| - - Rampage: Total Destruction
- Edwin has never really been normal. Even before his accident, he had an almost symbiotic relationship with his secateurs and a strange glint in his eyes... But since being struck by lightning, there's no doubt about it: he's now well and truly at home with the Nightmare clan. Some members of the clan have even started having nightmares since he turned up...
- Edwin is a preschooler who made his first appearance in the episode "D.W. All Wet". Throughout the entire series he has spoken three times, which happened in the episodes Bleep, D.W. Aims High, and The Secret About Secrets. He attends the Elwood City Preschool and is mostly seen in the background at school.
- Edwin is a tasty guy who loves food and will gladly eat mayonnaise straight out of the jar. He's sort of an oddball and loves talking about his favorite food. He appears in MySims Galaxy, MySims Townies MySims Islanders and MySims Fusion.
- Edwin died when he was paralyzed by Royce with a plant toxin and left as a booby-trap, rigged with explosives, for the Super Predators to find.
- Edwin is a Ebon Vanguard consumables crafter.
- Edwin is a character in Might & Magic X: Legacy.
- Edwin is a character mentioned in Fallout 4.
- Edwin is a powerful mixed-traffic tank engine.
- Edwin is a male Human, NPC, Merchant that can be found in western Pixiewood, located in Sanctuary. Edwin sells items, and was introduced in-game on December 18, 2013. The character Edwin was influenced by the late illustrator Edwin Rosell, a former Sony Online Entertainment employee that defined the look of Free Realms through concept art, character and environment design, texturing, Trading Card Game art, and more. Rosell passed away in December 2013.
- Edwin [ED-win] is a citizen of Domiax. He is twenty-six years old when he first appears in the story. When the Blonde Law was enacted, Edwin's mother and sister were forced into exile. His father and two older brothers left with them. But, because the government classified him as a "genius" under the Future Security Act, Edwin was forced to stay behind.
- Edwin is a monster who appears in the Sesame Street video game, Ready, Set, Grover! He appears in several activities during the game, including getting a healthy meal from Hooper's Store. When Grover asks him to show Elmo and Abby his amazing monster dance, he reveals he is instead prepared to show them his amazing monster pants (having misheard Grover).
- Edwin es un personaje de única aparición de los cómics de Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy.
- Edwin is a tasty guy who loves food and will gladly eat mayonnaise straight out of the jar. He is sort of an oddball, and loves talking about his favorite foods.
- Edwin, portrayed by Tim Chiou, is a guest character on 2 Broke Girls. He is the handsome Asian web designer and potential love interest to Caroline.
- EdWin (or EDDOS for the MS-DOS version) is the official map editor distributed with Red Alert 1. Since it was only intended for the creation of multiplayer maps, it only allows editing the terrain and adding multiplayer spawn points on it. A more comprehensive map editor that allows adding and editing units, buildings and map scripting is the unofficial C&C-RAED.
- Filho primogénito de Edwin McGraw e de Gwendalyn, Edwin foi raptado por Sigarr após a derrota da feiticeira obscura e forçado a viver na Ilha do Fogo, treinando para com o seu mestre para ser aprendiz da Arte Obscura. Apesar das tentativas de Sigarr para corromper a sua alma e despertar o dom que o sangue de Gwendalyn lhe transmitiu, Edwin não se submeteu à escuridão, ajudado por Edwina, com que tem um laço especial.
- A rabbit hole explodes in the ground in the middle of some woods, next to an abandoned child's tea party that appears to have been left for a very long time. A young Alice emerges from the hole, having just returned from her very first visit to Wonderland, and joyfully states that she's home. She then runs across a fallen tree trunk, acting as a bridge, and then she proceeds to speed through a vast open field. She eventually reaches a long road and begins to call out for her father as she gets closer to her home. She attempts to open the door, but it's locked, so she knocks heavily on it, calling out for her father. He eventually opens the door and is shocked to see his daughter, who tells him that he won't believe where she's been. As she begins to tell the story of where she went, her st
- Edwin in this age has similarities to 18th century Britain. It is one of the major world powers at this time, a heavily industrial monarchy, and has several levels of society, from Royalty, to Aristocracy, to the middle class, the lower and slaves. Whilst some attempts at ending slavery are occurring at this time, the trade's perfectly legal. Edwin is usually in a state of conflict with Domus, and as such, the Edwin Royal Navy blockades the channel between the two nations, as well as attempting to claim other islands and lands for His Majesty. Maze also shows some hostility to Edwin, but they pose no threat to her armed forces, which are considered the best in the world at this time, since Kahun's splitting. The Edwin Army's uniform is a distinctive blood-red coat, crossed white by two str