The Transformers Wars (Many years), also known as the Transformer War and the Great Transformer War, was the name given to the major galactic conflict fought between the Autobots and Darth Grievous's Sith Legion. The war was named after the Autobots work together with the Jedi against the evil forces of the battle droid, Sith, monster, Dragon, hybrid, demon, Seeker, undead and Kaleesh forces of the Sith Legion. These armies were two of the largest ever pitted against each other in galactic history, and the fighting between them rapidly spread to countless inhabited worlds. Both sides scored significant victories over the other, and at different times during the war either seemed likely to triumph. The death of Darth Grievous, deactivation of the Droid armies, and the Matrix of Leadership l
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| - The Transformers Wars (Many years), also known as the Transformer War and the Great Transformer War, was the name given to the major galactic conflict fought between the Autobots and Darth Grievous's Sith Legion. The war was named after the Autobots work together with the Jedi against the evil forces of the battle droid, Sith, monster, Dragon, hybrid, demon, Seeker, undead and Kaleesh forces of the Sith Legion. These armies were two of the largest ever pitted against each other in galactic history, and the fighting between them rapidly spread to countless inhabited worlds. Both sides scored significant victories over the other, and at different times during the war either seemed likely to triumph. The death of Darth Grievous, deactivation of the Droid armies, and the Matrix of Leadership l
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| - The Transformers Wars (Many years), also known as the Transformer War and the Great Transformer War, was the name given to the major galactic conflict fought between the Autobots and Darth Grievous's Sith Legion. The war was named after the Autobots work together with the Jedi against the evil forces of the battle droid, Sith, monster, Dragon, hybrid, demon, Seeker, undead and Kaleesh forces of the Sith Legion. These armies were two of the largest ever pitted against each other in galactic history, and the fighting between them rapidly spread to countless inhabited worlds. Both sides scored significant victories over the other, and at different times during the war either seemed likely to triumph. The death of Darth Grievous, deactivation of the Droid armies, and the Matrix of Leadership lighting the Autobots Darkest hour brought an end to the fighting. At the time, it was the largest galactic conflict to date.
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