| - The Imperial Tripartite Alliance (also called the Tripartite Alliance, Triple Alliance, Alliance of Three, Imperial Alliance, Ingzan-N'Akkiarlian-Dezendyan Alliance, Imperialist Alliance, the Tripartite and in rare cases the Political-Business Alliance) was an alliance between the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire, the N'Akkiarlian Star Empire and the House of Dezendyan. Later they formed an alliance with the imperialistic Kalakranaki species, who were impressed and admired their ability to build such large empires and keep control over them.
| - The Imperial Tripartite Alliance (also called the Tripartite Alliance, Triple Alliance, Alliance of Three, Imperial Alliance, Ingzan-N'Akkiarlian-Dezendyan Alliance, Imperialist Alliance, the Tripartite and in rare cases the Political-Business Alliance) was an alliance between the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire, the N'Akkiarlian Star Empire and the House of Dezendyan. The alliance was founded in 1,100 ABY and was an extension on two alliances, the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire-N'Akkiarlian Star Empire Alliance and the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire-House of Dezendyan Alliance, which made the House of Dezendyan an unoffical ally of the N'Akkiarlian Star Empire, as per the alliance with Ingzan-Bregaran Empire, who had an alliance with the N'Akkiarlian Star Empire. Later they formed an alliance with the imperialistic Kalakranaki species, who were impressed and admired their ability to build such large empires and keep control over them. In 1,129 ABY to 1,130 ABY the Tripartite Alliance fought the Rebellion against the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire and the concurrent Dezendyan-Vás Feud. Some who served the Tripartite Alliance sought to see it evolve into a Triumvirate, which they called the Imperial Triumvirate. These people were known as Triumviratists. Why not evolve the Tripartite Alliance into the Imperial Triumvirate? The three powers are best friends already, a triumvirate would be simply a consolidation of the political and business power of the Tripartite, each member would retain their unique identity and culture, but would be in a better position to help and trade with each other, the three would rule the galaxy, consolidating each empire, be it political or business empire, each empire would be a seperate nation, but would work even closer.—A Triumviratist, a proponent of the idea of the Imperial Triumvirate Eventually the Triumviratists' goal was achieved, in 1,141 ABY the Imperial Tripartite Alliance evolved into the Imperial Triumvirate. Just like the Triumviratists had imagined the triumvirate was basically a closer alliance, each power was independent, but each was even closely allied, the Imperial Triumvirate Council was a council of the three leaders of the Triumvirate powers, who discussed happening in Triumvirate-member space. No leader could dictate what would happen in another leader's nation, but could give advice and council. The three governments/businesses often met, which was the Imperial Triumvirate Parliament where they would do the same except on a larger scale. The Triumvirate is not a means of getting rid of each nation's uniqueness or culture and turning it into one super-government but a means of working together closer, a closer alliance.—A Triumviratist to an Anti-Triumviratist