| - Olivia Wilde (b. 1984) is an actress and fashion model best known for her role as Dr. Remy Hadley in the FOX series House with Hugh Laurie and played Quorra in Disney's Tron: Legacy with Jeff Bridges. Wilde met Rowlf the Dog backstage at Saturday Night Live when Jason Segel was hosting the show to promote the new Muppets movie. She was about to make a cameo appearance in the SNL Digital Short that same night. Wilde commented on her Twitter, "Met Rolf the dog backstage at SNL and he put his paw around me... Thus topping my Bill Clinton shoulder squeeze. Swoon."
- Olivia Wilde (* 10. März 1984 in New York City; als Olivia Jane Cockburn) ist eine irisch-US-amerikanische Schauspielerin. In der Serie Dr. House verkörpert sie die Ärztin Dr. Remy „Dreizehn“ Hadley die in der vierten Staffel zum „Team“ stößt.
- Olivia Wilde es una actriz Estadounidense.
- Olivia Jane Cockburn (born March 10, 1984), known professionally as Olivia Wilde, is an Irish American actress, screenwriter, producer, director, and model. She has appeared in a number of television and film productions. Wilde has starred in TV productions such as The O.C., The Black Donnellys and House, M.D., and in films such as Tron: Legacy, Cowboys & Aliens, In Time, and Drinking Buddies.
- Olivia Wilde (born Olivia Jane Cockburn; March 10, 1984) is an Irish-American actress. She portrays Quorra in the 2010 film TRON: Legacy.
- Wilde provides the voice of Denise in "Introducing the Naughty Stewardesses".
- Olivia Jane Cockburn (ur. 10 marca 1984 w Nowym Yorku) - szerzej znana jako Olivia Wilde. Aktorka, w serialu Dr.House gra rolę Trzynastki. Występuje od czwartego sezonu. 7 lipca 2003 roku aktorka poślubiła Tao Ruspoliego, amerykańskiego twórcę filmów dokumentalnych, fotografa i gitarzystę flamenco. Uroczystość odbyła się w autobusie szkolnym w Waszyngtonie, zaproszono na nią jedynie świadków pary. Obecnie Olivia wraz z mężem mieszka i pracuje w Venice, dzielnicy Los Angeles. Wilde możecie zobaczyć w Tron: Legacy i Cowboys & Aliens.
- Olivia Jane Wilde (born Olivia Jane Cockburn) is an American actress and fashion model who is best known for her roles as Alex Kelly on the Fox teen drama series The O.C. from 2004 to 2005, Jenny Reilly on the NBC drama series The Black Donnellys in 2007, and as Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley on the Fox medical drama series, House from 2007 to 2012. She also posed as The Evil Queen in "Where Magic Speaks, Even When You are not the Fairest of them All" in the Disney Dream Portrait Series.
- Wilde was born in New York City. Her mother, Leslie Cockburn (née Redlich), is an American-born 60 Minutes producer and journalist. Her father, Andrew Cockburn, a journalist, was born in London to British parents and raised in Ireland; her uncles, Alexander Cockburn and Patrick Cockburn, also worked as journalists. Wilde's older sister, Chloe Cockburn, is a civil rights attorney in New York; her aunt, Sarah Caudwell, was a writer, and her paternal grandfather, Claud Cockburn, was a novelist and journalist.