| - The ancient mace has stats in between those of a black mace and mithril mace and requires level 15 Attack and level 25 Prayer to wield. In addition, it can be equipped to be protected against the Bandosian followers in the God Wars Dungeon. If lost, it can be retrieved from the goblin archaeologist Tegdak for 1,000 coins, north-east of the Dorgesh-Kaan marketplace.
- It has a special attack shared with its superior variant known as Favour of the War God that hits through Protect from Melee and drains the Prayer points of the opponent by 10% of the amount hit and will recharge the users prayer points by the same amount.
- left|Ancient mace Ancient mace on tavara, jonka saa kun suorittaa Another Slice of H.A.M.:in. Tämän nuijan erikoisisku vie 100 prosenttia erikoisiskupalkista. Erikoisisku imee vastustajan prayeripisteitä ja hyvällä tuurilla kerää myös itselle ylimääräisiä prayerpisteitä.
- De ancient mace is een wapen dat je kunt krijgen van de Another Slice of H.A.M. quest. De special attack van dit wapen zal het prayer van je vijand naar 0 brengen, en het gehitte aantal bij jouw prayer aanvullen, tot over de maximale hoeveelheid. Deze special attack vraagt 100% van je special energy.
- Ancient Mace is a poor weapon. It is special in that it can drain enemy prayer, although with its attack bonuses being so low, one can never hit any damage using the mace. The Ancient Mace has a superior version, Cursed Ancient Mace, which shares the same special attack although with higher attack bonuses. The Ancient Mace can not be obtained through its single-item spawn code, you must spawn them noted and unnote them in the bank to equip them.
- Ancient mace - broń która może zostać nabyta w trakcie Another Slice of H.A.M.. W przypadku utraty można otrzymać drugą od goblińskiego archeologa Tegdaka za 1000 gp, w północno-wschodniej części rynku Dorgesh-Kaan. Generałowie w Goblin Village mogą również sprzedać buławę, za 1000 gp, graczom którzy stracili ją w trakcie questu.