| - A capital is a mechanic in the Europa Universalis series. The capital is the center of the nation's government and the center of the nation. A nation can't be claimed regularly like any other province, unless the capital is surrounded on all adjacent sides by foreign nations. The capital of a nation can be moved for security reasons, missions and events, or to move to a higher base tax area.
- A capital is the center of a player's empire. In many of the Civilization games, the capital is home to the Palace, a national wonder that can be moved under the right circumstances. The capital often receives benefits that other cities do not. In the first three Civilization games, the capital enjoys zero corruption, and in Civilization IV, the capital city does not pay any "distance to palace" maintenance cost.
- La ciudad Capital, tanto en una micronación como en un macroestado, es la que alberga las sedes del gobierno central. En la mayoría de los casos la ciudad capital es la mayor del estado. Tal puede ser el caso de Nétpolis en Nova Edeno. Las ciudades pueden ser físicas o digitales. Un ejemplo de física es la Ciudad de Nueva Gales, capital de Waterland. Mientras que un ejemplo de ciudad digital puede ser la ya citada Netpolis ó Lemuria (capital de Litusarem) con verdaderos territorios digitales, o se presentan casos como Maracka o Barkaid donde no se cuenta con un concreto territorio digital.
- Creat it money from nothingness.
- Capital is a melodic hardcore band, made up of the members of the bands Silent Majority, Blood Red, and Thieves and Assassins, all of whom have been considered seminal to the Long Island hardcore movement. Though relatively unknown, Capital has garnered a cult following and has released three albums and a 7" -- "Signal Corps" through the Iron Pier label in 2006, "Homefront" in 2007, "Blind Faith 7" in 2009, and "Givers Takers" in 2010. The latter two were released through Revelation Records.
- Capital cities are typically the main headquarters of a faction. They are typically the largest of the faction's cities, and where their leaders usually reside.
- Capital are the goods, that were produced by previous stages of production, but do not directly satisfy consumer's needs; they are used in production to eventually produce consumer goods.
- Capitals are a type of town where the government of the county takes place. Those who live in the capital may only own one field and those who visit for extended periods of time can buy an apartment instead of paying the one-pound fee to stay there overnight. Eventually, all council members will have to stay in the capital in an apartment in order to perform their job. University students will also have to stay in the capital to study. These features have not yet been implemented, however.
- The first city you build is your Capital. It is marked with a star (★) and has significant civic bonuses to other cities. In some games, losing it can mean a defeat for you. In Sudden Death, the moment it is lost, you will lose. In many others, there is a timer, and when the timer times out, you lose the game. Building the Senate in a city, which is not your capital, makes this city a capital. If built in a capital city, it does nothing other than its normal functions.
- El destino de un imperio está en tus manos. Desde tu capital podrás fortalecer tu economía y mejorar tu tecnología, preparando misiones para ampliar tus límites de influencia en todo el Mediterráneo. Personaliza el diseño de tu capital a medida que se va convirtiendo en un centro de civilización, utilizando planos para construir edificios personalizados que te abrirán las puertas al resto del mundo. Categoría:Esbozos Categoría:Edificios de Age of Empires Online
- Capital refers to assets available for use in the production of further assets.
- Capital represents accumulated wealth that may be reinvested to create additional wealth using the labor power of workers.
- Capital can mean one of the following:
* A concept of Economics.
* A capital city.
* Capital punishment.
* The capital city of Gronk, also known as Glavnyaa. See Capital (Gronk).
* A state of the Federal Republic of Whiland. See Capital (Whiland).
- 首都(フォアランナー)とは、フォアランナー エキュメン帝国の文字通り首都として機能するように建設された大都市で、紀元前10万年前に存在した。 この都市はヘイローインストレーションよりもはるかに大規模な都市であり、小惑星くらいの巨大なステーションであった。
- Capital cities are typically the main headquarters of each race. They are the largest cities of each race, where their leaders reside.
- Capital is an attribute related to a territory that specifies the governmental center of a country. If the capital falls, all IPC's/PU's held by the original owner are transferred to the conquerer. No income be collected until the capital is liberated. Victory conditions are sometimes related to the capture of a number of enemy capitals. Capitals are the strategic focus of the game. Normally, if a side loses a capital, it will concede. Property Interactions:
* WW2V2 - Blocks victory conditions related to capital capture
- The Capital is the town you start with, when you set up an account.
- Stolice są przeważnie głównymi ośrodkami dla każdej z ras. Są to największe miasta każdej z ras, w których rezydują ich przywódcy.
- Capital este o revistă financiară din România care apare săptămânal.
- Your Capital is the central city of your demesne. The location of your capital is determined by the following things in descending order.
* Your Primary Title Area
* Culture
* Religion
* Base Tax Your Primary Title area is the area that you need to create your Primary Title. Your Primary Title is your first tile listed and defines your coat of arms.
- La capital de un planeta, o territorio era casi siempre la ciudad principal, y era el centro turístico de ese planeta, o territorio gubernamental. Sin embargo, la capital no sería necesariamente la ciudad más grande de todo el área. La capital también podía referirse al planeta primario dentro de un sistema, o de una extensión, y de un sector completo. Casi siempre, el planeta capital de un sector era el más viejo (y por lo general menos conocido) planeta deshabitado.
- Capital is the mainworld of the Knoroven System. It was the capital of the Independent Coalition of Systems from 22 AKR to 1118 AKR (when the capital was moved back to Silei) after the Catastrophe of the Star rendered Silei uninhabitable, and it is still a major member world. The planet was first colonised in 20 AKR, with the express intention of making it the capital. Capital has four states with individual governments, ruled by the Capital Republic: Geleur, Iscoron (the capital), Nerios and Tanezits.