Khem Val, also known as Shadow Killer or Devourer, was a male Dashade servant and warrior of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord and centuries later the heir of Lord Kallig, the future Darth Nox.
Khem Val, also known as Shadow Killer or Devourer, was a male Dashade servant and warrior of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord and centuries later the heir of Lord Kallig, the future Darth Nox.
Khem Val is the Dashade companion of the Sith Inquisitor. Khem Val was a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord and during their time together Khem Val devoured over a thousand Jedi. Khem Val was found in and released from a stasis field by the future Lord Kallig/Darth Nox; upon hearing that Tulak Hord was long dead he became enraged and attacked the inquisitor. Weakened from the thousand years spent in the stasis field he was beaten by the young inquisitor and was bound to serve him.
[Source] Khem Val, surnommé le Dévoreur, était un Dashade serviteur du Seigneur Sith Tulak Hord. Il fut placé par son maître dans une chambre de stase dans le tombeau de Naga Sadow sur la planète Korriban. Plusieurs siècles après la mort de Tulak Hord, Khem Val fut sorti de sa stade par le Seigneur Kallig qui deviendrait plus tard Dark Nox.