Professor Vard was a Tandaran temporal physicist. Vard was responsible for designing the phase discriminators that protected the Eridian Vault. In 2381, Vard and his students were nearly killed aboard a hoverbus, but were mysteriously saved. Department of Temporal Investigations special agents Gariff Lucsly and Marion Dulmur investigated and found that temporal agent Jena Noi was responsible for saving Vard. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock)
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| - Vard est une planète géante recouverte de glace dont l'atmosphère est constituée d'une mélange de méthane et d'ammoniac. Jusqu'à la Rébellion krogane, elle possédait une vaste infrastructure de raffineries d'hélium-3, mais le flot continu de tankers cessa brutalement après la destruction des stations photovoltaïques orbitant autour de Nith. Devenues inutiles, les usines furent fermées et laissées à l'abandon. Elle sont aujourd'hui un refuge idéal pour les criminels et les parias en tout genre, malgré leur insalubrité notoire qui ne semble guère émouvoir les autorités kroganes et la Mission d'encadrement de la démilitarisation concilienne (MEDC).
- Professor Vard was a Tandaran temporal physicist. Vard was responsible for designing the phase discriminators that protected the Eridian Vault. In 2381, Vard and his students were nearly killed aboard a hoverbus, but were mysteriously saved. Department of Temporal Investigations special agents Gariff Lucsly and Marion Dulmur investigated and found that temporal agent Jena Noi was responsible for saving Vard. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock)
- Vard ist ein Methan/Ammoniak-Eisgigant. Bis zu den Kroganischen Rebellionen gab es hier eine beachtliche Infrastruktur zur Raffinierung von Helium-3. Nach der Zerstörung der Solaranlagen im Orbit von Nith, blieb der stetige Strom von Antiproton-Tankern aus. Da es keinen Grund gab, die Anlagen in Betrieb zu halten, wurden sie geschlossen und verlassen. Heute sind die alten Stationen von Flüchtlingen, Verbrechern und Verstoßenen "besetzt". Nur wenige davon sind noch zur Besiedelung geeignet, aber weder die Kroganer noch die Patrouillen der Ratsmission zur Durchsetzung der Entmilitarisierung (RMDE) kümmern sich darum.
- Satellites Location: Milky Way / Krogan DMZ / Nith System / Third planet <default>Colony</default> [[]] Prerequisite: Mordin: Old Blood or Grunt: Rite of Passage (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: Sur'Kesh (Mass Effect 3)
- Vard was the leader of the mystics/Murgo slave race on the Isle of Verkat. He was a tall man with a white linen robe. He had flowing silver hair, black eyebrows, and an unlined face. He was also a wizard who put a spell on Zith to deter her from carrying her babies to term, until Zith completed her task (of killing Harakan). He was also very kind and had sharp ears. As a mystic, similar to the Dals, he read the stars. He lived in a village on the northern/northwest side of the Isle of Verkat.
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- 1956(xsd:integer)
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| - Zone démilitarisée krogane
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| - Planet View
- Planetenansicht
| - Krogan DMZ
- Kroganische DMZ
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| - 709(xsd:double)
- 7096(xsd:integer)
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| - Vard est une planète géante recouverte de glace dont l'atmosphère est constituée d'une mélange de méthane et d'ammoniac. Jusqu'à la Rébellion krogane, elle possédait une vaste infrastructure de raffineries d'hélium-3, mais le flot continu de tankers cessa brutalement après la destruction des stations photovoltaïques orbitant autour de Nith. Devenues inutiles, les usines furent fermées et laissées à l'abandon. Elle sont aujourd'hui un refuge idéal pour les criminels et les parias en tout genre, malgré leur insalubrité notoire qui ne semble guère émouvoir les autorités kroganes et la Mission d'encadrement de la démilitarisation concilienne (MEDC).
- Professor Vard was a Tandaran temporal physicist. Vard was responsible for designing the phase discriminators that protected the Eridian Vault. In 2381, Vard and his students were nearly killed aboard a hoverbus, but were mysteriously saved. Department of Temporal Investigations special agents Gariff Lucsly and Marion Dulmur investigated and found that temporal agent Jena Noi was responsible for saving Vard. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock)
- Vard ist ein Methan/Ammoniak-Eisgigant. Bis zu den Kroganischen Rebellionen gab es hier eine beachtliche Infrastruktur zur Raffinierung von Helium-3. Nach der Zerstörung der Solaranlagen im Orbit von Nith, blieb der stetige Strom von Antiproton-Tankern aus. Da es keinen Grund gab, die Anlagen in Betrieb zu halten, wurden sie geschlossen und verlassen. Heute sind die alten Stationen von Flüchtlingen, Verbrechern und Verstoßenen "besetzt". Nur wenige davon sind noch zur Besiedelung geeignet, aber weder die Kroganer noch die Patrouillen der Ratsmission zur Durchsetzung der Entmilitarisierung (RMDE) kümmern sich darum.
- Vard was the leader of the mystics/Murgo slave race on the Isle of Verkat. He was a tall man with a white linen robe. He had flowing silver hair, black eyebrows, and an unlined face. He was also a wizard who put a spell on Zith to deter her from carrying her babies to term, until Zith completed her task (of killing Harakan). He was also very kind and had sharp ears. As a mystic, similar to the Dals, he read the stars. He lived in a village on the northern/northwest side of the Isle of Verkat. Vard also delivered the Dalasian prophetical book, The Book of Ages to Belgarath via Toth. Vard was also responsible in telling Zakath's men where to find Garion and his party.
- Satellites Location: Milky Way / Krogan DMZ / Nith System / Third planet <default>Colony</default> [[]] Prerequisite: Mordin: Old Blood or Grunt: Rite of Passage (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: Sur'Kesh (Mass Effect 3)