| - Jackpot es un grupo rookie de TS Family Entertainment. El pasado 5 de Diciembre lanzaron su primer Single llamado Shake It Me. Todavía no se conoce la fecha del debut oficial. A principios de 2013 se confirmó que el grupo contaría con 2 integrantes nuevos, "joonhyeon y yongseok". De esta forma el número del grupo cambia pasando a ser de 9 integrantes.
- Jackpot is a new registered hero with The Initiative who fights in New York City. There have been two people to take the Jackpot identity, Alana Jobson who died, and first and current heir Sara Ehret.
- Jackpot is the sixth episode in season four of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
- Der Jackpot ist der Hauptgewinn eines Glücksspiels. Durch die Glücksspielgeräte im Club Martus gewinnen plötzlich alle Gäste den Jackpot gleichzeitig. (DS9: )
- Jackpot is a town.
- Jackpot is a character in the video game, Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters. He is the game's incarnation of the escaped prisoner from the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga.
- Jackpot is a score in Metroid Prime Pinball that occurs whenever one of the following happens:
* A Bumper is hit.
* In Clone or Gunship Multiball, the ramps marked with arrows are shot, which will score Samus a Jackpot and a Double Jackpot, or shooting the ball into the Clone Machine/Gunship will score a Super Jackpot.
* In Phazon Multiball, all Phazon crystals of one color are collected will yield a Jackpot, while collecting both colors will reward a Super Jackpot.
- Jackpot is a comic that was published weekly from 1979 to 1982 by IPC. It eventually merged into Buster. Features included...
* "Angel's (Proper) Charlies" (first appeared 1979)
* "Class Wars" (first appeared 1979)
* "It's a Nice Life" (first appeared 1979)
* "Jack Pott" (first appeared 1979)
* "Little Adam and Eva" (first appeared 1979)
* "Milly O'Naire and Penny Less" (first appeared 1979)
* "Richie Wraggs" (first appeared 1979)
* "Sherlock Jnr: The Clued-Up Kid"
* "The Teeny Sweeny" (first appeared 1979)
* "The Winners"
- Este es el sexto episodio de la "[[|]]" de CSI:Crime Scene Investigation
- The Jackpot is an enemy in Chrono Trigger that appears in the Lost Sanctum.
- Jackpot also known as Benjamin Howard the Third is a 20 year old B class Rank 6 Hero who is the Leader of Four Squares. For his Unique Luck he rose through the Ranks quickly by somehow managing to defeat dozen's of wolf and Tiger Level Threats dispute his level of Skill was low and his strength is barley above that of a human's. He along with Bliztkreig, Crusader and Topsy Tirbby are being trained by Father Green as he goal has become to be the best hero he can be.
- To start this off Hiro Makes a couple of shadow clones to attack the enemy and to keep them distracted after the clones have finished attacking hiro dashes so fast at the enemy that a sonic boom is heard then slams a full powered Rasengan in to his Enemy creating a dome of chakra and devistating wind which blast them back. This idea was made from Dante's last line to the final boss in Devil may Cry. This was also inspired by Riyan Uchiha's Checkmate.
- Jackpot was a crime syndicate formed in 36 ABY by Ozzel Brinx. It was officially founded in 40 ABY, and the number of leaders and members grew, as did the planets where the organization had holdings. The base of operations for this syndicate was the planet Kamino. Jackpot was on good terms with the Kaminoians. Ozzel had once saved a whole clone bacta tank facility from falling into the ocean below.In return for this, they agreed to make clones of the leaders to serve as decoys, troops, or servants. It officially dissolved 340 ABY after the death of the last of Ozzel Brinx's apprentices, Rewol Tainto.
- Jackpot è l'ennesimo quiz di Canale5 atto a riempire qualche buco in palinsesto, condotto da Enrico Papi insieme a una valletta semi-nuda. Con molte probabilità, il quiz è stato pensato per far finire le scorte di fazzolettini agli italiani dopo un inverno povero di influenze significative. Tra gli autori del quiz, possiamo annoverare: Luciano Onder, Michele Santoro ed Antonio de Poli, che curiosamente si firmano sotto l'unico pseudonimo di Enrico Papi.
- Euro-Jackpot La cantidad de Euros que uno reúne en el mapa, en las bono-box van, al así llamado Jackpot. Este se juega una vez al mes en la batalla del Jackpot. Para esta se pueden inscribir en el juego cuando les aparece el aviso correspondiente. En este se les preguntará su datos - por favor introduce todos tus datos, esto agiliza la entrega del pago en el caso de un triunfo. Esto se explica mas adelante sobre el evento especial Batalla Jackpot
- Level: Lantern 9 Spell Resistance: no Make a full attack against your enemy with an additional attack at your highest base attack bonus. Every attack you make, you must make a slight of hand, or bluff check against your enemy's perception check. Every time you succeed, you can deal sneak attack damage against that enemy if the attack hits. This can be performed a maximum of 5 times in a round and cannot be performed with two weapon fighting.
- "Jackpot!" Es una frase recurrente en la Devil May Cry. Por lo general, se dice por el protagonista de un tramo justo antes de que el antagonista principal está rematada. La única excepción a esta regla es Devil May Cry 3, donde se dijo también por Vergil, a pesar de que estaba jugando en el "lado bueno" en este momento. En la vida real, un "premio" es el gran premio en el juego.
- Game Show franchise created by Bob Stewart and originally hosted by Geoff Edwards in which 16 contestants competed for an entire week, answering riddles for cash prizes. One contestant was randomly selected to be the Expert, while the 15 others sat on bleachers. The Expert selected one of the 15 contestants in the bleachers, and that contestant would read his or her riddle and its cash amount. If the Expert got it right, s/he would stay in place; if not, s/he would trade places with the selected contestant.
- 1970s and 1989 version: "Today, sixteen players (are) (here) (are) trying to win ($25,000/$50,000). Every one of them holds a different riddle, but only one of them holds the Jackpot Riddle. You never know when someone in the game will stand up and yell... (contestant: JACKPOT!) Ladies and gentlemen, (here's the star of our show/your host is), Geoff Edwards!" Jackpot was the program where 16 contestants asked and answered riddles to win thousands of dollars in cash and prizes.
- The Jackpot NPC uses 3 Platinum Coins per round and gives a random MvP card each time. There is a chance that you will hit Jackpot, meaning that you can win up to 4 pieces of an MvP card. Before you take the Jackpot, the NPC asks you if you really want to go through, because there is a chance that you might not win anything at all when you reach Jackpot. Fortunately, there's a higher chance of winning than losing. The cards that you can win from Jackpot are:
- The Jackpot was a damaged old starship used by the Rebel Alliance for prospecting missions. While old and damaged, it was a heavily modified and unique variation on the old Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-700 model. The cargo and passenger space had been sacrificed for a powerful sensor suite used to scan for gas and other resources. The ship had had many owners and users through the years, some of which had not been good at maintaining it, resulting in its poor state. The living quarters were uncomfortable and spartan.
- Jackpot es una micronación creada el 1 de julio de 2011. La misma reclama el territorio maritimo al extremo norte del Planeta Tierra. No reclama ningún territorio terrestre. Tiene una población de 3 habitantes. Tiene una selección de fútbol amateur, que juega con representantes no oficiales de México, Alemania, Estados Unidos, etc. Los partidos de fútbol son privados, pero se públican los resultados en este página web.