| - Long Ago, The Iron Legion of Old Xylvania, led by Lord Ferrok, attempted to conquer the world, despite doing well initially, Lord Ferrok became overconfident, and gathered what remained of the legion at the Iron Tower to prepare for the destruction of their enemies, this caused the entire Legion to be trapped in the explosion of the Iron Tower along with Lord Ferrok when it was destroyed by the Solar Empire Satellite Weapon, finishing the Iron Legion for good and ending the Lightning Wars, this insured the rise of the Western Frontier and the Tundran Territories as the two modern super powers because they were the only two powers without a heavily damaged military.
| - Long Ago, The Iron Legion of Old Xylvania, led by Lord Ferrok, attempted to conquer the world, despite doing well initially, Lord Ferrok became overconfident, and gathered what remained of the legion at the Iron Tower to prepare for the destruction of their enemies, this caused the entire Legion to be trapped in the explosion of the Iron Tower along with Lord Ferrok when it was destroyed by the Solar Empire Satellite Weapon, finishing the Iron Legion for good and ending the Lightning Wars, this insured the rise of the Western Frontier and the Tundran Territories as the two modern super powers because they were the only two powers without a heavily damaged military. During the following centuries, Xylvania became rather unimportant on the global level. It appears that it has been partly controlled by the two new superpowers, the Tundran Territories and the Western Frontier, but mainly by the Western Frontier, Kaiser Vlad wanted Xylvania to burst back into global politics. For this he made the Xylvanians build a powerful military. In doing this, he also boosted Xylvania's economy by offering jobs in weapons factories. The necessary industrialization for putting Xylvania back on the map transformed some of Xylvania into a toxic wasteland. Vlad later spread the rumor that the Western Frontier was making a super weapon, thus starting the First Frontier War.