by sin'dorei standards. Taking her rambunctious attitude and personality into consideration, one may assume that it is because of her age and just needs time to "mellow out" a bit.