| - Lemmy (born Ian Fraser Kilmister, December 24, 1945 – December 28, 2015), also known as Lemmy Kilmister, Ian Willis or Lemmy von Motörhead, was an English singer and bass guitarist, most famous for being the founding member of the Heavy metal band Motörhead. His appearance, facial moles, mutton chops (sideburn-moustache combination), and gravelly voice, have made him an instantly recognisable cult figure.
- Ian Fraser Kilmister (szerzej znany jako Lemmy; ur. 24 grudnia 1945 w Burslem, gdziekolwiek by to nie było, zm. 28 grudnia 2015 w El Ej) – uniwersalny tester do narkotyków, który względu na wyjątkowe umiejętności w zakresie przyswajania alkoholu dorobił się jedynego w swoim rodzaju wokalu. Jego słowiczy trel stał się dla wszystkich młodszych od niego muzyków niedościgłym wzorem. Jak narazie prawie dorównała mu tylko Tarja Turunen.
- thumb|153pxLemmy ist ein Roboter-Lemur aus der Fernsehserie Die Pinguine aus Madagascar.
- Lemmy is the gatekeeper of Andros' ocean gate and is Aisha's bonded selkie.
- Lemmy is a lieutenant of the Destroyers. He is voiced by Chandler Parker.
- Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister (born 24 December 1945) is an English rock musician. He is best known as the lead vocalist, bassist, principal songwriter and the founding and sole constant member of the heavy metal band Motörhead as well as a former member of Hawkwind. His appearance, including his friendly mutton chops, prominent facial moles, and gravelly voice, has made him a cult icon.
- Lemmy is a shifty character who makes the Hub his habitat. He is living during 2161.
- Lemmy is a character in Fable III. He is a mercenary who is first introduced after downloading the Understone Quest Pack. After downloading the DLC, head to the Mercenary Camp and Lemmy will introduce himself to the Hero of Brightwall and lead the Hero to the new Mercenary Camp Shooting Range. Afterwards, Lemmy will remain in the same spot, watching over and announcing for the shooting range.
- Lem·R (Life-EMulating Robot) - robot, który trafił do zoo w odcinku Lemur widzi, lemur powtarza, by skopiować i zakodować w twardym dysku ruchy Juliana, w celu wykorzystania ich podczas podróży na Marsa. Ponownie pojawia się w odcinku Wyobcowany, gdzie walczy z kosmiczną kałamarnicą. Jest obiektem nienawiści Morta.
- Ian Fraser Kilmister, better known as Lemmy (born December 24, 1945, in Stoke-on-Trent, UK – December 28, 2015), was an English singer and bass guitarist and was known for being the founding member of the English heavy metal band Motörhead. He appears in Guitar Hero Metallica when you play the song Ace of Spades by Motörhead. After playing the song, Lemmy can be purchased for $2000. He can be used for lead and bass guitar, as well as the drums and vocals. Another one of his songs appears in Guitar Hero.
- Eigentlich Ian Kilmister Bassist, Sänger, Songwriter und Bandleader von Motörhead sowie ehemaliger Bassist, Songwriter und Roadie von Hawkwind
- __INDEX__ Lemmy ist ein Roboter-Lemur aus der Fernsehserie Die Pinguine aus Madagascar. Er kommt nur in den Episoden Robo-Julien und Lemmys Rückkehr vor. Er afft King Julien nach, weil er zum Mars geschickt wird und wissen muss was ein Lemur macht. Er verbringt viel Zeit mit King Julien und wird von den Pinguinen zerstört. King Julien ist traurig und will das er zurück kommt aber am Ende kommt er wieder zurück. Kategorie:Charaktere (Die Pinguine aus Madagascar)
- Lemmy is a talking snake who appears in Return of the Holiday Seasons. Lemmy left law school to take a job guarding a cursed crypt in the pyramid of Mohkadun. When Riff and Torg become trapped in the crypt, they start eating the snakes and Lemmy decides to go back to school.
- Lemmy ist ein gerissener Charakter, der den Hub zu sein Zuhause gemacht hat. Er lebt während des Jahres 2161.
- Lemmy was born in the Burslem area of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. When Lemmy was three months old, his father, an ex-Royal Air Force chaplain, separated from his mother. His mother and grandmother settled in Newcastle-under-Lyme, then moved on to Madeley. When Lemmy was 10, his mother married former footballer George Willis, who already had two older children from a previous marriage, Patricia and Tony, with whom Lemmy did not get along.
- Lemmy collected Nazi stuff. Was he a Nazi? He said he wasn't. Lemmy didn't follow Nazi ways of doing things. Nazis are supposed to keep themselves fit and healthy and avoid alcohol. Many people say Lemmy did Drugs and Alcohol in ways that could harm his health. Where's that Nazi will power? In politics Lemmy was quotes saying, "I’m an atheist and an anarchist. I’m anti-communism, fascism, any extreme.” Why was he called Lemmy? It could have been that he kept asking, "Lemmy a quid until Friday," because he was putting too much money into slot machines.
- thumb|173px|Ο Λέμυ στο νηπιαγωγείο. Top model & sex symbol. Ανακυρήχτηκε το μωρό της χρονιάς στις τουρκικές φυλακές ανηλίκων της Σμύρνης και στο Γκουαντάναμο. Άλλωστε από κείνη την περίοδο βγήκε και το γνωστό ρητό: "Τον Lemmy πολλοί εμίσησαν, την ομορφιά του ουδείς." Γνωστός και με το όνομα Lemmy Killminister, o Λέμυ είναι το νούμερο ένα από την ακολουθεία αριθμών μηδέν έως ένα. Aααα, έχει και μια μπάντα, τους Motorhead.