Like all pre-made Sims from Oasis Landing, he has the Future Sim hidden trait. He has mastered his Advanced Technology skill and has 4 skill points in Laser Rhythm-a-con.
Like all pre-made Sims from Oasis Landing, he has the Future Sim hidden trait. He has mastered his Advanced Technology skill and has 4 skill points in Laser Rhythm-a-con.
Jak wszyscy Simowie z Oasis Landing, ma ukrytą cechę Sim z przyszłości. Posiada maksymalnie rozwiniętą umiejętność technologii zaawansowanej oraz 4 punkty grania na Laserowym Rytmofonie.
Rowley Wilkins es un Sim de Oasis Landing. Vive con su esposa Amanda Mere y su hija Melany Mere, en las tierras mineras. Tiene dominada la habilidad de Tecnología Avanzada y 4 puntos en Melodilaser rítmico.
Rowley Wilkins is absolutely crazy about Amanda. Finding her was worth all that hair-raising danger, but he’d prefer to split his time between gardening and doting on little Melany.