| - The series begins on Cybertron, where Megatron has revolted and declared war against the peace-keeping Autobots, led by Sentinel Prime. When Sentinel is killed, command falls to the young Autobot Orion Pax. Dark Energon is discovered by Megatron and the Decepticons, so Orion Pax leads his forces to prevent Megatron from stealing it. The series mainly revolves around the struggle to stop Megatron and the battles between Orion and Megatron. At the end of the series, Megatron kills Pax, who is then rebuilt as Optimus Prime. Released only in Japan.
| - The series begins on Cybertron, where Megatron has revolted and declared war against the peace-keeping Autobots, led by Sentinel Prime. When Sentinel is killed, command falls to the young Autobot Orion Pax. Dark Energon is discovered by Megatron and the Decepticons, so Orion Pax leads his forces to prevent Megatron from stealing it. The series mainly revolves around the struggle to stop Megatron and the battles between Orion and Megatron. At the end of the series, Megatron kills Pax, who is then rebuilt as Optimus Prime. Megatron tries to steal the power of Fortress Maximus, who has mysteriously disappeared. Optimus emerges to fight Megatron yet again and defend Megatron. It is later discovered that Fortress Maximus is actually on Earth. In the final episode, Megatron leaves the Autobots and several Decepticons to die in an exploding base while he begins his journey to Earth. The surviving Autobots make their way to Earth to battle Megatron. The betrayed Decepticons, led by Starscream, also arrive in hopes of taking down Megatron. Megatron eventually discovers Fortress Maximus' location, as well as a pool of Dark Energon. After he kills off Scourge and Soundwave, he enters the lair, but is confronted by Optimus. Megatron is stronger because he stole Scourge and Soundwave's sparks, but Fortress Maximus gives Optimus his power, enabling him to impale Megatron and throw him into the Dark Energon pool. The cave then collapses as Optimus escapes. Released only in Japan. Megatron re-emerges as Galvatron but lays low with his most loyal Decpticons while Starscream takes control. Eventually, he kills Starscream and regains control. He reveals his plans to steal the Allspark from the Autobots in order to become immortal. He fatally wounds Optimus and he dies; command falling to Ultra-Magnus. After Galvatron kills Ultra-Magnus, the Minicons appear and ressurect Optimus as Omega Prime. The two have a final battle, which continues into space, before Omega slices Galvatron in half with the Hammer of Magnus. With the Decepticons defeated, the Autobots return to Cybertron.