| - John Brown
- John Brown was the owner of a smithy in the town of Port Royal. He would at some point take in Will Turner as his blacksmith apprentice, where he would make swords. Although Brown was a drunk who seldom does any work, it was his forge and so his name decorated the swords Will made. At one time, Brown took credit for catching the pirate Jack Sparrow, after a lucky blow with an empty bottle.
- John Brown, diretor do Escritório de Informação Pública, Categoria:Religiosos Categoria:Testemunhas de Jeová
- John Brown was a dentist in Innsmouth before he died. He was buried in Whateley cemetery before it was brought over form the other world. His gravestone read; Dentist Brown Stranger! Approach this ground with gravity! John Brown is filling his last Cavity.
- John F. Brown (born 1939/40) was the sculpting supervisor for the Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons episode The Mysterons.
- A childish and outgoing orphan who was born in Vohemar and raised in Ivona. Alfred is determined to live the life of a Hero and fight for the rights of his fellow Vohemaros. Uniting Vohemar under the principles of truth, justice, and the Vohemaro way is his greatest dream. __TOC__
- John Brown (1800–1859) was an American abolitionist who advocated and practiced armed insurrection as a means to end all slavery. He led the Pottawatomie Massacre in 1856 in Bleeding Kansas and the unsuccessful raid at Harpers Ferry in 1859. He was hung shortly after the Harpers Ferry event.
- John Brown – postać wspomniana w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, w programie Pressing Issues. Jest prawdopodobnie wysoko postawionym pracownikiem jakiejś firmy (potwierdza to fakt, że ma własną sekretarkę). Wychowywał się w bogatej rodzinie, dzięki czemu w szkole średniej rozkochał w sobie Jan, z którą się później ożenił oraz miał zapewnioną przyszłość. Potem urodziła mu się dwójka dzieci (Jono i Patrick III). W tamtym czasie zaczął zdradzać swoją żonę z sekretarką, z którą często spędzał noce usprawiedliwiając je „nadgodzinami”. Wyjeżdżał z nią również na Hawaje pod pretekstem „podróży służbowych”, lecz jego żona szybko dowiedziała się o jego kłamstwach.
- Historians memorialize Brown as a heroic martyr and a visionary, while others vilify him as a madman and a terrorist, yet another proof that inability of Americans to agree on the most basic facts did not originate with the Presidency of Donald Trump.
- John Brown (ジョン・ブラウン, Jon Buraun) is Queen Victoria's aide and a member of her Private Secretarial Officers; he often explains things on her behalf and works to cheer her up.
- John Brown ontstond rond 1861 tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog als marslied voor de unionistische soldaten. Het lied was zo populair dat er al snel verschillende versies ontstonden en meerdere auteurs beweerden dat zij het lied hadden geschreven. Hierdoor is het praktisch onmogelijk om de juiste oorsprong van het lied te achterhalen. De meest bekende alternatieve versie is waarschijnlijk de Battle Hymn of the Republic, dat zelf aanleiding gaf tot heel wat parodieën en versies.
- John Brown ist der Ehemann der Familienfanatikerin Jan Brown. Er taucht im Spiel nicht persönlich auf, sondern wird lediglich von Mrs. Brown in der Radiosendung „Pressing Issues“ erwähnt. Zusammen mit ihr hat er mindestens drei Kinder (unter anderem Jono und Patrick). Auf Grund seines reichen Vaters ist sehr wohlhabend und lebt mit seiner Familie in der Vorstadt. Seine langen Businessreisen nutzt er zum Führen einer Affäre mit seiner Sekretärin. Mrs. Brown ist zwar über die Affäre informiert, hält es allerdings für unsittlich darüber in der Öffentlichkeit zu sprechen, was besonders ironisch wirkt, da sie es mehrmals im Radio erwähnt. Sein Aussehen ist ungeklärt. Während seine Ehefrau erzählt, dass sie ihn wegen seines süßen Gesichts heiratete, sagt sie später, dass ihr Mann dem Radiogast B
- John Brown is a Senior Fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. He is currently associated with the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University, where has taught courses about public diplomacy. A consultant for the Library of Congress's "Open World" exchange program with the Russian Federation, he has written for The Washington Post, The Nation online, TomPaine.com, The Moscow Times, and American Diplomacy.
- John Brown (May 9, 1800 - December 2, 1859) was an American abolitionist in the period before the American Civil War. A militant opponent of slavery who made even Frederick Douglass look tepid by comparison in his dedication to the cause, Brown raised a militia during the conflict in Kansas known as Bleeding Kansas in the 1850s. Subsequently, Brown was tried, found guilty, sentenced to death, and hanged on December 2, 1859. He did not deliver any last words from the gallows, but he did hand his executioner a note reading: