| - Arisaka was a Senshi under Emperor Shigeru in Nihon-Ja, one of the antagonists in Book 10.
- Type 99 "Arisaka" – japoński karabin powtarzalny z okresu II wojny światowej występujący w Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: World at War (Nintendo DS), Call of Duty: World at War: Final Fronts i Call of Duty: Black Ops.
- The Arisaka makes its Nazi Zombies debut in Shi No Numa, it being its only appearance in the series. Like all the other bolt-action rifles, it is only good in the first few rounds, and should be exchanged for a different weapon as soon as possible. Unlike the Springfield, only the unscoped variant is available. the arisaka is weak against the hellhounds, so it is recommended to the player to replace it with a fully automatic weapon.
- The Arisaka rifle (有坂銃 Arisaka-jū) is a family of Japanese military bolt action service rifles, in production and use since approximately 1897, when it replaced the Murata Rifle (村田銃 Murata-jū) family, until the end of World War II in 1945. The most common specimens include the Type 38 chambered in the 6.5×50mmSR Type 38 cartridge, and the Type 99 chambered in the 7.7×58mm Type 99 cartridge, which comparably was as powerful as a modern .308 round. Many thousands of Type 99s and other Arisaka variants were brought to the United States by soldiers as war trophies during and after World War II.
- Arisaka (有坂銃 Arisaka-jū) is a family of Japanese military bolt action rifles, in production from approximately 1898, when it replaced the Murata rifle], until the end of World War II in 1945. The most common specimens include the Type 38 rifle chambered in the 6.5x50mm Arisaka cartridge, and the Type 99 rifle chambered in the 7.7x58mm Japanese cartridge, which was as powerful as a modern .308. Many thousands of Type 99s were brought to the United States by soldiers during and after World War II.
- Arisaka — японская магазинная винтовка. Появляется в Call of Duty: World at War
- The Type 99 "Arisaka" is a bolt-action rifle that appears in Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: World at War: Final Fronts, Call of Duty: World at War (Nintendo DS), and Call of Duty: Black Ops.