| - While still making quips and delivering some truly hilarious physical gags and lines of dialogue, Tom Baker also proves how awesome he is when sincere as his Doctor turns into a furious badass action star. All you special snowflake Tumblrfags who wanna bone David Tennant because "AWH, THE MAN WHO NEVER WOULD <3" can eat shit, I'mma just be chillin' over here watching Four flat out snap some scrublord's neck. Sarah is also awesome in this one, being smart and inquisitive in every situation, and rebutting a sexist remark from Scorbi in a brief and badass way that's actually appropriate to the situation, instead of just being instantly triggered and stopping everything dead for a 50 page essay on feminism and the depiction of women in the media like she probably would if this story were written today. Also, while this is gonna sound fruity as fuck, her relationship with the Fourth Doctor is... *ahem*... adorable... The main villain of the story is a guy by the name of Harrison Chase, and holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck he is creepy. Like, so many other Doctor Who stories (specifically in NuWho) think the key to making a good villain is to just make them batshit retarded and over the top, but Chase is eerily calm pretty much all the time, even when doing something physically violent like when he's torturing the Doctor by continually picking him up and throwing him into a pile of barrels, yet he still remains with a skin-crawlingly sombre expression. Even when things go his way there's never even a smirk, it's just a constant blank face. And unlike Morgus, the performance doesn't feel flat or unenthusiastic; its absolutely perfect for the character. The rest of the cast are pretty great, especially Scorbi and the artist lady.