Super Smash Bros. Unleashed 2 (Great Fray Mix-Up Bros. in Japan) is another Super Smash Bros. game for the Nintendo DS. It was made by Cooking, Sega, Taito , Hal Labatory and publised by Nintendo. Unlike all other Super Smash Bros. games (That the main objective is to fight oppenents, build up thier damage and send them flying off the screen to K.O them and earn a point) the player is able to start and unlock with some characters from other componies. The game also has items and stages from other series. The main producer is Hal.Labatory
Super Smash Bros. Unleashed 2 (Great Fray Mix-Up Bros. in Japan) is another Super Smash Bros. game for the Nintendo DS. It was made by Cooking, Sega, Taito , Hal Labatory and publised by Nintendo. Unlike all other Super Smash Bros. games (That the main objective is to fight oppenents, build up thier damage and send them flying off the screen to K.O them and earn a point) the player is able to start and unlock with some characters from other componies. The game also has items and stages from other series. The main producer is Hal.Labatory