An annual British event and comedy show which has appeared every year since 2004 (2007 also had a variant, the Big Fat Anniversary Quiz, celebrating 25 years of Channel 4). Hosted by Jimmy Carr, it takes the form of a pub quiz on the events of the year, with three teams of two celebrities as the contestants. Jonathan Ross (whose production company makes the programme) is a regular contestant; the other guests change every year, but the more regular ones include David Mitchell, Rob Brydon, David Walliams, Russell Brand and Noel Fielding. Several editions are available on Youtube here
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| - An annual British event and comedy show which has appeared every year since 2004 (2007 also had a variant, the Big Fat Anniversary Quiz, celebrating 25 years of Channel 4). Hosted by Jimmy Carr, it takes the form of a pub quiz on the events of the year, with three teams of two celebrities as the contestants. Jonathan Ross (whose production company makes the programme) is a regular contestant; the other guests change every year, but the more regular ones include David Mitchell, Rob Brydon, David Walliams, Russell Brand and Noel Fielding. Several editions are available on Youtube here
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| - An annual British event and comedy show which has appeared every year since 2004 (2007 also had a variant, the Big Fat Anniversary Quiz, celebrating 25 years of Channel 4). Hosted by Jimmy Carr, it takes the form of a pub quiz on the events of the year, with three teams of two celebrities as the contestants. Jonathan Ross (whose production company makes the programme) is a regular contestant; the other guests change every year, but the more regular ones include David Mitchell, Rob Brydon, David Walliams, Russell Brand and Noel Fielding. Several editions are available on Youtube here