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- Used in many Artistry (Provisioner) recipes. This is sold by tradeskill vendors for 6c each.
- Milk is supposed to be a cold, refreshing beverage, but when consumed a gallon at a time, it is a disgusting, icky stuff, and nearly killed Stephen Colbert on his way to work August 2nd. The poor man nearly drowned to death in his own phlegm trying to take Dr. Sanjay Gupta's advice to stay hydrated. How can one think and act from his gut if his gut is yelling, "For the love of Pete, I'm going to spew milk all over your limousine!"? However, Stephen Colbert declined to put it on the On Notice board, citing the involved process that goes into getting something up on the board.
- With the Batmobile stolen, the gang offered the use of their Mystery Machine to Batman and Robin to search for their own vehicle back at the Batcave. As Shaggy Rogers got in the van, he asked Batman if he could have a snack while there. Batman was happy to oblige and said they'd all have bat-cookies and bat-milk, the latter of which worried Shaggy. While at the Batcave, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy had their cookies and milk (where the latter found the cookie more questionable than the milk), although Scooby took Shaggy's milk while he was still holding his glass.
- Milk, also known as space milk, is an introduced in level four of the game Rockitty.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Milk is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 5 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- Energy: 0 Action: 5 Price: $25 for 5 Selling price: 4 Uses:
* Cooking
* Chocolate Milk
* Mushroom Soup
* Egg Rolls
* Basic Doughnut
* Basic Cake
* Coffee
* Lemon Cream Cookies
* Latte
* Milk Tea
- Milk is received when you feed a Moozipan a Sunflower and direct it to the Milking Shed. You can also buy Milk at Costolot's.
- Pasteurized and bottled cow milk that is chock full of bovine goodness.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Milk]] meolc; compare Danish mælk, Dutch melk, West Frisian molke, German Milch, Norwegian melk/mjølk, Swedish mjölk, Yiddish מילך (milkh). Polish mleko
- Milk is an item obtained in a Bucket by right clicking a Cow. Unlike other items contained in a bucket, instead of placing it when right clicking, it can be drunk, and is considered a food item. Milk is the only food item that will not replenish any hunger by itself, but will instead simply remove all status effects.
- Hmm, what else could it be... OMFG NO! I drank a gallon of that stuff! *cries* Wait a minute, Holy Crap, a talking cow!!! I gotta stop eating that green ketchup.
- Milk is a drink made from cows. It can be harvested from cows using a bucket. Milk has many different uses and can also be drunk.
- Milk is the 5th track of the 2nd disc of Ryoma's album SR Samurai.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is FBF7F7
- Harvey Milk (Sean Penn) zieht Anfang der 1970er Jahre mit seinem Freund Scott Smith (James Franco) nach San Francisco und eröffnet dort im Gastro-Viertel einen Fotoshop. Es kommt zu Anfeindungen aus der Umgebung, die Harveys und Scotts Homosexualität zum Grund haben. Als Reaktion auf die homophoben Angriffe geht Milk zunehmend offensiv mit seiner Sexualität um. Sein Laden wird zum Szenelokal, das Viertel zur Hochburg der zaghaft erwachenden Schwulenbewegung und er selbst steuert direkt auf eine politische Karriere zu.
- Milk is a recurring item from The Legend of Zelda series. It is milk stored in a Bottle that is used to restore life.
- Known as the 'Milk' in the KQ6 Hintbook.
- Milk is the liquid produced by animals to make cheese. There can be types of milk such as; Cow's Milk, Goat's Milk and Sheep's Milk.
- Milk gives +25 hunger when fed to a pet.
- Milk is a level 2 trade good.
- Milk is a resource.
- Milk is a world object in Fallout 4.
- Milk can be gained by using a bucket on a cow. It is used in the Cook's Assistant quest. It is also used to make cakes. Can be purchased from Hudo Glenfad's groceries in the Grand Tree.
- Milk most often means the nutrient fluid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals to feed their young, including humans. The female's ability to produce milk is one of the defining characteristics of mammals and provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to digest more diverse foods. Milk, usually non-human milk is processed into dairy products for human consumption, such as cream, butter, yogurt, ice-cream, gelato, cheese, whey protein, condensed milk, powdered milk, and many other food-additive and industrial products. Milk usually contains sugar, nutrients and proteins such as lactose, galactose, casein, calcium and others.
- Milk is an item used to make cheese and butter through a churn. To obtain it, use an empty bucket on a cow. To make butter, double click the churn at least 30 times. To make cheese, double click the churn at least 50 times.
- Milk (ミルク Miruku) is a supporting female character from the Doraemon movie Nobita and the Winged Braves.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Milk is a consumable in FarmVille. This item takes 2 minutes to produce. Requiring the, in-game, Dairy farm at level 1 using the File:Milk Station-icon.png Milk Station. Milk sells for 1 coin each.
- Milk is a powerful substance that was discovered in 1304. Milk can, unfortunately, be used as a weapon. It was employed by Malleo in the War of the Fire Flower. Today, milk is banned from use as a weapon, as it is just too powerful.
- Milk is a food item that can be bought at several locations: it is in both the Grocery section and the Petlings & Fish Food section of the Food Store, and the Petlings section of the Garden Store.
- Milk is a cave in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. The entrance of the cave is located along the western side of the mountains in the West Gash region, just west of Ald'ruhn. From Ald'ruhn simply follow the road west until entering the West Gash region, the road will curve south. At the first intersection turn right and right again.
- Milk is the thing that is inside milk cacti but it is also in milk bloons. Milk monkey throws milk on the track.Milk is a drink that you might drink every day. Milk is a road item that can also can be placed on the track. Did you know that bloons have mouths? Well yes they do, They only open their mouths when trying to drink milk. However once opened they get popped by monkeys that have the bloons in range. Made by VBS
- Image:Milk.gif The Milk is a Rare item in Golden Sun: The Lost Age, and part of the trading sequence that will allow you access to the optional dungeon Islet Cave in the Sea of Time Islet. It is in the possession of the cow at N Osenia Islet, and it will give it to you if you give it the Red Cloth from SE Angara Islet. The Milk is then traded for the Lil' Turtle at West Indra Islet.
- Milk can be a good inducer for sleep, especially when warmed. Milk and cookies are a classic afternoon snack. Milk are a common ingredient in many foods such as bread, cheese, cake, cookies, yogurt, and ice cream. Other milk related products: cream and butter At least in the U.S., when the word "creme" is used, the food may not be a real dairy product. Food substitutes were used instead of separating cream from milk. So, this is one case where spelling is important.
- Milk, also called Chao, is a character that appears in the Nintendo DS version of Sonic Colors. He is a Chao who ended up in Dr. Eggman's Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park and got entangled in the affairs there.
- Milk is a fictional liquid element for Powder Game.
- Nyuui Wakako (乳井(にゅうい) 和華子(わかこ)), also known as Milk (ミルク, Miruku), is a scout character.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Milk – miejsce występujące w The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
- Milk is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- Milk is obtained by right-clicking a Cow with a Bucket. Milk is used for crafting Cake and removing status effects. It is very useful when fighting mobs that inflict status effects (Wither Skeletons and Cave Spiders, to name a few) and eating foods that cause status effects (like Rotten Flesh or Spider Eyes).
- Das Item Milk gehört zum sogenannten Food (=Essen). Man kann es bei jedem [Nahrung]-Npc bekommen. z.B. bei Karin in Saint Morning
- Milk is collected through cow ranchers milking their cows, which can be done every 3 days at the most. Any attempts prior to the third day will result in no yield. A hooped bucket is needed to milk a cow. Milk fulfills one hunger point and gives one Intelligence point.
- Can be bought at any food store.
* Mias
* Giggleboxes
- In the first chapter, the first cinema shows the Panther King drinking milk but his glass breaks becuase of the problem with his table.
- Milk is Mindy's favorite friend. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Milk is an Item added in Update 0.7.0. Milk is obtained from Cows by using Buckets.
- Milk is a deadly substance that melts anything that touches it. It is often to be confused with Volvic Revive, which comes from Volcanoes. Milk also comes in Milk Bottles, which are made out of substances that are strong enough to prevent them from melting. Chocolate Milk, a chocolate version of Milk is something that Cheese likes, like Mudkips. Despite being deadly, it is still drinkable if you freeze it in nitrogen. Milk can make you poop out magic stuff called Gee Gee File:Evil milk.jpg
- Milk is a natural liquid that usually comes from a mammal. The milk of a cow is commonly drank at breakfast. It is also a flavour included in Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.
- Milk is a 2008 American biographical film. Directed by Gus Van Sant and written by Dustin Lance Black, the film stars Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, James Franco, Emile Hirsch, Victor Garber, Allison Pill and Diego Luna.
- Milk is a dairy product that comes from cows. It also makes butter, cheese and ice cream. When Teal'c was sharing his Symbiote with Bra'tac, he began to hallucinate that he could not Kelno'reem and Major Samantha Carter suggested he drink warm milk. (SG1: "The Changeling") Calaians use herbs and milk from riding animals to make their Laerua. (SG1: "Relativity")
- Milk-wa yùmmimàt kollekten from änimols dè nainaiji.
- File:Risen logo 104.png <default>Milk</default> Item Type Effects Cooldown Source Buy price Sell value Milk is a consumable item, available in Risen only. As most liquids in the game, milk restores mana rather than health. Drinking this will add 5 mana to the character's total, never exceeding the maximum level of mana available to him.
- Milk is a consumable item that can be obtained from Cows or Buffalos. When used on a player, it gives the Strong Bones Mod for 2 hours which has no effect. It can also be used to craft food recipes in any Chemical Combiner. ▶Produced by Cow or ▶Produced by Buffalo
- Milk is a white drink mainly with fat and other nutrients such as proteins. Milk sold in supermarkets usually are from cows milked in farms, and there are many different types of milk, such as homogenized, pasteurized, low-fat, full-cream, flavoured milk, fat-free, calcium enriched, long life and other types.
- Ted is forced to a postpone a date with the "perfect woman" when Lily needs his help. Barney conscripts Marshall in a vicious prank war.
- The effort made to obtain regular supplies of milk is a frequent feature of the Swallows and Amazons series.
- Milk es un bar de la ciudad de Córdoba, ubicado en la calle Laprida en el corazon de Nueva Córdoba. Se destaca por sus buenos tragos, ambiente sofisticado. Posee dos patios con calefacción por lo que en el invierno tranquilamente se puede disfrutar de un cielo estrellado sin pasar frio. Concurre gente de todas las edades.
- Milk is Cinnamoroll's baby friend. He loves milk which is how he got his name. Milk is a baby boy pup who wants to be like Cinnamoroll. His pacifier is his most prized possession, and he's skilled at gulping large quantities of milk. He has the same characteristics as Cinnamoroll, large ears and a black nose, though he cannot fly yet, or when he grows up. Manga = Milk in the Manga Anime = Video SanrioTown (It's All About Milk!)
- Milk is a drug that when taken, will clear away negative, positive and neutral effects usually coming from potions. If combined with chocolate syrup, it might produce some strange effects, speed usually, but if you're Mario Head, it will grant you super powers. Milk comes from either cows, goats, Yo Momma, or mooshrooms. The recipe for artificial milk is water and powder mixed together. When you leave milk out on the moon overtime, it will make this magical substance known as cheese, which is to make bad and corny jokes or cheat through stuff.
- Milk es la esposa de Goku, la madre de Gohan y Goten ella e comprometio con goku cuando eran pequeños y como goku no sabia que era so pensaba que era comida acepto y cuando lo encotro que goku era grande se casaron y tuvieron a gohan y en la saga de cell ella estaba enbarazada de Goten y en la saga de buu le presento a Goten a goku Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Peronajes menores Categoría:Humanos
- Wendy Harris attempted to sabotage Professor Ansel Hillbrand's computer with some milk. Wonder Woman poured some milk for Igor at the Hall of Justice.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- Milk (ミルク Miruku?) is a white-and-pink lop rabbit who debuted in Yes! Pretty Cure 5. She ends her sentences with "~miru". Unlike Coco and Natts she was unable to transform into a human. She takes her role as caretaker seriously, along with most other things. Most of the time, she is seen nagging with Nozomi because of the latter's goofy attitude. However, Milk learns to have faith in Pretty Cure, and has a strong urge to help them whenever they are struggling.
- Milk is an extremely nutritious liquid food. It not only restores thirst, but also some hunger. It is obtained from either sheep or cows. To do so, select [#]Extended commands -> [F]ill, and choose the animal in question. It will fill the selected container with milk, so the container used affects the amount you get from each milking. A skin gives you 5 lbs of milk, a tub gives 8 lbs, a bag 12 lbs, etc. Animals can only be milked once a day, but during winter they have dry period and can not be milked. (Confirmed as of 3.19(maybe earlier)).
- According to Wikipedia, "Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for infant mammals before they are able to digest other types of food." Humans began to harvest milk from animals – typically cattle and goats – at the time of domestication of animals, between 9000-11000 years ago. This cultural change introduced a positive selection pressure for lactose tolerance, sparking a significant increase in the proportion of humans who could digest lactose. However, approximately 65% of the human population is still lactose-intolerant.
- Milk is a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk contains colostrum, which carries the mother's antibodies to its young and can reduce the risk of many diseases. Milk contains many other nutrients and the carbohydrate lactose. Throughout the world, there are more than six billion consumers of milk and milk products. Over 750 million people live within dairy farming households.
- Milk was a liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals, which provided the primary source of nutrition for their newborns, before they were able to digest other types of food. (TNG episode: "A Matter of Honor") In many cultures, non-sentient mammals were domesticated and their milk used as food, either as a beverage by itself, or in products such as cheese and ice cream (DS9 episode: "Far Beyond the Stars", TOS episode: "The Conscience of the King"). On Earth, cows were the most common milk animals, along with goats. (TNG episode: "Up the Long Ladder")
- Milk is a valuable resource which unlocks the Kitten series of upgrades that greatly increase cookie output rate in direct correlation to the amount of Milk the player has. Milk is gained by unlocking normal (non-Shadow) Achievements at a rate of 4% milk per Achievement. As of version 2.0034, the total number of normal achievements that count towards milk is 310 and the maximum attainable Milk amount is 1,240%.
- Milk is a white liquid that has a lot of Vitamin D. Milk is made specifically for newborns who can't eat anything else, but for some reason some adult humans like it, it's used to make foods like ice cream and cake which taste really good. The overwhelming majority of milk consumed in the World comes from cows who were forced to live under barbaric conditions in feedlots or Factory Farms. Not only has milk demand gone up with a rising population, but is now being consumed in greater quantities than ever before in human history thanks to heavy advertising and plummeting costs.
- Whether the female of a species exuded milk from its nipples or from simple ducts to nurture its young was one of the defining traits of mammals. (PROSE: The Year of Intelligent Tigers) Similar nourishing substances were produced by non-mammalian species. Malmooth could drink their own internal milk, (TV: Utopia) while the green milk produced by Skarasens was fed on by the Zygons. (PROSE: Sting of the Zygons, PROSE: The Bodysnatchers)
- Milk is a 2008 American biographical film based on the life of gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California, as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Directed by Gus Van Sant and written by Dustin Lance Black, the film stars Sean Penn as Milk and Josh Brolin as Dan White, a city supervisor who assassinated Milk. The film was released to much acclaim and earned numerous accolades from film critics and guilds. Ultimately, it received eight Academy Awardnominations, including Best Picture, winning two for Best Actor in a Leading Role for Penn and Best Original Screenplay for Black.
- Widin Dairy Farm delivered milk via a horse-drawn cart to the inhabitants of New York City in 1930. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever" ) Two percent milk was one of several beverages offered in the drink dispensers in the mess halls of NX-class starships. (ENT: "Regeneration", "Terra Prime") Lieutenant Kevin Riley drank milk from a tinted glass while on duty in the engineering section of the USS Enterprise before it was poisoned with tetra-lubisol by Lenore Karidian in 2266. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King" )