- Oblivion is a lost and forgoten world inside a void of darkness it has been home to meny races
- The film received mixed reviews. The acting, visual effects, and originality were praised, while reception of the story was mixed. The film underperformed at the American box office, grossing only $89 million, but performed well overseas. The film grossed more than $200 million worldwide.
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ist das vierte Spiel der "The Elder Scrolls"-Reihe und wurde 2006 veröffentlicht. Entwickler war Bethesda und Publisher Take 2. Das erste offizielle AddOn erschien am 23.11.06 und heißt Knights of the Nine. Das zweite AddOn Shivering Isles erschien am 1. April 2007.
- Oblivion is the sentient mind of the very vacuum of space. Not the planets, or stars that inhabit it - he is the personification of void. He watches as every thing around him vanishes and dies but feels nothing as he has let them live within his very form for eons. With matter there must be space to hold it, and Oblivion provides that space. It is thought that he may be the eldest or indeed one of the elder siblings of the Eternal Pantheon.
- Oblivion ist ein Gesellschafftsspiel, welches bei Menschen epileptische Anfälle verursacht. Es ist ein so genanntes Killerspiel, welche die Behörden ja so stark verurteilen. Weitere Killerspiele sind:
* Das tote Pferd am Ponyhof
* Detektiv Conan und die Schokoladenfabrik
* Bibi Blocksberg gegen die böse Gundula
* Benjamin Blümchen kommt ins Krankenhaus
- The entity that became known as Oblivion was originally a concept that developed in the mind of a young Kyle Rayner of Earth who imagined a powerful supervillain that was the distillation of his fears, doubts and darker impulses. When he became the last member of the Green Lantern Corps, he unknowingly began to tap into his power ring. After the murder of Alexandra DeWitt, Kyle began to subconscious fears and doubts led to the birth of a cosmic entity from his childhood called Oblivion. Once formed without its creator's knowledge, the entity began a slow process of attempting to find Kyle Rayner in order to merge with him.
- Oblivion was a liquor created by Hestera Spikesap, containing powdered Bloodoak Acorns. Vox Verlix became addicted to it in later life, and after he created the Dark Maelstrom, Hestera murdered him with a poisoned bottle of the drink.
- Oblivion was where everyone went after they died. It was supposedly pretty "meh." The place was supposedly overseen by a Lord of unknown affiliation, but possibly Sith. Of course, this is all pretty much academic, because those who did return from Oblivion, either as Force ghosts or otherwise, never talked about it. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- Oblivion (忘却の彼方 〜蛮神シヴァ討滅戦〜, Oubli) est le thème durant la seconde phase de combat contre Shiva. Composé par Masayoshi Soken, écrit par Michael-Christopher Koji Fox, et interprété par Ayumi Murata.
- "Oblivion" is a music track that appeared in Dead or Alive 5 as the stage theme for Sanctuary.
- In an alternate future, Oblivion is the alias used by John after his conversion into a tyrannical despot. Believing that the end justifies the means, Oblivion decimated his friends and other opposition in his crusade for world peace. He was eventually successful in accomplishing his goal although at the cost of free will. Diverting from the Prime Universe's timeline after the events of Eyes, Oblivion's timeline was ultimately averted by himself – John from the Prime Universe. However, Oblivion maintained his existence by following John back to his timeline and has remained an enemy ever since. He is voiced by KM, created by KM, and made his debut during the first season of Bandit Territory.
- The film received mixed reviews. The acting and visual effects were praised, while critiques of the story were mixed. It performed well at the box office, particularly outside of the US. It is Cruise's twentieth film to gross more than $200 million worldwide.
- Oblivion guild is dedicated to Dofus players, focused on supporting its members through hunts and cooperative leveling. We encourage giving xp to the guild, but do not require it. At this point we are recruiting any level F2P and P2P player that shares our vision. All classes are also welcome, we just ask that you be civil to fellow guildmates and have a friendly attitude.
- Kortan becomes fed up with Malone, and chooses the recently captured Neil Dundee to be his new human key. Neil will be placed in the Room of Oblivion, which will erase his identity. Arak is sent to find Malone, who is on the run. Malone comes to Quentin for help, and tells the story of his own experience in the Room of Oblivion. Malone leads them into a trap in the tunnels under Moganda, hoping to buy back Kortan's favor. Quentin reaches the Room of Oblivion in time to save Neil, and he takes Malone hostage and threatens to kill him (thereby preventing the armory from being accessed) if Kortan does not let them go. fr:La cité de l'oubli
- Oblivion est un long-métrage d'action réalisé par Michael Bay, sorti en 2009. Le titre original, Codename : CLR (Cute Little Rabbit) n'a pas été retenu.
- Oblivion is a 2013 American science fiction film co-written, produced and directed by Joseph Kosinski, which stars Tom Cruise, Olga Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough and Morgan Freeman. The film has a Duran Duran connection.
- De velden waaruit Oblivion bestaat worden vooral gedefinieerd door uitsluiting. Ieder veld dat niet Nirn is, noch een van de planeten of manen, en ook niet Aetherius zelf, wordt over het algemeen beschouwd als één van de velden van Oblivion. Het is geloofd dat er een oneindig aantal van dergelijke velden zijn, hoewel Tamriëlische onderzoekers alleen maar weten van het bestaan van een klein handvol. In het bijzonder gelooft men dat ieder van de zestien Daedrische Prinsen over zijn eigen rijk heerst, en dat gevormd heeft naar eigen voorkeur.
- Oblivion is a sci-fi thriller movie that came out on April 19, 2013. It stars Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman.
- Adelphi and Odysseus are destroyed attempting to defend the system as the invasion of allied space begins. This is the twenty-seventh episode of Star Trek: Abandoned.
- Self buff that decreases the threat you present to any mobs for a period of time. (i.e. reducing the likelihood of attracting aggro.)
- Oblivion is a sci-fi thriller movie coming out in August 19, 2013. It stars Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman. Oblivion File:Obliv1.jpg"Earth is a memory worth fighting for" Directed By Joseph Kosinski Written By William Monahan Cast Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman Release Date April 19, 2013
- A planet filled with physical rage as its extreme and unbearable heats avoid away ant attempts of Scientific progression and making any ideas of terraforming into a complete and far fetched joke. From the columns o agonizing flames and spirals of toxic and deadly smoke, to the lakes of molten lava and lack of oxygen, it was what many called infinite death, Oblivion. No outpost dots this desolate planet or even in its near orbit, it is left unclaimed to torture itself with the conflict of consistent volcanic eruptions.
- Just follow the direction the arrows are pointing. This stage is the same Stage as Fall Down from SMB1 (Expert Floor 26)
- Oblivion is a sketchy bar that frequently had peanut shells on the floor.
- Oblivion is a member of the Church Of Mailtoad, simply to provide comic releif attending Church services who would otherwise be bored shitless.
- Oblivion is a Quantum Supercharge in the Space tree.
- The energies from these realms flow into the Nexus, where balance is sought between the forces of Order and Chaos. The Nexus also connects them to the physical realm of Mortalis.
- Oblivion is the son of Cronus, devoured by him at birth from the womb of Rhea, and later regurgitated as a means of revenge against the gods. Upon the creation of Devastation, Oblivion gifted her with the ability to rewrite memories.
- Is A Venator Class Star Destroyer In The Mandalore Fleet Commanded By Shade
- Oblivion is a professional wrestler best known for his stints in UCW and CWF.
- thumb|250px|Portón a Oblivion Oblivion se refiere a un subconjunto de planos en la saga de The Elder Scrolls, precisamente en The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Los habitantes de Oblivion al morir físicamente regresan a Oblivion donde esperan hasta volver a la vida, por eso se les llama Inmortales.
- It is a dimension that serves as a prison for worse criminals than those of in the Omega Dimension. It also has the power to confuse anyone with false visions as they stay inside their cells that look like cubes. It has a powerful magic that even any powerful convergence magic cannot stabilize its portal. There is an entrance that can be summoned as an ocean gate in Andros. There is also another way to enter it - through a powerful dark spell that requires a young ruler to create a portal to it.
- Oblivion is a oneshot fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Courtanie.
- Oblivion is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications.
- Oblivion opened in 1998 and was the steepest roller-coaster in Europe at an angle of 87 degrees. It is the most-ridden roller-coaster in Alton Towers. It is the third steepest roller-coaster in UK, after Mumbo Jumbo in Flamingo Land Resort, Yorkshire and Rage in Adventure Land, Southend,
- Oblivion doesn't allow SP to recover naturally and cannot be canceled by Lex Divina or Green Potion. You cannot use skills while caught by Oblivion ashes. Oblivion lasts for 300 seconds.
- It was built from the remains of a giant orbital facility and as it's population grew, more attachments were constructed onto the object. Many trade routes were established connecting the station to several regions across the galaxy, making it the center of Null Space's economy.
- Ein Kriegsgericht entsendet einen Veteranen-Soldat zu einem entfernten Planeten, wo er die Überreste einer Alien-Rasse vernichten soll. Die Ankunft einer unerwarteten Reisenden bringt ihn dazu zu hinterfragen was er über den Planeten, die Mission und sich selbst weiß.
- Oblivion is the quintessential role-playing game for the next generation and another leap forward in gaming. Step inside the most richly detailed and vibrant game world ever created. "Oblivion" is the latest chapter in the epic and highly successful "Elder Scrolls" saga and utilises the latest next-generation video game hardware to fully immerse gamers in the experience. With "Oblivion"'s powerful combination of free-form gameplay and unprecedented graphics, players can unravel the main quest at their own pace or explore the vast world and find their own challenges.
- Oblivion was a pagan deity with power over memories. She is one of the three river Styx. She appears in the book Bobby Singer's Guide to Hunting.
- Oblivion is a large googolism coined by Jonathan Bowers. It is defined as "the largest number defined using no more than a kungulus symbols in some K(gongulus) system", where a "K(n) system" is a "complete and well-defined system of mathematics that can be described with no more than n symbols". It is claimed to be larger than Rayo's Number, BIG FOOT and by extension Little Bigeddon, whom he speculates to be something like K(10,000) systems. It is allegedly the second-largest number Bowers has defined, only smaller than Utter Oblivion.
- Sus ojos se abrieron de repente. La grisácea claridad de una luz que parecía venir de todas partes hirió sus pupilas. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevaba dormido? No lo sabía con certeza. Su cabeza daba vueltas y sentía los miembros entumidos. ¡Dios, que frío tan horrendo le invadía! Se incorporó, lentamente, y miró, confundido, la habitación en la que se encontraba. ¿No era ese su cuarto de siempre, su lugar seguro? No, no sabía bien cómo, o por qué, pero las cosas se rightveían… diferentes.Caminó, lentamente, hacia la puerta. ¡La puerta! ¿Dónde estaba la puerta? “No te mires”, pensó. Era sólo su reflejo… ¿O no?
- Oblivion is a super planet six times larger than terra and only one of two celestial body in the Duos Sphereres system, with its massive moon Gemini residing in close orbit. This close position of its moon has resorted in Oblivion being both extremely tectonically unstable and home to perhaps some of the most dangerous weather in the Galaxy. With the pull of its moons gravity causing the lava it produces to behave in a extremely atypical way. rendering it one of the galaxies deadliest Death Worlds. The unique and incredible delicate environment of Oblivion sees the lava it produces thrown so high into the atmosphere that it is drawn towards Gemini gravitational field. This has created massive funnel like Volcanos and numerous asteroids circling Oblivion, with the massive contrast range of
- Oblivion is a great blank whiteness, in-between dimensions. Most of the early Bill and Bob cartoons are situated here, likely due to the fact that alexpen had not designed an actual setting for the characters at the time. It has since reappeared in several cartoons which didn't need a specific location for their plot to take place.
- Oblivion is a vastly powerful creature first introduced in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil as an unseen secondary antagonist and then featured as the main antagonist and final boss in Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion. Oblivion is an ancient, savage entity, a cosmic life form capable of devouring entire worlds, rendering them lifeless and barren.
- The final level, as well as the lowest, in all ETERNiTY. Sealed from the vision of anyone who isn't qualified to enter, the Gatekeeper is [[Ragna Flair]] There is very little known about what this is. Some theorize it to be an eternal prison to those who have been sentenced to a fate worse thsn hell or that of the [[V0iD]]. Others believe it is place where beings originated from, as in the past existence that [[The Celestial]] speaks of when he was first born, though this is often theorized to be the [[Realm of the Forgotten]], before it became another sealed area in itself.
- Oblivion is the upcoming debut album by singer Tristan Banhart. The debut single from it, Theories, is to be released in a few weeks, just days before the album. It will be independently released both as a physical CD, and a digital download which includes a live version of Theories and an acoustic version of Gone Forever.
- Oblivion is a character from Marvel Comics. It is the embodiment of nonexistence, residing beyond the multiverse and all the abstract personifications that make up its totality. While entities such as Eternity, Infinity, Death and even The Living Tribunal are connected to creation, and personify concepts essential for existence (Such as Time, Space, Death, or Order), Oblivion "exists" entirely beyond it, being outside form, shape, space and time. According to his own words, creation is cyclical, always being birthed from the nothingness that he embodies, and eventually always returning to nothingness.
- John Kent is standing on the edge of a cliff, After a long time standing there he walks off the cliff. and lands on 1 billion bottles of Booze John Finds A Book After drinking all the booze he opens the book and more bottles of booze spring out The title of the book was called How not to get drunk he read the book Step 1) get drunk Step 2) get undrunk Step 3) get more drunk raiped fire AP/AA/AT cannon and a flag of britan the biscuits lined up for one mass attack the biscuits ran towards John Wave after wave soon John was over-welmed by the amout of biscuits John: "where am i" Guy: "nowhere" Guy: "nowhere"
- By the nine divines, I'm being attacked! Help! Help! Oblivion isn't a fun place to be. Oblivious is a theorem doctored by Skeletor. It consists of the theory that certain places contain varying degrees of particle-type energy resulting in the 'impotence' of synapses in the human brain. Here is a brief list of places that fit this MO:
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is an action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks and the Take-Two Interactive division 2K Games. It is the fourth installment in The Elder Scrolls action fantasy video game series.
- Oblivion was entered by Team Trinity into Series 2 of Robot Wars, later competing in Series 3 and 4. It was made by Trinity School, Croydon (now known as Trinity School of John Whitgift) as a sponsored project. It was fast at 12-20mph but lightweight at only 58.7kg. It was defeated in the Heat Final of Series 2, after being "pepper-potted" by Mortis. The team would later enter every following series of Robot Wars with Supernova.
- Speak to Sir Siron and ask him about the shrine of the Dragonslayers and how you want to destroy the curses of the Barrows Brothers. Now you must kill all the Barrows curses and open the chest at the end to get the reward and a symbol of the Dragonslayers. Now go back to Siron and show him the symbol, he will then make a key out of it then tell you to make your way to the Dragonslayers cult shrine. Now kill it and take its Cult Key. Then use it on the Ancient Door in the room. Follow him as he runs into the room north labelled: Room of Zamorak. Congratulations, quest completed!
- The one thing that Oblivion is noted for is it's laws, or lacking thereof. Bael makes chaos and torment Oblivion's only law, as well as his entertainment. It has a Patriarchal society in which women usually tend to be servants and slaves, and very rarely are noticed as more than mere objects to be used and shown off. Regardless, women are aloud to serve in Bael's Gladiatorial Arena since everyone is aloud to though these women tend to be very barbaric and masculine, not allowing any feminicity to give male combatants ideas. Bael personally surrounds himself with women as mere sex-slaves or trophies, his palace being filled with lustful, mindless dolls.
- "Oblivion" is rather vaguely described in the story, and in less than great detail. Apparently, Oblivion is the state of having been completely forgotten--it is stated during Chapter 3 that because the Undersea City has been tainted by Oblivion, it is no longer part of anyone's memory. {| width="70%" style="background: transparent;" | valign="top" style="background: #f3dbf3; border: 1px dashed #7d4c7f; padding: .5em 1em; margin: 1em;"| |}