| - Damascus, as a young boy, was very sheltered, almost spoiled. He thought of himself as above all others, and that the citizens of his country England were inferior. His father, the grand King Edward, realized this, and on Damascus's tenth birthday, he exiled him from the nation until further notice so Damascus could learn about the outside world and appreciate common folk.
| - Damascus, as a young boy, was very sheltered, almost spoiled. He thought of himself as above all others, and that the citizens of his country England were inferior. His father, the grand King Edward, realized this, and on Damascus's tenth birthday, he exiled him from the nation until further notice so Damascus could learn about the outside world and appreciate common folk. Throughout his journeys, he traveled the countryside of England and visited France, Spain, and Germany. Afterwards, he returned to England to visit the lands of the serfs. From a few friends he made there, he realized that he was not an only child as he had thought, and that he had a brother who was born black, by the name of Michael Jackson. He traveled to Brooklyn, New York, USA, to visit him. Damascus met Michael and a few of his friends in Brooklyn, most notably R'Zaveon Jamiere Freeman, inside the mostly black neighborhood. He visited during a crime spree, so he, Michael, R'Zaveon, and the Yujo Force (Captain Brooklyn {Roman}, Dr. Goggles {Oscar}, Saucy Surprise {Gabby}, Seamen Lad {Collin}, and Short Work {Kayla}) defeated the nefarious forces. He left Brooklyn shortly afterwards, and Damascus continued his travels across the world.