Directed by: Adam Wingard The story starts by footage of a group of social misfits and their crimes: varying from mere vandalism to assaulting women in an attempt to expose their breasts or other bodyparts in order to sell them to amateur pornsites. It quickly cuts to footage from their recent job. Impressed by their earlier work, someone has hired them for a lot of money. But not for making a film, no... They are sent out to find this one particular VHS tape at a given address. Not below breaking-and-entering, they accept without a second thought. After entering the house, they quickly discover the first problem. The owner of the house has died. His corpse is found in his armchair, staring at blank television screens. With the man dead, they feel like they have nothing left to worry about
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| - Directed by: Adam Wingard The story starts by footage of a group of social misfits and their crimes: varying from mere vandalism to assaulting women in an attempt to expose their breasts or other bodyparts in order to sell them to amateur pornsites. It quickly cuts to footage from their recent job. Impressed by their earlier work, someone has hired them for a lot of money. But not for making a film, no... They are sent out to find this one particular VHS tape at a given address. Not below breaking-and-entering, they accept without a second thought. After entering the house, they quickly discover the first problem. The owner of the house has died. His corpse is found in his armchair, staring at blank television screens. With the man dead, they feel like they have nothing left to worry about
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| - This collection is killer
| - Simon Barrett
- Ti West
- David Bruckner
- Glenn McQuaid
- Matt Bettinelli-Olpin
- Tyler Gillett
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| - Brad Miska
- Gary Binkow
- Roxanne Benjamin
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Production Company
| - Bloody Disgusting
The Collective
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Preceded By
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| - Adam Wingard
- Ti West
- Radio Silence
- Glenn McQuaid
- Victoria K. Warren
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| - Adam Wingard
- Ti West
- Radio Silence
- David Bruckner
- Glenn McQuaid
- Joe Swanberg
- Nicholas Tecosky
| - 10(xsd:integer)
- Amateur Night: David Bruckner
- The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger: Joe Swanberg
- Second Honeymoon: Ti West
- Tape 56: Simon Barret
- Tuesday the 17th: Glenn McQuaid
Followed By
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| - Directed by: Adam Wingard The story starts by footage of a group of social misfits and their crimes: varying from mere vandalism to assaulting women in an attempt to expose their breasts or other bodyparts in order to sell them to amateur pornsites. It quickly cuts to footage from their recent job. Impressed by their earlier work, someone has hired them for a lot of money. But not for making a film, no... They are sent out to find this one particular VHS tape at a given address. Not below breaking-and-entering, they accept without a second thought. After entering the house, they quickly discover the first problem. The owner of the house has died. His corpse is found in his armchair, staring at blank television screens. With the man dead, they feel like they have nothing left to worry about and starts to go and search for the tape. But quickly they find themselves with a new problem. In the basement, they find a complete collection of VHS tapes. It is only now that they realize that they have no idea what content the requested VHS tape has. They could bring the whole collection with them but that would be more than 100 tapes. They decide that someone will watch the tapes, while the others look further. They figure that if someone is willing to hire some petty thieves to find a tape, it will be easily to identity it by it's footage. After all, it has to be worth the risk. He starts with a video already in the VCR. Little do they know that the tapes aren't the regular wedding videos you would expect...
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