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- Remus est la troisième des quatre planètes du système romulien, planète mère des Rémiens et jumelle de Romulus.
- Remus is a sword, named by Dan Cahill in The Sword Thief. He found the sword in Fidelio Racco's mansion in One False Note. He named it after Remus, intending it to be named after the founder of Italy, but who was actually the brother of the founder of Rome, Romulus. It is made of Tungsten and was hidden in Mozart's harpsichord with Rufus. It was presumably made in Japan. It is shown in the Tungsten Clue video. It is shown in The Black Book of Buried Secrets that he still has them.
- Remus (レムス Remusu "Lit": Swiftness) is the Beta operative of the Consello faction within Wolf Rain. He is regarded for his amazing skill within persuasion and is also the Alpha operative within the Creadores faction. He was one of the founding members of Wolf Rain, and has been through several thousand years of combat as a result. He partners with Romulus Fane.
- Remus is a character featured in RAGE. He is one of the first residents of Subway Town that Nicholas Raine has contact with, as he is just across the path from Destinee when taking the first steps into the town. He wears a mask similar to Friday's because he had problems radioactivity. He will usually remain around the entrance to the "Fez" Bar, leaning on a barrel of some sort. He has a few lines of dialogue mentioning the situation in Subway Town, but besides that he has no interaction with the protagonist.
- Not-so-freshmeat
- Remus was a class Q planet that is tidally locked to Romulus. The planet is the home of and place of enslavement of the Remans.
- Monster Rancher 3: This monster was recently discovered in the jungle. Its fur acts as camouflage, which is why no one could find it before.
- thumb|200px|right|Remus Remus fue el tercer planeta del Sistema Romulano localizado en el Sector Z-6. Es el mundo hogar de los Remanos.
- Romulus is the son of Mars Ultor and Zephaniah, and the twin brother of Romulus. Shortly before Remus' death, he and his brother were awakened by their father, which ultimately led to a fight between the brothers which killed them both.
- Remus, better known by his stage name Impaler, is an ancient, and powerful vampire in the True Blood Comic Book Series, the comic book series created to complement the HBO original series True Blood. Turned into a vampire by his maker, Roman Master, Remus is the vampire brother of Godric, the future Vampire Sheriff of Texas' Area 9. __TOC__
- Remus era il terzo di quattro pianeti del sistema Romulano, sede dei remani e pianeta gemello di Romulus.
- In November 2009, Remus was founded by Osirus, who became a member of the BN Academy. On January 31, 2010, Osirus became part of a seven man group to meet the requirements needed for a call up to the Basketball Ninjas Roster.
- Remus ist der dritte von vier Planeten im romulanischen System. Er ist der Heimatplanet der Remaner. Siehe hierzu: --> Remus auf MEMORY ALPHA Kategorie:Planeten des Betaquadranten
- [[Datei:RemusGrößenvergleich.jpg|thumb|250px|Der Planet Remus (rechts) im Vergleich zum Romulus (links)]]
- Remus was the brother of Romulus. Both were the legendary founders of Rome.
- Remus and his twin brother Romulus were, according to mythology, the founders of Ancient Rome.
- Romulus and Remus are names of the first Roman rulers. They were borth raised by the wolf Lupa.
- Remus was the tidally-locked, Q-class sister world of Romulus, and the homeworld of the Reman species with both being located in the Romii system (TOS novel: Captain's Blood) It was also known as ch'Havran (meaning "of the Travelers" in Rihannsu) and 128 Trianguli III-B (in Earth's astronomical notation). In addition, it as known as Rav's which meant "Brother" in the Romulan language. (TOS novel: The Romulan Way, FASA RPG module: The Romulans (FASA)) Remus and the planet Romulus had a "Trojan relationship" in their revolution around one another. (TNG video game: Echoes From the Past)
- Remus is a planet of the Romulan Star Empire, in the Beta Quadrant, and home to the Reman people. It is located in the same planetary system as Romulus. Remus was destroyed in 2387 by a supernova shockwave from the nearby Hobus star.
- Nadat Romulus 1000 jaar eerder door een groep Vulcan afvalligen werd gekoloniseerd, werd ook Remus langzaam gekoloniseerd. Al snel begon de exploitatie van de rijke dilithium bodem. De Remans, die de oorspronkelijke bewoners van Remus waren of afstammelingen van Romulan kolonisten, werden sindsdien beschouwd als een ongewenste kaste in de Romulan samenleving en werden gedwongen om in de mijnen te werken. Aangezien de dagzijde op Remus veel te heet is om te bewonen hebben de lichamen van de Remans zich helemaal aangepast aan de omstandigheden op de donkere zijde.
- In the near future, increasing political polarization drives one man to commit a suicide attack on the White House. This act sparks an escalating cycle of partisan violence, forcing the government to step in. In order to combat the rising tide of extremism, the government repeals the bill of rights, declares martial law, and hugely expands the power of the CIA to deal with perceived threats to American security. Remus is a Speculative Fiction webcomic written and drawn by Kyle Jacobs. You can find it here.
- thumb|right|Remus Remus -leżąca w Kwadrancie Beta, należąca do Imperium Romulańskiego, trzecia z czterech planet systemu Romulus, ojczysty świat Reman. Po skolonizowaniu Romulusa przez wolkańskich uchodźców, Remus zaczął być stopniowo kolonizowany głównie ze względu na duże złoża dilitu, który jest tam wydobywany do dzisiaj (koniec ziemskiego XXIV wieku), aczkolwiek zlokalizowane tam kopalnie nie nadążają już z dostarczaniem tego surowca, co jest spowodowane albo stopniowym wyczerpywaniem się złóż, albo zbyt szybko rosnącymi potrzebami Imperium. thumb|Remus-powierzchnia planety. Widoczne kopalnie dilitu. 2379 rok. Kolonizację utrudniają warunki panujące na Remusie. Remus jest planetą, której jedna strona jest zawsze skierowana w stronę gwiazdy systemu (jest to tzw. obrót synchroniczny). Wy
- thumb|Eine Statur, des Romulus und Remus, wie sie von der Wölfin gesäugt werden Remus war der Zwillingsbruder von Romulus und wurde wie er, der Sage nach, von seiner Mutter, der Rea Silvia, auf dem Tiber ausgesetzt und von einer Wölfin gefunden und gesäugt. Später kümmerte sich auch Faustulus, ein Hirte, um die Zwillinge und zog sie groß.
- "Life is beautiful and intricate. There are lessons to be learned in every aspect of existence; from and beyond the Force itself; personal and worldly; physically, mentally and spiritually, in every domain." -Remus to Satkia Beltrak Cid Ferran (adopted father - deceased) Dimitri Morrow (blood father - deceased) Alexandra Morrow (blood mother - deceased) Cecilia Morrow (blood sister - deceased) Sophia Gallagher (blood half-sister)
- Remus is the tidally-locked, Q-class sister world of Romulus, and the homeworld of the Reman species with both being located in the Romii system (TOS novel: Captain's Blood) It is also known as ch'Havran (in Rihannsu) and 128 Trianguli III-B (in Earth's astronomical notation); the planet is a major source of dilithium, and it is often used by the Romulan Star Empire as a place of punishment to which political prisioners are sent for slave labor. (TNG movie: Star Trek Nemesis)