| - The Basilica (カテドラル, Katedoraru), also called the Great Cathedral in the fan translation, is a location in Shin Megami Tensei and is on the Tokyo Bay.
- Basilica are a group of almost extinct reptile species, best known from St. Peter's Basilica or Godzilla(Basilica halitosisia). Although they are powerful, Basilicas are still 150 years too young to even examine a Grue, but they are still scary. First described basilica was the St. Peters by St. Peter.
- Basilica shields all characters within five cells of the caster against any attack, but prevents shielded characters from making attacks. The area needs to be empty 5 x 5 cells around the target tile. If a monster or impassable terrain blocks any one of the cells, the skill will fail. Cannot be used in WoE castle maps.
- Chercher "basilica" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Basilica was a planet in the Talbott Quadrant, one of the two habitable worlds of the Nuncio System.
- The Basilica was a large, multi-purpose institution located off the Western Sea on Coruscant. Not only did it serve as an historical library and a place of learning for gifted orphans, but it also served for some time as a headquarters for Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order. It was destroyed during the rise of Emperor Vadim in late 14 ABY, when the fallen Jedi Johanna fought in an explosive contest against the famed bounty hunter Boba Fett.
- The Basilica was a large, multi-purpose institution located off the Western Sea on Coruscant. Not only did it serve as an historical library and a place of learning for gifted orphans, but it also served for some time as a headquarters for Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order. It was destroyed during the rise of the Emperor in late 14 ABY, when the fallen Jedi Lahanna Hoj fought in an explosive contest against the famed bounty hunter Boba Fett.
- Een basilica was een grote rechthoekige hal. Doorgaans was het een drieschepig gebouw, waarbij het middenschip, dat door zuilen van de zijbeuken was gescheiden, hoger was. Het uitstekende gedeelte (de lichtbeuk) had grote vensters waardoor daglicht kon binnenvallen. De basilica had meestal aan één van de korte kanten een halfronde uitbouw, de apsis of absis. De ingang lag doorgaans aan de andere korte kant en had vaak een voorhal. Maar er zijn ook varianten op deze plattegrond; zo waren er basilica's met absiden aan beide korte kanten en was de uitbouw soms niet halfrond, maar rechthoekig. Grote basilica's zoals de Basilica Ulpia in Rome, waren vijfschepig: ze hadden aan weerszijden van het middenschip twee zijbeuken.
- The Latin word basilica initially described a type of Roman building used as a principal public building for transacting business and legal matters with the magistrates conducting their business on a raised dais in the apse at the end of the building. These buildings were located usually at the forum in the center of Roman towns. With the legalization of Christianity the form of the basilica proved adaptable for Christian rites and was adopted for building large churches.