| - Shake with ice and strain into shot glass.
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- Cosmos is a member of the Kuja Pirates. Her name was revealed in a SBS by Oda.
- Cosmos era il soprannome di un Clone Trooper che servì il Grande Esercito della Repubblica durante la Guerra dei Cloni. Fu assegnato come guardia del complesso in cui il Cancelliere Supremo Palpatine e la dottoressa Soinver Boll facevano esperimenti sullo Zillo Beast. Cosmos credeva che i loro blaster non fossero efficaci contro la Bestia. I suoi compagni cercarono di calmarlo ma furono schiacciati, compreso Cosmos, dalla Bestia quando questa si liberò dalla catene e fuggì dal complesso.
- Cosmos (cosmix en inglés)es un platium ortropus del planeta energion(pronunciado enérgion).Vive en la galaxia de Z3 es de la serie Alex10 el reino alienígena.Es un alien del 4trix/cuatrotrix adicional
- Cosmos is a fictional character from the Wild Cards series of books.
- Cosmos è un membro delle Piratesse Kuja.
- Die Cosmos sind zwei winzig kleine Zwillingsmädchen von der Modra-Insel, welche die Riesenmotte Mothra als ihre Göttin verehren und immer mit von der Partie sind, wenn diese auftaucht, da nur sie direkten Kontakt zu ihr aufnehmen können.Sie tauchen in mehreren Godzilla-Filmen auf, doch gehören sie eigentlich zur Mothra-Filmreihe, in welcher sie allerdings Elias genannt werden.
- Cosmos (コスモス, Kosumosu) est membre de la Troupe des Loups Affamés, considérés comme étant les plus puissants exécuteurs du royaume de Fiore.
- The Cosmos, also commonly known as Space, is where all of the stars and planets exist. Whenever a stage is completed, The King of All Cosmos judges the Katamari, and if it passes, is either turned into a celestial body or broken into stardust. Celestial bodies can be stars, planets, meteors, or other objects in space. It is also, quite obviously, the realm over which the King is king of.
- Cosmos is the opposite of Land, and is made up of Space, Time, Light, and Dark. Many people refer to it as "Outer Space." Cosmos is a gravityless place made up of mostly empty space, moons, planets and stars. The Chi Universe is mostly Cosmos with several spheres of Land floating around suns. In the Astra Universe, Cosmos is scarce as most of the Universe is made up of Land. Cosmos exists within the cores of planets, and consists of a sun, and stars, and occasionally a moon.
- cosmos invariable [ˈkosmos] 1.
* cosmos → universo
- Le "Cosmos" est un lieu en général qui a été donné pour indiquer dans quel région se trouvait le Phénix. En effet, le cosmos n'est ni un secteur de la galaxie de Solana, ni une planète, c'est donc une zone spatiale.
- Cosmos Adalah anggota dari Bajak Laut Kuja. Namanya terungkap dalam SBS oleh Oda.
- Cosmos is a doll from Jun Planning and is tiny sized. She was released in 2007.
- The Cosmos is a in Saints Row, Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third.Broken {{ref}} (youtube link)
- Cosmos is Tanishi Kei's Best of Rival Player's single.
- Cosmos finds outer space lonely and boring, will usually amuse himself by zig-zagging through meteor showers or scaring humans by hovering over their backyards at night. He has the capacity for long range travel and can refuel enroute thanks to a hydrogen powered fusion drive. When on earth acts as an advanced communication and reconnaissance satellite in Earth orbit. His optical sensors can see a bicycle at 600 miles. Has pinpoint accuracy, high-powered particle beam. Not well suited to function on the ground as a robot.
- Cosmos es un Collab de Geometry Dash Woogie y itsgamerstyles, actualmente tiene hidden road, y va ser verificado por xxthegamer444xx. También va ser una versión mejorada del nivel.
- >"Welcome to Magic Crafters! I want you to release the dragons, reclaim our treasure and recover the eggs from those pesky blue thieves." —Cosmos Cosmos (コスモス=マジノマール Kosumosu in Japanese) is the leader of the Magic Crafters in Spyro the Dragon. After he was freed from his crystal prison by Spyro, Cosmos was imprisoned once again by Gnasty Gnorc when attempting to confront the villain along with a few other dragons, only to be rescued again. At some point, he was also in charge of the dragon eggs, and enlisted Spyro's help to retrieve them from the gang of thieves that took them.
- Les cosmos sont des fleurs apparaissant dans Animal Crossing: Wild World, Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City, Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Il est possible d'en acheter au magasin de jardinage, chez Tom Nook, chez Racine, d'en trouver sur Tortiland ou dans les objets trouvés au poste de police. Elles peuvent aussi être plantées aléatoirement dans le village par d'autres villageois.
- Cosmos est la déesse de l'harmonie opposée à Chaos dans les jeux Dissidia Final Fantasy et Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy. Elle est le seul personnage original de la série des jeux Dissidia.
- Cosmos (コスモス, Kosumosu) est une femme faisant partie de l'équipage des Kuja. Son nom a été révélé dans un certain SBS par Eiichiro Oda.
- The cosmos is the combination of all the aspects the metaphysical and physical Warcraft universe influenced by cosmic forces.
- Cosmos's bio portrayed him as the Autobots' top recon specialist, using his space-based alternate mode to reach places no other Autobot is capable of. Despite this freedom, Cosmos frequently gets lonely - and bored with it. As such, he often abandons his duty to fool around in the atmosphere - which has led him to be mistaken for an alien flying saucer, which technically, he is (indeed, he is similar in design to the alleged UFOs photographed by George Adamski). His Japanese name Adams is a direct reference to Adamski.
- Cosmos es una de las integrantes de las piratas de Kuja. Se trata de una enorme mujer gorda con sombrero. Oda dio a conocer su nombre en un SBS.
- Cosmos ist an Deck des Schiffs der Piratenbande, als sich dieses mit dem von Vizeadmiral Momonga trifft, der Shichibukai Boa Hancock nach Mariejois bringen will. Später ist sie bei der Gruppe, die mit den entsteinerten Marguerite, Sweet Pea und Aphelandra sprechen. Kategorie:Anwender des Busōshoku-Haki Kategorie:Mensch
- The cosmos (or universe) collectively refers to all celestial bodies and locations in the Metroid Series (aside from locales in other dimensions or voids).
- 351x351px|right|Cosmos Cosmos es la diosa de la armonía, que se encuentra en oposición con el dios del desorden, Caos, en Dissidia Final Fantasy. Una diosa bondadosa, que intenta ayudar en todo lo que pueda a sus seguidores. Ella es un personaje completamente original del título, y cuenta con las voces de Sumi Shimamoto en la versión japonesa; y de Veronica Taylor en la versión inglesa. Vuelve a salir en Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, junto con el resto del plantel original.
- thumb|Cosmos, die Göttin der Harmonie Cosmos ist in Dissidia: Final Fantasy die Göttin der Harmonie und somit das Äquivalent zu Chaos, dem Gott der Zwietracht. Sie und Chaos sind die Hauptfiguren im Konflikt der Götter. Sie ist zusammen mit den anderen Charakteren aus Dissidia: Final Fantasy im Prequel Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy wieder vertreten. Zudem ist sie ein spielbarer Charakter in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
- Waldheinz 10:43, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:COSMOS Kategorie:EBOOK`s
- Cosmos (コスモス Kosumosu) is a member of the Garou Knights, the most powerful executioners of Fiore.
- "Cosmos" era el apodo de un soldado clon que sirvió al Gran Ejército de la República durante las Guerras Clon. Fue asignado a custodiar al Canciller Palpatine que tenía experimentos de la Bestia Zillo. Dijo que no creía su rifle blaster sería eficaz contra la bestia pero uno de sus colegas le dijo que se callara justo antes que de la bestia escapara hacia la ciudad.
- Cosmos, also known as "Super Cosmos", is a member of the Imperial Pirates, holding the title of the crew's greatest asset, the Eitosutaraitsu, as well as being the crew's greatest Doctor. She claims she was born and raised in North Blue, but she is recognized as being a resident of East Blue, where her life as a Pirate began. Initially, she had no drive to join a Pirate crew, so she only stayed within a small area doing whatever she wanted. During the time of Eonzo D. Into's imprisonment, Forozin recruited Cosmos, seeing potential on her, where she became apart of the crew's Paramecia Division. After the war that was set before the timeskip, Cosmos was promoted to the Eitosutaraitsu, allowing her to have more authority over lower members and free mobility to do as she pleases as long as it
- Cosmos are moves for vicious summoners levels 87+. The first cosmos you can learn are called HELL BURST and VICIOUS MIRROR. HELL BURST is a skill that you must be level 87 to use. This skill summons a messenger from hell to attack an enemy 5 times. In order to use this move you must have a staff at hand. This skill uses 220 MP when level 1. It's damage is extremly powerful. VICIOUS MIRROR is a skill that you must also be level 87 to use. This skill attacks all near by enemys 5 times. The first 4 attacks are equal but the last delivers a deadly blow. This skill takes up 119 MP.
- "Cosmos" was the nickname of a clone trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during The Clone Wars. He was assigned with guarding the compound in which Chancellor Palpatine was having experiments conducted on the Zillo Beast. He stated that he did not believe his rifle would be effective against the beast before one of his colleagues told him to shut up right before the beast blasted them away as it escaped. Cosmos was seriously injured, but he was later recovered by a medical Droid.
- En su sentido más general, un cosmos es un sistema ordenado o armonioso. Se origina del termino griego "κόσμος", que significa orden u ornamentos. La palabra cosméticos tiene el mismo origen. El estudio del cosmos (desde cualquier punto de vista) se llama cosmología. La vista del cosmos como “naturaleza autosuficiente, autónomo” está en contraste agudo a la vista de la naturaleza como un simple mecanismo para el crecimiento de los seres humanos.
- Fast and intelligent, bored and lonely, Cosmos has reason to regret his abilities, which often separate him from his Autobot friends. Alas, his skills are far too extraordinary to ignore. Few of his faction can achieve escape velocity and enter planetary orbit unaided, as he can, from planets as big as Earth or slightly larger. He carries fuel reserves sufficient for short orbital journeys; he is quite able to land on Earth's Moon, then take off and return to Earth. Cosmos enjoys such diversions immensely. Generally, however, he remains in orbit, relaying messages, observing enemy installations, and watching for Decepticon activity in nearby space. His optical sensors are able to observe a human radio host standing outside in the high desert from 600 miles up.
- Cosmos is a popular science book written by author and scientist Carl Sagan. The book accompanies the award winning TV series of the same name. The book treats a variety of topics: astronomy, cosmology, biology, physics, history of science, among others in a very interesting way. The author carefully explains every new concept thus being able to explain those difficult matters in a way that anyone can understand. The book is as visual as the TV series. It contains lots of pictures courtesy of NASA and JPL lab.