| - Adamantium is much more well-known in the Marvel universe, with Wolverine's claws and skeleton being coated with the alloy. In the main Sonic the Comic timeline, Megatal is a comparable metal created by Doctor Robotnik and Grimer, utilised on the Cybernik program and certain Special Badnik Service troops, among others. Enchanted metal is another substitute in The Legend of the Golden Axe, although it is not indestructable.
- Adamantium is a fictional metal alloy in the . It appears most notably as the substance bonded to the character Wolverine's skeleton and bone claws.
- Adamantium is perhaps the strongest substance known to the Imperium, and is invulnerable to attacks from most known weapons. It was the material used to construct the Imperial Palace's Eternity Gate, and is often used in conjunction with plasteel and ceramite to produce items that require incredible tensile strength, such as in the structure of Terminator Armour or the construction of Imperial Titans. Many items made in the past from adamantium cannot be reverse-engineered by the Imperium's Adepts because their adamantium shells are so strong that they cannot be disassembled.
- Stryker and the Weapon X team then proceeded to inject the adamantium into the skeleton and bone-claws of James Howlett. When he is later shot in the head with bullets made of the compound, he sustains severe intra-cranial trauma that induces extensive amnesia. Stryker later also gives similar claws to Yuriko Oyama extruding from the tips of her fingers. Sabertooth was bonded to the Adamantium but the bonding process failed as his body rejected it.
- El Adamantium es el material, según los trozos que marca el Episodio G, Gaia, la madre y esposa de Urano, creó las 12 armaduras denominadas Sômas, con esté material es considerado un material más duro que el diamante.
- This is a list on the many items in the Marvel universe that are made of many forms of Adamantium:
- Adamantium was a metal produced as a cheaper alternative to mithrilium and was one of the hardest substances known to science. Adamantium could be used to manufacture nearly indestructible body-armor, although its expense limited it to VIPs such as heads of state, generals, and the wealthy. Many of the dueling swords used by the Great Houses had blades made of adamantium.
- True Adamantium. Pierwsza znana odmiana Adamantium, oparta na stopithumb|Adamantium-Ciecze żelaza i dwóch innych metali (proces produkcji jest ściśle tajny). Uzyskana podczas próby reprodukcji tarczy, jaką posługiwał się Captain America, później zastosowana do budowy pierwszej wersji Ultrona. Cały szkielet jak i pazury Wolverine'a są wykonane z tego metalu. Adamantium jest metalem ferromagnetycznym więc może być przyciągany przez magnes i wytwarzane przez niego pole magnetyczne. Jedynym znanym sposobem na zniszczenie tej odmiany stopu jest użycie energii Infinity Gems. Z doświadczenia wiadomo, że przy całej swojej sile, istoty takie jak Thor, czy Hulk mogą jedynie nieznacznie uszkodzić przedmioty wykonane z Adamantium.
- Métal quasiment indestructible, l'Adamantium est un alliage dont seuls quelques Alchimistes Gobelins possèdent le secret. Se classant parmi les matériaux les plus solides connus à ce jour, il fut notamment utilisé par Aile de mort du Vol Noir qui s'en fit greffer de nombreuses plaques épaisses sur le corps, le rendant ainsi pratiquement invulnérable. Il est également à noter que seul un Alchimiste Gobelin connaît le secret de l'Elémentium, et qu'il travaille en ce moment pour Néfarian, l'héritier d'Aile de mort.
- <default>Adamantium</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Adamantium ist eine unzerstörbare Metall-Legierung.
- Adamantium is an nigh-indestructible metal used by many people for experiments.
- Although the metal known as adamantium, and every other thing within the pages of Marvel Comics are fictional within the setting of the Earth-1A universe, in an alternate reality, it is a real substance. Once Wolverine rescued Barack Obama from Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom, and he accidentally cut his hand off with his adamantium claws.
- Adamantium ist ein Metall, härter als Drachenschuppen. Die Greifenreiter der Zwerge schmieden aus diesem Material ihre Kampfäxte. Das Metall ist in seiner Urform metallisch silbrig, doch kann die Farbe je nach Alter und Belastung variieren. Todesschwinge, der Zerstörer, ließ sich von den Goblins eine ganze Rüstung aus Adamantiumplatten herstellen, um seinen Körper am Explodieren zu hindern, als die Macht der Dämonenseele ihn veränderte. Er ließ sie sich noch glühend auf den Leib schmieden und seitdem ist die Rüstung ein Teil von ihm. Kategorie:Metall und Stein
- It is mainly found on the following quests: 1 - Chaos Gate, lasts 12 hours
- A harvest location is along the up hill path to the Morheim Red Lava Cliffs. There are 5 nodes at Mabangtah's Hideout in Eltnen.
- Mineral Craftable Found in Old Treasure Box Drop in many monsters Used to craft many items
- thumb|364px|Una piscina con Adamantium hirviendo en una instalación del Arma X.El Adamantium es un compuesto metálico desarrollado para el Arma X después de usar un elemento desconocido encontrado en un meteorito en algún lugar de Nigeria, por William Stryker y el Equipo X.
- Adamantium is a super-material. It's harder and tougher (not the same property!) than any other known material. It's very difficult to create; a Goodkind Research Labs project had about a 3% success rate, and the typical Whateley lab student has around a 6% success rate; Techwolf, however, had a 60% success rate. Due to the cost, it has never been mass-produced. It was stated that the cost of largely coating one US Air Force combat jet in adamantium was equal to that of four fully-equipped aircraft carriers (according to Wikipedia, the cost of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier by itself is around $4.5 billion). Once created, it's effectively impossible to work by any ordinary means.
- Alamantium ist gennerell unzerstörbar. Anders als caps schild welches "nur" absorbiert, ist Alamantium in seine molekularen kristall struktur so stark, dass es sich praktisch selbst unterstützt. Es ist also ein kreislauf. Bei dem die Atome sich gegenseitig halten, und wieder gehalten werden. Und kann auch damit jeder atomaren Explosion wiederstehen. Auch kann man nicht mit nem glühenden schwert die nicht glühenden krallen durchschneiden. Heißes metall is immee weicher, von daher wäre es eher umgekerht, und Alamantium is eben generell unzerstörbar auserdem mag ich Krusten