| - Full Name: Brommidor Stonebrow Nickname(s): Bromm; Four and a Half Title(s): None Race: Dwarf Age: 47 Years old. Occupation: Paladin of the Silver Hand, Novice of the Servitors of Lothar, Alchemist Affiliations: Silver Hand, Servitors of Lothar, Ironforge, Argent Dawn, (Formerly) First Legion Languages: Fluent in Dwarvish and Common. Alignment: Lawful Good Height: 4'11" Weight: 212 lbs Motto: Ordo ab Chao (Order from Chaos) Birthplace: Eastern Dun Morogh Current Home: He owns a small apartment in the Mystic Ward of Ironforge; He also spends some nights onboard the ship The Endeavor in Stormwind Harbor, which is the home of the Nash family who allow fellow Servitors to stay there if they wish; He may spend some nights at the barracks of the Servitors Command Center; His mother's house in Dun Morogh is always welcoming to Bromm and his friends. Likes: Bacon, A good brew, relaxing with friends, defending Azeroth from the many evils that inhabit it, meeting new people, finding a new herb, a slow-simmering cauldron, the season's first snowfall in Dun Morogh, training with and studying from the Silver Hand and the Servitors of Lothar. Dislikes: Pet peeves of Bromm's are few but include: Racial or cultural intolerance, cowardice, and people who think so much that they fail to act. Some things he truly dislikes and hates are: The Scourge, people who take pleasure in other's pain or take advantage of other's misfortunes, and when he feels helpless or regrets that he may have not done enough. Religious Affiliation: Church of the Light Physical Description: Bromm is fairly average height and weight for a Dwarf. His years working the copper mines of Dun Morogh have strengthened his muscles in all parts of his body, as does his need to wear plate armor, so he is in fairly good shape. He has misty blue eyes which seems to glint slightly in the sun and look somewhat ponderous. His hair and beard are a bright blonde and he wears them in a double-braid beard with a thick mustache and a short pony-tail hairdo. There is a tattoo of a shining hammer on his left bicep. This he got after joining the Silver Hand, in honor of his position and to always remind him that he is a defender of the people and a warrior of The Light. Personality: Bromm is a very poisitive and happy individual. He is almost always with a smile on his face and enjoys laughter, good tales, and drinking. The few times he is not bright and cheery are when he is focused on his work (alchemy, training, studies), when he is in battle, and when he is in deep thought or conversation. For being such a light-hearted fellow, Bromm broods deeply about the many people of Azeroth and the hardships endured by so many. He is quick to make friends and will defend those he cares for fiercely, but never watches over them in an overprotective way. He takes his work and duties quite seriously, but never himself so. You would be hard-pressed to ever upset Bromm, as he cares for the many peoples of Azeroth. Skills, Talents, Hobbies: Bromm is skilled in the ways of a paladin, knowing how to fight with sword and wield the Light in his favor. He trains particularly in defensive combat with a single-handed weapon and shield, preferring to place himself between his allies and the enemy. In his free time, Bromm enjoys reading the many volumes of texts available to him from the Silver Hand archives. He loves to glean information about past paladins, events, and techniques or strategies. Bromm is also quite interested in the fields of alchemical and herbal studies and is even a part-owner of an Apothecary and Alchemical Shop in Stormwind with fellow Servitor, Maesaeloria Nash. He also enjoys cooking and brewing his own drinks, alcohalic and non-alcohalic alike. Phobias and Weaknesses: Very few others know that Bromm is claustrophobic. It seems ironic for a dwarf, who spends much of his life underground, to be afraid of cramped spaces. Whether or not this is reasonable or uncommon is debatable, but Bromm is one nonetheless. He is quite secretive of the origin and only lets a select few know about it and why. One of his greatest fears is losing those he cares for. Bromm also is not too fond of sailing, preferring solid ground and the stoic mountains, but he is not so bad as to completely remove himself from the ocean. He does make trips across the sea to the mysterious continent of Kalimdor but only ever so often. Weaknesses of his can include drinking (he does rarely drink to an excess, due to a bar-mishap in his youth), coming off as not being serious, and getting "too involved" in matters that he isn't always personally involved in. He also will shy away from strong alcoholic drinks such as Sulfuron Slammers and Searing Hammerpicks. Special Possessions: Bromm carries a few trinkets of his past: His old mining pick, his personal drinking mug, and a golden locket on a chain he wears around his neck, tucked beneath his shirt. Some tokens of his accomplishments that he carries with him are: Archeus (the blade of a once-great paladin whom's animated ghoul body Bromm redeemed), a double-handed sword that was Lightforged which he uses in combat with the Scourge, a genuine Wildhammer Stormhammer, and a commendation from the legendary First Legion. He also owns a few special shields: An Ironforge Guard shield, a Darkshire Crest Shield, and a Golden Shield with a Lion of Stormwind Crest on it that he recovered from a mission in Shadowfang Keep, it was a shield used by a Stormwind Commander in the First or Second War and Bromm is proud to wield it.