| - --Tartakover 11 novembre 2006 à 00:11 (UTC)
- The Sketchup API lets you run some simple little Ruby scripts within SketchUp to do virtually anything that Sketchup can do. Automate common tasks or create new ones.
- Api is a treat.
- Blanket artist permission was obtained by macgravel in February 2007.
- Geier Arnold, more commonly known as API, is the creator of the music for the first half of Madness Combat 6: Antipathy and the track for Madness Combat 8: Inundation. He does not put the music he makes for Madness on Newgrounds, and merely says to go download it on Krinkels' website.
- API ou , et 1.
* [[/|]] – [[/|]] – [[/|]] Alphabet phonétique international.
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* Phonétique du Wiktionnaire.
- interfaz de programación de aplicaciones o API
- Application Programming Interface, usually used to abstract a piece of hardware. Accessed by way of a respective API library.
- Chercher "api" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- API는 Application Programming Interface의 약어입니다.
- API /a.pi/ ou /a pe i/ {{[[Modèle:|]]}} , et 1.
* Alphabet phonétique international.
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* Phonétique du Wiktionnaire.
- Api invariable [ˈapi] 1.
* nom de famille étymologie
* (étymologie manquante)Catégorie:étymologie manquante Api invariable [ˈapi] 1.
* prénom masculin
- API, also known as Application Programming Interface, is the software system introduced in 2007 that allows users to generate revenue from their games and movies, as part of the Revenue Sharing scheme on Newgrounds. Newgrounds has a partnership with CPMStar, an advertisement company, that allows users' flash games to earn revenue regardless of where people view the game or movie. This helps authors make money while still letting other websites choose to host their work. Revenue can be shared between multiple people. Flashes have unique IDs. Some ads pay based on how many views they get, some by how many click-throughs they get and some by how many customers buy something from the advertiser. Every version of Flash after 4 is supported. Whenever authors make over $50, they are paid via chec
- The API for woot can be used to build your own woot checking application. The simplest of application of the API would be to subscribe to a specific woot site with an RSS reader. More complex applications like the many woot checkers use the API as well. There exist several URLs that you can access the API with including:
* The final URL isn't really an offical API, but is just the reader for the blog. It is included in the list for those who want to build an apllication that can also read woot blog posts. The woot names can be:
- Api je termín, ktorý často označuje najvyššiu bytosť. Podľa veriacich ľudí je vládcom alebo stvoriteľom sveta alebo je svetu imanentný. Koncepcia jediného Apiho je charakteristická pre monoteizmus (preto sa slovo Api píše s veľkým písmenom), aj keď niektoré formy monoteizmu sa nedajú vždy presne odlíšiť od niektorých foriem polyteizmu. V polyteistickom ponímaní je Api nadprirodzená bytosť, obvykle nesmrteľná. Ak v náboženstve existuje viac druhov nadprirodzených bytostí, potom slovom Api označujeme tie (tú), ktoré sú hierarchicky najvyššie.