| - Compassion is a Tribunal Temple quest available from Tuls Valen in Ald'ruhn in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
- A pediatric oncologist becomes the chief suspect in the fatal poisoning of a former con man.
- Compassion was an emotional concept born of The White Light of creation, and is represented by the color indigo. Compassion was defined as "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering". The Compassion Entity is known as the Proselyte Entity.
- Compassion is a virtue gained from completing deeds.
- PiĆ¹ tardi, in quello stesso anno, la navetta era di stanza a bordo dell'Incrociatore stellare Mon Calamari Liberty durante l'appuntamento della nave da guerra con l'Incrociatore pesante classe Dreadnaught Tal'cara dei Bothan. Quando i negoziati furono attaccati da una forza mercenaria guidata dalla Corvetta classe Marauder Intruder, i piloti alleati Ace Azzameen e Olin Garn, insieme alle forze di difesa bothan, furono in grado di scacciare i mercenari e di abbattere la nave nemica. La Compassion venne mandata a raccogliere la capsula di salvataggio EE-763, che conteneva l'unico superstite della corvetta, che in seguito disse all'Alleanza di essere stato assunto dai Sullustani.
- Fits once described her a "a stroppy readhead". Moffat insists he has not read the EDAs.
- Compassion is one of the Eight Virtues. Compassion, founded on the principle of Love, is non-judgmental empathy for one's fellow creatures. The quality of empathy, of recognizing and sharing the feelings of others. In Britain, the bards headquartered in this towne of compassion put their emphasis on hospitality. The Shrine of Compassion is situated south of Lock Lake, near Cove.
- "Compassion" is the two part Christmas episode and series finale of the PBS series Adventures from the Book of Virtues.
- Compassion is one of the three great virtues which Graham modeled his life on.
- Compassion was originally Laura Tobin, a woman living on the original colony of the planet Anathema. Like all the colony residents, she was or became sterile. They reproduced with Remembrance Tanks. Over the millennia it took for the ship which Anathema was based on to get to Earth, all the colonists were "remembered" using biomass inside the remembrance tanks. Compassion was the result of this process.