| - When talking to Orlando Smith during the investigation:
* Orlando Smith: We must find something to take back. If I go back to the museum empty handed they'll just laugh at me.
* Orlando Smith: If I turn up with proof, they'll have to listen to me. The parchment holds a faded sketch. It looks like two creatures with humanoid features, wearing feathered decorations. As far as you can tell, the creatures look like a male and a female. The parchment holds a faded sketch. It looks like two creatures with humanoid features, wearing feathered decorations. As far as you can tell, the creatures look like a male and a female. It is too delicate to move. The shattered remains of this blade are emitting sparks. Pieces are clearly missing, rendering it irrepairable even if it was safe to touch.
* Orlando Smith: How strange. What we know of Guthix indicates he was a pacifist; completely against war.
* Orlando Smith: The sword looks like it has been recovered, and for it to be placed in such a prominent position... there are so many things we could learn.
* Orlando Smith: However, it looks dangerous. We should not attempt to move it without special equipment. It could be a weapon of the gods, after all. This looks like it has been inactive for a long time, but you can still hear a faint hum coming rom it. Perhaps this was a summoning obelisk, many centuries ago. As you look closely at the vials you notice they have the remnants of potions in them. The odd scraps of herbs are lying amongst the shattered glass. The symbols on these papers are illegible. You can just about distinguish circular diagrams; stone circles perhaps. It looks like a heavy creature left these. They may have been smudged over time, but it looks like the creature could have had a tail. Among the carvins you recognize Juna, Guardian of the Tears of Guthix. A great insect - clearly another guardian - is also depicted. The other figures have been engulfed by the plant growth.
* Orlando Smith: These must be the legendary creatures. It is believed Guthix turned to individual beings to retain balance while he slept.
* Orlando Smith: How curious that the snake displays what we now recognise as the symbol of Guthix. It is believed this symbol was attributed to Guthix by his followers, but this could show his origins are far more ancient.
* Orlando Smith: This tableau is far too big to move. We should look for something else.