| - List of Transformers Animated episodes. An episode list for the first two seasons has been released through Cartoon Network's website. The series began with "Transform and Roll Out!", a 90-minute movie special later broken up into three episodes for re-runs. Following the debut of the movie on December 26, 2007, the series properly began on January 5, 2008. The series returned with the third season on March 14, 2009, in the US and Canada.
| - 1.0
- 2.0
- 3.0
- Mission Accomplished
- "Lost and Found"
- Velocity
- "Survival of the Fittest"
- Three's A Crowd
- Black Friday
- "Black Friday"
- "Headmaster"
- "Mission Accomplished"
- "Velocity"
- "Three's A Crowd"
- "The Thrill of the Hunt"
- "Career Day"
- Endgame, Part 2
- "A Bridge Too Close, Part I"
- "A Bridge Too Close, Part II"
- "A Fistful of Energon"
- "Along Came a Spider"
- "Autoboot Camp"
- "Blast from the Past"
- "Decepticon Air"
- "Evel Knievel Jump"
- "Five Servos of Doom"
- "Garbage In, Garbage Out"
- "Home Is Where the Spark Is"
- "Nanosec"
- "Nature Calls"
- "Predacons Rising"
- "Rise of the Constructicons"
- "S.U.V.: Society of Ultimate Villainy"
- "Sari, No One's Home"
- "Sound and Fury"
- "The Elite Guard"
- "The Return of the Headmaster"
- "This is Why I Hate Machines"
- "Total Meltdown"
- "Transform and Roll Out! (Part One)"
- "Transform and Roll Out! (Part Three)"
- "Transform and Roll Out! (Part Two)"
- "Where Is Thy Sting?"
- A Bridge Too Close, Part 1
- A Bridge Too Close, Part 2
- A Fistful of Energon
- Autoboot Camp
- Decepticon Air
- Endgame, Part 1
- Five Servos of Doom
- Garbage In, Garbage Out
- Human Error, Part 1
- Human Error, Part 2
- Predacons Rising
- Return of the Headmaster
- Rise of the Constructicons
- S.U.V. - Society of Ultimate Villainy
- Sari, No One's Home
- This is Why I Hate Machines
- Where Is Thy Sting