| - The term Fanon is the portmanteau of "fan" and "canon," and generally refers to unofficial, non-canon information that is mistaken for (or promoted as) canon. Such information is often the product of fan fiction. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
- Fanon is fan-fiction and made by people who loves series. Fan-fiction is very popular.
- Fanon is a term used to refer to "fan canon" (of which the term is a portmanteau), or unoffical fiction. It applies to certain "facts" that may have been accepted as a truth by a large number of fans, although not necessarily true, and thus either replaces an established canonical fact in the minds of those fans, or fills a plot-hole.
- Fanon is a portmanteau of "fan" and "canon." It refers to fan-generated ideas about fictional world that are held to be as good as (or better than!) canon by a fan or group of fans, or even the majority of a fandom. This can be good, bad, or so inconsequential as to be neither. Although the PPC supports canon and reviles bad fanon, those who have a hatred for logical, interesting, or minor fanon theories should really just relax.
- The term Fanon is a portmanteau of "fan" and "canon". The term is used to refer to non-canon commonly confused as canon or to fan-made Godfather fiction. Fan fiction (also spelled fanfiction and often abbreviated to fanfic) is a fiction written by fans that takes place in the Godfather universe. Such fiction is never regarded as canon. Fanon is contrasted with canon.
- Fanon es un término usado para referirse al "fan canon" ("canon de los fans", la palabra resultante es un portmanteau), o ficción no oficial.
- The term is a portmanteau of fan and canon.
- Fanon is unofficial work not endorsed by the author / creator of a book, film, video game, etc. It is the opposite of canon.
- [[Bestand:JeanXXIII fanon.jpg|thumb|right|Paus Johannes XXIII met fanon en pallium (mozaïek in de basiliek Sint-Paulus buiten de Muren)]] De fanon is een gestreept parament dat enkel de paus draagt tijdens een plechtige pontificale hoogmis. Dit kledingstuk lijkt een beetje op een mozetta of een amict en bestaat uit een witte zijden doek met gouden strepen. Vooraan bevindt zich een klein, gouden kruis. In tegenstelling tot het amict dat onder de kazuifel wordt gedragen, wordt de fanon over de kazuifel gedragen, onder het pallium.
- Fanon is like canon, except that it's not canon. Or something. However, it's still crap. SuperShadow doesn't think so, but the Great G*nkist Oracle Known to Mortals as Gonk does. Which genius shall we believe now? One renowned internet source for fanon is Wookieepedia. Be warned: it insists that it is canon!
- Fanon is a term to describe a person, place, thing, or piece of information created by an unofficial source. It can be found in Fan Fiction or roleplaying games/groups. Star Wars: Exodus is considered fanon. As is TheForce.Net's Fan Fiction site.
- W Gwiezdnych wojnach fanon to określenie opisujące twórczość fanów, która nigdy nie została opublikowana w licencjonowanych materiałach przez Lucasfilm Ltd. lub jego wydziały. Fanonu nie należy mylić z kanonem, w skład którego wchodzą wszystkie źródła, których zgodność z głównym nurtem historii Gwiezdnych wojen została potwierdzona przez Lucasfilm Story Group, Legendami, czyli dawnym kanonem, publikowanym w latach 1976–2014, oraz niekanonem, czyli licencjonowanymi materiałami, sprzecznymi zarówno z kanonem, jak i Legendami. Przykładem niekanonu mogą być filmy i seriale LEGO: Star Wars.
- Fanon und Fan-Fiction sind Begriffe, die verwendet werden, um sich auf "Fan-Kanon" zu beziehen und inoffizielle Fiktion, von Fans geschrieben. Harry Potter Fan-Fiction ist eine Möglichkeit für die Fans der Serie, um Themen und Ideen zu erkunden, die nicht durch die Bücher von JK Rowling erforscht wurden. Doch in der Diskussion der Romane und Filme muss darauf geachtet werden, Fanon und Material innerhalb von Fan-Fiction, nicht zu verwechseln mit dem offiziellen Kanon.
- Fanon is a slang term used to describe any event, character, story, or other aspect related to a story, that is conceived by a fan of the Star Wars universe, and applies to Star Wars. The term is a portmanteau of "fan" and "canon," and is sometimes used to be synonymous with "non-canon," which roughly means an accepted plotline or story relevant to the Star Wars universe that was not approved by George Lucas. This correlation is not entirely accurate, as fanon can be used to explain events in the canon universe that have not yet been explained by canon sources. However, fanon should not always be taken seriously, as it commonly contradicts canon.
- There is no Fanon on this wiki (2 reasons. 1: because there wouldnt b anythng to fanonize around here. 2:there will b no fanonizing on this wiki, only the truth), but if u wanna c Teletoon Fanon click on 1 of these links
* Wayside Fanon
- Fanon often gets confused for "canon", even if it is not supported by evidence either on screen or in print.
- Fanon, short for fan-canon, is a term referring to a depiction of a character in a fan's work that, while not necessarily canon, catches on with the fanfiction community well enough that it gets included in other people's stories. Fanon is, by definition, not canon. It does not have to be universally agreed on among fanfiction authors either, only portrayed with moderate frequency in unrelated works. An example of Bully fanon is Trent Northwick, who is regularly described as a lech towards new girls at the school and having horrible tobacco mouth.
- Fanon is de verzamelnaam voor alle valse, onechte en onofficiële informatie aangemaakt door fans en die niet wordt erkend door Lucasfilm als zijnde een deel van de officiële Star Wars 'lore'. Met andere woorden: informatie waarvan geen enkel spoor is terug te vinden in de films, boeken, comics, magazines en elke officieel door Lucasfilm gepubliceerde bron. Sommige websites zoals 'Red6' en 'Astromech.net' waren berucht om het toevoegen van fanon-informatie. Fanon dient kost wat kost te worden vermeden om de geloofwaardigheid te vrijwaren van projecten als Yodapedia.
- Fanon is a so-called "fact" that a fan thinks is true, but for which there is no direct evidence in any official material. A piece of fanon may be a belief held by just a single fan, or a belief, which may be widespread due to having been discussed and picked up by other fans. Some fanon is based on misinterpretations of canon — particularly, dodgy translations of foreign sources — and some is simply stuff fans made up. While fanon originates with fans rather than the official canon of the Transformers multiverse, it sometimes becomes incorporated into the canon if the writers use a retcon or otherwise establish the fans' interpretation in official fiction. This frequently happens when the source material has not explored or intended to have an answer the particular concept at that point i
- Fanon is a fact or ongoing situation related to a television program, book, movie, or video game that has been used so much by fan writers or among the fandom that it has been more or less established as having happened in the fictional world, but which does not appear in any official work from the original authors, scriptwriters or producers. The term is a play on the word canon. This article is a stub you can help The Image:Image Comics logo.gif Comics Wiki by expanding it.
- Fanon, in terms of a fictional universe, is any material that, even though influential within fandom, does not actually appear within canon but comes from fan-originated material. As such, fanon cannot be considered to be "genuine", since it cannot be directly referenced as material produced by the original author or creator of a series. The term "fanon" is a portmanteau word combining the phrase "fan canon".
- Fanon is a slang term used especially on the Doctor Who Fanon Wiki that is an abbreviated form of fan-canon or fan fiction. The proper usage of the term refers to fan-created information that is generally accepted as canon but has not officially been made canon by BBC Fanon can be used as a noun and as an adjective. A piece of material on this site is called fanon by itself, or can be called a "fanon article."
- For the purposes of Star Wars Fanon, fanon encompasses all articles that do not directly relate to a work of fan fiction, fan fiction being short stories, novels, and the like. Fanon articles users write function as part of their own "fan repository," as they are part of their fanon continuity and only theirs—collaboration with other users not withstanding, though collaborations not directly relating to fan fiction works are still fanon. There are a variety of purposes for fanon ranging from a character outline for a role-playing game, an exercise in character development, or something as simple as a user wanting to share their ideas with other writers without having to write a fan fiction story to go along with it—among other possibilities. These types of articles encompass the majority o
- Fanon är ett slangord ofta använt på Swedish Star Wars Fanon Wiki som är en förkortad version av fan-canon. I Star Wars Fanon är detta något som helst evenemang, karaktär, historia eller någon annan aspekt relaterad till en historia skapad av ett Star Wars fan som utspelar sig i Star Wars galaxen. Fanon är helt non-canon vilket betyder att det inte är officiellt godkänt av Lucasfilm och George Lucas och/eller att det inte passar in i Star Wars galaxens titdslinje.
- Fanon can take the form of personal beliefs held by individuals, such as hypothesising on characters' eventual spouses and children. Examples of this are that Rubeus Hagrid married Olympe Maxime or that Argus Filch married Irma Pince. There is no basis for either of these statements in canon, and is most likely "wish-fulfillment" by the fans who wish to see their favourite characters happy.
- There are tons of things that have caused me pain over the years. Honestly, there are too many to list in my fifteen (approximately) short brutal years. The thing that hurt me the worst though was the one who was supposed to be the one who helped me past the pain. Him leaving was worse then anything the school could have ever thrown at me. It felt worse then when Angel was kidnapped and then broken into the demon that inhabited her sweet little form. It was worse then everything I've ever gone through and that's saying something. I'm not going to turn into an overobsessesd chick like Bella from that stupid movie Nudge made us watch so I walked out of my room after the first day since his betrayal and walked into the kitchen.
- Frantz Fanon was born in 1925, on the island of Martinique, of the French Antilles. Fanon was born to a middle-class black family and grew up among the descendants of African slaves that had worked the island's sugar plantations. In 1943, after Free French forces regained control of Martinique from the pro-Nazi French Vichy government, Fanon volunteered to fight in Europe. After the end of World War II, Fanon, a now highly decorated war hero, decided to remain in France and pursue and education in psychiatry. His first book, Peau noire, masques blancs (Black Skin, White Masks), published in 1952, was heavily influenced by his experiences in France, where he found that despite his many accomplishments he was always being disregarded based on the color of his skin (Simon 1437).
- Fanon is a fact or ongoing situation in fan fiction stories that has been used so much by fan writers or among the fandom that it has been more or less established as having happened in the fictional world, but it has not actually been established as having happened in the books themselves. Fanon is a portmanteau word of fan and canon. Things which are considered fanon are things that are not strictly canon, but do not contradict it and are widely accepted by most fans. The existence of the Sons of Discord offshoot of the Daughters of Cacophony, for example, is fanon.
- Fanon is a portmanteau word comprised out of the words "fan" and "canon". It refers to so-called "facts" that a significant number of fans think are true, but for which there is no evidence in any official material. A piece of fanon usually becomes widespread due to having been discussed and picked up by other fans. Some fanon is based on misinterpretations of canon (especially when translations from Japanese material are involved) and some is simply stuff fans made up. While fanon originates with fans rather than the official canon of the Transformers multiverse, it sometimes becomes incorporated into the canon via retcon or other means if a writer decides to establish the fans' interpretation in official fiction. Sometimes, this can also happen because an official writer mistakes fanon f
- Fanon (short for fan canon) is comprised of rumors, lies, and/or statements made up by fans of a series that are not part of official canon. Creators of fanon material may or may not publicly acknowledge its absence from canon. Some well-known fanon statements:
- Fanon is a term for theories and ideas created by the fans, such as original characters, storylines, and themes. While fanon characters and storylines, due to their lack of usage in the show due to their fan origins, are usually acknowledged as such and ignored, occasionally fanon names and birthdays for unnamed canonical characters catch on and are passed off as canon by fans, creating confusion. One example is Mrs. McCormick, whose name has never been given on-screen, although the names Peggy and Susan have been used in the past, and Carol (based on a line in "Cripple Fight") has remained popular enough some mistakenly believe it is canon. Other examples include the name Rebecca Bertha Tucker for Red and various fanon nicknames for the Goth Kids.
- While Canon is limited to that which has actually been described in the source, Fanon is the set of theories based on that material. Fanon fills in perceived contradictions or gaps in the canon, answer (or ask) questions that the source material either will not or cannot address, or simply hasn't addressed before.
- Esta es una región, que si no fuera por los exploradores de teselia, no estaría habitada debido a sus impenetrables selvas. Al nor-este y noroeste hay dos enormes volcanes gemelos y al sur uno enorme y extraño, rodeado de un páramo nevado. Hay 5 ciudades y 7 pueblos, aunque estos son bastante grandes. Las dos principales ciudades son Ciudad Bambú y Ciudad Madreselva, cada una situada en un extremo distinto de la selva que hay en el centro. Al sur, hay un páramo nevado casi deshabitado donde solo estan las ruinas del antiguo Pueblo Polar, y hay un enorme lago al oeste llamado Pequeño Mar, que desemboca en el Mar, donde se forman unos deltas en forma de cuatro pequeñas islas. Esta costa esta a raya de la selva y en ella esta Ciudad Cantina y Pueblo Cactús. Entre los volcanes gemelos hay una
- Fanon can take the form of personal beliefs held by individuals, such as hypothesising on characters' eventual spouses and children. An example of this is that Lyra Silvertongue somehow married Will Parry. There is no basis for this statement in canon, and is most likely "wish-fulfillment" on the part of the fans who wish to see their favourite characters happy.
- Fanon is a "fact" or ongoing situation related to television programs, books, films, or video games that has been used so much by fan writers or among fandom that it has been more or less established as having happened in the fictional world, but which does not appear in any official work from the original authors, scriptwriters or producers. Fanon is a portmanteau of fan and canon.