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- Zodiac is a group of extremely powerful Armored Cores found in Armored Core V. They are products of the Zodiac Project, an undertaking to create the ultimate Armored Core pilot. Little is known about their origins, other than they are not associated with the City Police or the Corporation. They appear under special conditions in Story Missions and are featured in the Order Missions.
- Zodiac is a song by Banzai that originates from the video game In the Groove. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Zodiac is the sixth episode of the first season of the Rippers.
- Zodiac is a shonen manga series to be published in the near future. It tells the story of Yamato Miyamoto as he tries to learn all 12 fighting styles of the zodiac. The story begins when Yamatolearns that his uncle, Yoshi Miyamoto, is a member of a secret clan of warriors that hone their fighting skills. Sam follows his uncle to the clan meeting and learns that his friends Sora Matsumoto and Masami Kondo are also members.
- The Zodiac is available for 1,500,000 bolts upon reaching challenge mode. Unlike most other weapons in the game, it cannot be upgraded in any way.
- "Zodiac" gains 3 abilities in each sign of the zodiac. The abilities will always change when the sign changes. They also always fit the sign, e.g in Aquarius, he gains hydrokinesis, cryokinesis and atmokinesis.
- The Zodiac CRRC is a watercraft found in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Strike Team and Call of Duty: Ghosts.
- Zodiac is the term used for any of the six divisions of Chä: Magnus, Vitue, Sin, Bless, Emotion, and Mechanical. As an interesting side-note, when all Chäotics of a certain Zodiac come together, they can combine to form the living embodiment of that Zodiac. Below is information on these embodiments or "Harbingers":
- But what if the Zodiac actually meant something to the human race? What if man had super-human abilities that were granted to him by his Zodiac sign? This entertains the idea that sometime around 3,000-2,000 BC man evolved past only a few men being able to tap into the 5th dimension, (the 4th is space-time, as proved by Einstein) and instead having all of humanity able to tap into it, and what type they could tap into was dependent upon their Zodiac sign.
- The Zodiac is the name of several supervillain teams in the Marvel Universe, connected by the fact that all of the members are named after zodiac signs.
- Zodiac is a enemy in Breath of Fire II.
- Zodiac is a trilogy written by Inferno999.
- Zodiac, auch bekannt als Tetsumi Onamota, ist ein Feind der Turtles aus den Amazing Adventures-Comics.
- Zodiac on Megacorpin tekemä erittäin tehokas ase . Zodiac vapautta suunnattoman energiapurkauksen joka tuhoaa kaikki näkökentässä olevat viholliset. Se on erittäin hyödyllinen isoja vihollis-joukkoja vastaan , mutta ei ole hyödyllinen pomo-vastuksia vastaan . Siinä on tilaa vain 4 ammukselle , YKSI AMMUS MAKSAA VALTAISAT 10.000 PULTTIA . Kuitenkin sen ammuksia voi löytää laatikoista .thumb|Zodiac Luokka:aseet
- Zodiac can refer to:
* Zodiac (story arc), the inaugural story arc of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Amazing Adventures.
* Tetsumi Onamota from the same story, who calls himself Zodiac.
- The original Zodiac was a team of super-villains. Each member represented a character from the Zodiac. The Avengers defeated them.
- Signs of zodiac are a range of dates under which people are born. In real life there are 12 of them. It is not clear whether there are more, same or less in Arthur's world, or if they fall on the same date ranges. Known signs referenced in the show and those born under them include:
- According to the Fourth Doctor, the last sign of the Zodiac was Pisces. (AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pescatons) The Second Doctor mentioned Aquarius, Aries, Taurus and Gemini while pretending to use astrological criteria as a physician. (TV: The Highlanders)
- Der Zodiac CRRC ist ein Boot aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Strike Team und Call of Duty: Ghosts.
- Zodiac is an extremely powerful and deadly liquid weapon, contained in a small vial.
- Zodiac film américain de David Fincher sorti en 2007
- Zodiac is a skill in Conception 2. It is a signature skill of the Astromancer class. Zodiac is a very expensive skill that deals damage to a single target from the front. As Zodiac has no element, it will take on the element of the user's team.
- The zodiac is the thirteen-or-so constellations on the plane of the ecliptic. They have vitally important significance to astrologers and other wankers. The zodiac is named after General Zod, who used his Kryptonian powers to move the stars into their present positions.
- The zodiac is a series of twelve constellations in the sky around the Earth which make up the different signs of Western Astrology. Each sign represents about 30° around the entire 360° of the zodiac. However, there is some controversy surrounding the actual number of metaphysical signs, which is said to be 13, the last being omitted because 13 is considered an unlucky number.
- Level Blades Light/heavy 8 Spell Resistance: yes Leaping skyward, you rocket towards your foe with the energy of dimensions and tear through them at the speed of sound. Make a charge attack against an enemy within your charge distance. If the attack hits you deal normal damage as well as an additional 1d6 damage per level (Max 20d6). Creatures struck must succeed in a DC: 18+Strength modifier fortitude saving throw or take full damage and be deafened and blinded for 1d6+1 rounds. Creatures immune to deafened and blinded effects are still effected by one or the other at the user of the technique's choice. Creatures who succeed in their save take 1/2 damage and are not blinded or deafened.
- Missed this in theaters, but caught it via Netflix. Remarkably good! The lesson: The world is chock full of creepy people; a few are serial killers.
- The Zodiac is a team of aliens mutated to resemble the signs of the zodiac. The leader of the team is Taurus the Bull with his second in command being Scorpio the Scorpion.
- I might need characters for the story, so soon enough, I'll ask you to send in a cat on the talk page of this fanfic. FallingPetal 02:58, March 9, 2010 (UTC)
- Zodiac is American metal band Stagnant's tenth album, released on July 18th 2004. It marks the band's first and only album released with Caliber Records, after being dropped by K.I.L.L Records and subsequently turning to Vindictive Records in 2005. It also marks the second and final album with Louis "Fattz" DeLaney, Kayne Ellet, and Luke Edwards as the other members of the band, following their departure in 2005. Zodiac is preceded by 2003's RustED and followed by 2005's Fall of Man.
- The Zodiac is a series of twelve constellations situated on the Earth's ecliptic, through which the sun travels from the Earth's perspective over the course of a year. In Caprica, the twelve colonies are named after the constellations, or signs of the Zodiac.
- Zodiac is an extremely powerful and deadly weapon that is in the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D..
- Scientific magicians who manipulate the etheric energy of the stars. Highly valuable in battle. —In-Game Description, Etrian Odyssey III The Zodiac is a class from Etrian Odyssey III that specializes in astrological magic to deal elemental damage. They would be the magical component to any generic RPG party.
- Violen Jygar, a crazy supernatural creature and leader of the Decepticons, ordered his Nine Great Demon Generals to steal the Zodiac so he could possess its great power. According to Dai Atlas, the Zodiac was an all-powerful energy source which supposedly created the whole universe and was the source of all life. It rested in a chamber deep beneath the surface of Planet Zone, where the Autobots were situated.
- The twelve signs of the western zodiac on Earth are represented by the same symbols appearing on the shirts of the twelve trolls who created Universe B, and it would appear that due to the influence of these trolls (or at least, not coincidentally) the western zodiac's signs represent various traits of theirs.
- Lo Zodiac è un piccolo gommone gonfiabile usato per trasportare persone e provviste dalla Kahana alla spiaggia. Dopo che Michael ha manomesso i motori dello Zodiac, Minkowski e Brandon lo presero per un viaggio fallimentare verso l'isola. Altri due membri dell'equipaggio provarono più tardi a usare il gommone per scappare dalla nave cargo, ma il tentativo fu ostacolato dal Capitano Gault. (Vi presento Kevin Johnson)
- Der Zodiac sind eigentlich die zwölf Tierkreiszeichen. Hier allerdings ist die Rede von der Zodiacrüstung, einer längst vergessenen Legende aus dem alten China, wonach eine zwölfteilige Rüstung existieren soll, die ihrem Träger immense Fähigkeiten verleiht. Die einzelnen Teile der Rüstung sind nicht extrem mächtig, wer allerdings mehrere von ihnen kombiniert entfesselt ihre wahre Stärke. Keiner weiß was passiert, wenn man alle gemeinsam trägt. Des weiteren wird gemunkelt, diese Artefakte würden die Personifikation ihres Tierkreiszeichens beinhalten die einst in sie gebannt wurde.
- Pandemonium is the edge of the Shadowlands, where the heart of destruction lies. The Zodiacs are the first major Guardians any raiding party will encounter, and when combined with the sheer number of minions they command, a battle with a Zodiac can be frightening indeed. The rewards for bringing down these mighty beasts, however, are most certainly worthwhile.