Aliens vs. Predator: War, originally titled Aliens versus Predator: War and also known as Aliens/Predator: War, is a five-issue limited comic book series that was first published by Dark Horse Comics from May-August 1995. The contents of the first issue (issue #0) were originally published in 14 installments in the promotional publication Dark Horse Insider, Vol. 2 #1-14, from January 1992-February 1993. The story was written by Randy Stradley, illustrated by Chris Warner, Mike Manley, Jim Hall and Mark G. Heike, inked by Warner and Ricardo Villagrán, colored by Jim Sinclair and Chris Chalenor, lettered by Steve Dutro and edited by Edward Martin III and Bob Cooper, with cover art by Richard Corben. The comic was later adapted as a novel of the same name by S. D. Perry.
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| - Aliens vs. Predator: War, originally titled Aliens versus Predator: War and also known as Aliens/Predator: War, is a five-issue limited comic book series that was first published by Dark Horse Comics from May-August 1995. The contents of the first issue (issue #0) were originally published in 14 installments in the promotional publication Dark Horse Insider, Vol. 2 #1-14, from January 1992-February 1993. The story was written by Randy Stradley, illustrated by Chris Warner, Mike Manley, Jim Hall and Mark G. Heike, inked by Warner and Ricardo Villagrán, colored by Jim Sinclair and Chris Chalenor, lettered by Steve Dutro and edited by Edward Martin III and Bob Cooper, with cover art by Richard Corben. The comic was later adapted as a novel of the same name by S. D. Perry.
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Preceded By
| - Aliens vs. Predator: Duel
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| - Aliens vs. Predator: Deadliest of the Species
| - Chris Chalenor
- Jim Sinclair
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Followed By
| - Aliens vs. Predator: Booty
| - Aliens vs. Predator: War, originally titled Aliens versus Predator: War and also known as Aliens/Predator: War, is a five-issue limited comic book series that was first published by Dark Horse Comics from May-August 1995. The contents of the first issue (issue #0) were originally published in 14 installments in the promotional publication Dark Horse Insider, Vol. 2 #1-14, from January 1992-February 1993. The story was written by Randy Stradley, illustrated by Chris Warner, Mike Manley, Jim Hall and Mark G. Heike, inked by Warner and Ricardo Villagrán, colored by Jim Sinclair and Chris Chalenor, lettered by Steve Dutro and edited by Edward Martin III and Bob Cooper, with cover art by Richard Corben. The comic was later adapted as a novel of the same name by S. D. Perry. The series is one of the few Aliens, Predator and Aliens vs. Predator comic books to serve as a direct sequel to an earlier story. In fact, it serves as a sequel to no less than three separate stories — as well as continuing the adventures of Machiko Noguchi from the original Aliens vs. Predator series, it also features the return of the Yautja Top-Knot from Aliens vs. Predator: Blood Time, and Lieutenant Kat Lara, Martin Jess and Brian Ellis from Aliens: Frenzy. In the Aliens vs. Predator comics line, Aliens vs. Predator: War was preceded by Aliens vs. Predator: Duel, published concurrently with Aliens vs. Predator: Deadliest of the Species, and was followed by Aliens vs. Predator: Booty.